Pieceful Thursday
LeeAnna asks us this week to share a little about smells or aromas that invoke emotions in us. Here are a few of mine:
- That first cup of coffee in the morning
- Bread baking in the oven
- Freshly cut limes
- Fresh basil rubbed between my fingers
- Chocolate in the air (back in the day when Malt-O-Meal would be making its chocolate MOM cereal)
Yep – mostly food related, no surprise there. I do have memories of scents, like my mother’s perfume (Occur by Avon). I also like the smell of freshly cut wood, closely followed by the smells of stain and varnish. One memory of a smell that was very distinct and not necessarily pleasant was that of resin. My dad and my brother made redwood strip canoes in our basement and applied the resin to them in our two-car garage which was below our house. It was very strong and intense.
My sense of smell has changed since I had Covid, but I’m happy that it is mostly back and close to normal. I still get odd smells in my nose that I can’t identify, which is typical for those of us who have been affected that way by Covid.
Family Time
We met up with our son, daughter, and Tundra for some ice cream the other night. It was a lovely warm evening. Once the ice cream was in hand, we found a nice spot by the river to eat it.
This view is looking upstream of the Cannon River, which flows through our town. The river was running high, but I’m quite sure that it has reached the high water mark in the photo now that we’ve had so much rain.
What I’m Reading
I recently finished this book, and it was an enjoyable read. Without giving too much away, I’ll describe it as “A Man Called Ove for booklovers”.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs and I had a little fun with a squirrel project this past week, one where I just decided I had to make it – so I dropped everything and made it. I hope to make another one and write up a full DrEAMi post before the end of the month.
Wilbs took care of quality control, closely inspecting to be sure things were ready for the next step.
Once his inspection was done, I finished the fabric bin.
This is made from the Lagom Storage Bins pattern by Sotak Handmade. The pattern offers five sizes, and this bin is the large size, measuring 8″ x 8″ x 7-3/4″. It’s quite large (see Wilbs on the left for reference). It is a fun pattern to make and was finished in an afternoon. I have a plan for this bin in my new quilt room, so we’ll see if it works out as I’m hoping.
Well, my coffee is gone, and my Pieceful Thursday post is finished. Thanks for stopping by!

I Like Thursday

Seaside Squirrel
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Barbara J Stanbro
It looks as if Wilbur has honed his inspection skills. Good kitty.
Cocoa Quilts
Nice post Wendy. I have some of those same smell favorites. One to add is the sawdust, reminds me of my dad working in his woodshop. Another is pipe smoke, Dad used to smoke a pipe. When we first moved to SC, I was on my evening walk and suddenly smelt a pipe, once I got the the smoker, I stopped and we chatted. He was thrilled that someone enjoyed that smell with him. Have a great week.
Enjoyed a cup of coffee with you as I read your post. Love that fabric and the bin it’s become
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Warm enough for short sleeves and ice cream; yay for spring! The large bin is lovely and great choice of print for the exterior. 🙂
The Morning Latte
I would agree with your list! I had to think of what would evoke special emotions and thought of the smell of wheat being cut (and the grain in the back of the truck), and the inside of our barn (hay, horses, cows etc–not nec a bad mix!)…always love freshly cut grass. Nice to have good weather to get out and be with fam! Wilbs for sure loves the fabric you chose there! LOL
I am seeing what Yvonne saw…short sleeves and ice cream! Yippeeeee! I am looking forward to the smell of the turned earth and freshly mowed grass! And I am in love with the fabric you chose to make your basket! 🙂
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Yes to the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning! Love that you got to meet the kids for ice cream and eat it outside, too. I just put that book on my library hold list. It sounds like a good one!
Rochelle Summers
MMM, fresh baked brownies and a hot cup of tea. Strawberries. The smell of the tobacco shop (but not the smoke). Wilbs makes a great inspector. I love the fabric and look forward to the future blog. A warm evening would be wonderful. Love ice cream.
Smelling is a sense of us ..and brings back good and bad memories. I think there is nobody who do not know this. Again – my africa theme, when we were in the camp… and you sit there in total silence (it is no silence because you here the animals) i said to my hubby .. africa smells so nice. Love to read here the memories you all have. When my dad was in the basement and prepared the ski with an old iron from my mum that the ski runs faster… love this smoke … knowing that the time to go skiing with my dad was ahead.
Thanks for this nice post – and yes – same here -small projects under the needle. Love the baskets!
I really like your bird bin. That’s cute!
basil! I love growing it just to smell in in my fingers. MIlo likes it too, and comes over to take a big whiff. Sad about the long covid symptom… sorry you have that.
People forget about some long symptoms… a friend’s parent had to have heart surgery from it for instance.
I had meningitis, and it left me with dyslexia for numbers but only sporadically. I always get DH to check my numbers on forms.
Kathleen McCormick
The smells….so many are ones that evoke memories for me…coffee, bread baking, chocolate in the air (Hershey Park) …and a few others…fertilizer on the fields in spring, sweet flower smell in spring when the blooming begins, and the ice cream shop smell. OK….I could be hungry now. Love your little project….my charm basket was so much fun that I made, more will be coming.
The smell of coffee in the morning and fresh bread baking are two of the best smells ever. Love your bin, those birdies along the side are really fun.
Jocelyn Thurston
would you loan Wilbs out? I badly need quality control or just control period in my sewing room. He is adorable though isn’t he? I enjoyed reading about your favourite smells…I love the idea of memories associated with them. I don’t have a strong sense of smell..could never be a perfumer. LOL but happy yours is returning for you.
Hi Wendy! Look how nicely Wilbs is sitting for his picture. He’s such a sweetheart and just the best in-house inspector. Spending time with your peeps is just the best isn’t it? And the bonus of a bit of ice cream, too?! Nice all around. Happy Friday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
I remember Occur! Tundra is a beautiful dog. Oh that handsome boy Wilbs – he has such a self-satisfied look on his face. 😉 Your fabric bin is really nice – LOVE the fabric!
The Joyful Quilter
Super cute squirrel project, Wendy! That’s about the size my Quilted Scrap Baskets turn out. Tutorial available on my blog.
Angela Grasse
Oh, bread baking in the oven. Love that smell!