Pieceful Monday
When I wasn’t reading posts, I played games with my family – we discovered the game Exploding Kittens, which we’ve had on our shelf for far too long without playing it. (Wilbs was a little put out with the name; however, that didn’t stop him from being in the middle of things while we played.) I did some reading (my son gave me a stack of books for Christmas – yippee!), baking, and took a few naps.
It was such fun to receive a sweet surprise in my mailbox during the holidays. My sweet friend Tracie sent me a little birthday gift.
I think she knows me well, don’t you? Pops of lime green, bright orange and squirrels! I love it. It will be useful in my quilt room and makes me smile whenever I look at it.
Fabric Fun
My daughter gave me some fabric for Christmas. Isn’t it pretty? She picked them out on her own. I can’t wait to use them (I already have plans for the green fabric). She also gave me this canvas fabric for me.
This is a very dynamic, bold piece – the cranes are quite large. She and I are pondering what to make with it. I’m thinking pillows, or maybe a bag.
Organizing My Space
I noticed a few of you were following along with Shelly over at Prairie Moon Quilts and her 2020 Final Countdown – where she gives an organizing task for us to accomplish. One was to organize our space, so I decided to tackle the mess on the dresser that holds my fat quarters, precuts, and batting. Here it is, before:
This is where I stack works in progress, along with fabric scraps from finished projects and other things I decide to ignore. Here it is, after:
It’s a bit bare, don’t you think? Not to worry, it won’t stay that way long, I’m sure. I really do need to get something on the design wall!
What’s Coming Up
I’ll be a guest host for the upcoming Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR) hosted by Quilting Gail. There are seven of us who are sewing together, and we’d love to have you join us.
What’s a Round Robin? You begin with a center block and add borders. In a typical Round Robin, the top is sent from one person to another, each one adding a border, and then it comes back to you. In this Stay At Home Round Robin, the whole project stays with you. You choose the center block and add the borders. Each week, one of us will show you the border we are adding so you can add it to yours.
This will be my first Round Robin quilt, so if you haven’t ever made one either, maybe you’d like to sew one along with me?
Gail has more information on her blog right here. I hope you take a minute to read through her post, and consider joining in.
So that’s the news from Pieceful Thoughts on this Pieceful Monday. Later this week, I’ll be showing you my first finish for 2021, so I hope you stop back!
Happy Stitching!

Little Miss Sunshine
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Cindy Pieters
Love the basket with the squirrels! Enjoy using those FQ’s the green looks like a fun one.
Great basket! Great fabric! Looking forward to the Round Robin although I have no idea what I’m doing yet! Have a great day Wendy!
My Sewful Retirement
Love the basket ! Your daughter did a great job picking FQ for you — I vote for you making a bag with the canvas fabric!
laura bruno lilly
Soooo, where did your ‘important stuff’ from the cleared off dresser go?????
Love the canvas fabric – great graphics that shouldn’t be cut up and thus diminished IMHO.
Quilting is in my Blood
I’ve played Exploding Kittens before. I gave it to my friend, Kristen’s then 11-year-old son, and we met at Traveler’s (a local coffee/beverage place) and all played a couple games. I miss being able to do things like that. Hopefully we all can do those kinds of activities again soon. I will be following your stay at home Round Robin. I really do want to make a medallion quilt sometime but probably not this year. As you read in my 2021 goals post, I have a lot going on already, and I’m about 90% sure I’m going to do the Shoal Sew-Along. I pulled some indigo fabrics from my mom’s stash to prewash (because they definitely smell musty!), so the likelihood seems to be increasing! Have a great day! Mary
Pretty fabrics. And happy birthday! The round robin sounds like fun. I’m going to check it out. I usually miss these first-of-the-year things because of our traveling. I hate starting out a few months behind, and so I don’t usually join in.
You have been spoilt — your friend and daughter have lovely taste in fabric. I smiled when I saw the photographs of your dresser top. I have a similar situation as that in your before photograph in my workroom and my pile of projects in progress is getting precariously high. Congratulations on tackling yours!!
Cheree Hull
Ooh, I like seeing that Christmas tree still up! Ours are too, tho I suppose I might start slowly taking things down now. We tried Exploding Kittens last summer and didn’t really seem to get what the hype is over it so I’ve been wondering what we’re missing? Those are some FUN and unique fabrics! Yay for organizing! When I got a new floor in my room a few months ago I feel like I got things pretty organized but I do need to kind of go over it yet. It’s like a ritual for the new year or something. Oh you are doing the Round Robin?? I’d decided I’d better not but hmm…
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Wendy, I had my studio all cleaned up and then sewing happened, so I know what you mean!! It adds up quickly. Just finishing up one of my blocks and I will have to clear out the garbage and getting a working space on the counter! LOL Your fabrics look so fun. The cranes are fabulous and I think that piece would make a great bag!! Have fun on your SAHRR. I contemplated joining but decided not to stress myself and just work on my other projects! LOL
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, Wendy! This was the perfect year to have your kids right there with you. Your daughter did a great job picking fabric for you! And you’ve made me curious to know what books your son picked out for you, too. I’m definitely going to join in on the SAHRR, just need to make a center block to start with. I think my order from Bernie’s shop should be delivered today so I can get started!
Sandra Walker
You sound a lot like I was over the holidays, a bit quiet, reading, and I could add in watching some good TV. Your daughter picked out some wonderful fabrics, (love the kitties in the right photo) and Tracie made you the perfect basket. Since I did basically two round robins in 2020, the last one being a medallion quilt, I will be watching what you quilters do with yours!
I absolutely LOVE the squirrels in the little basket you got for a gift! So thoughtful … and so YOU!!!
The SAHRR promises to be fun!
Happy Quilting! 🙂
Nancy Bekedam
Wowee, that squirrel basket from Tracie!!! Cute! Love the prints from your DD–of course some birds would be in there! And cats! I see your MD blocks in progress there… I’m looking forward to your round robin, stay home style!
Hi Wendy! I can just see Wilbs in the middle of the Exploding Kittens game. I think I would be a bit put out, too, at the name. What a fabulous and thoughtful birthday gift for your from Tracie. Yes, those fabrics are just perfect for you! I don’t have your BD on my calendar – how the heck did I miss that?! I’m sorry and Happy Happy Birthday to you! This is my first try participating in a round robin as well. It’s kind of fun so far, in spite of my continued issues with math. Geez! HAHA! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Diane Cannon
What a cute little basket–and those are some nice and cheery fabrics–will be fun watching to see how you use them–
I did go over and check out the info on SAHRR and will more than likely join you as I have just the right piece already done for the center block and have been thinking about how to finish it off!! so thanks for sharing the information with us–
luv, di
Carol Andrews
What a happy, peaceful post filled with fun and happy things. Wilbs does look a bit put out at your playing the game with such a name 😉. Great job on clearing off your dresser. It feels good to have things tidy!
Zenia Rene
It sounds like you had a lovely holiday spent w/family. Your kids give great gifts, books and yummy fabric, YAY! Good job on the clean up too!
Preeti Harris
The basket is lovely with a lovely bright inside!!! Enjoy your new fabrics. I am sure you will figure out a way to use them all. And if you have even the slightest problem, you can always send them to me 😀
Kathleen McCormick
Sounds like a lovely time. Great fabrics and I can’t wait to see what you make. You really got a fun stash. I beleive I have the olive print…and I definitely saw a RBG collar in the crane. I am sure you will come up with something fun….I think a bag would be perfect with the canvas.
Needle and Foot
What a great post – fun Christmas gifts, fabric, books, that cute basket. All wonderful!! I would love to know what books you are into. I just picked up another Julia Glass book at the library. (you have to order on line and then pick it up at the door – kinda weird but it works). Happy New Year Wendy. 🙂