Pieceful Thursday – Foodie Version
I’m calling this post Pieceful Thursday – Foodie Version, since most of what I’m going to share relates to food. I’m joining in with LeeAnna and the rest of the bloggers listed over at Not Afraid of Color for our weekly I Like Thursday posts. If you’re enjoying your coffee, and want an excuse to sip another cup, why not pop over there and read a few of the other ILT posts? We are a varied and chatty bunch, and I always find something interesting from my fellow bloggers.
Now that my challenge quilt is done and posted, I’ve been playing a bit of catch up with some of my other ongoing projects. I’m quite far behind. This week, however, we have had a birthday to celebrate with our daughter, so we went to a new-to-us sushi restaurant in our area. It was a lovely evening together. Following that, all of BigJ’s siblings and their families were in town, so we all gathered for a family photo and then enjoyed a lovely meal (brats and burgers) at his brother’s home. It was fun to catch up with everyone. Needless to say, not much catching up has been happening in the quilt room, but I should be able to spend a few days in there before the rest of the week is done.
Speaking of quilt rooms, I promise I will be showing my new space soon. I’m working on getting some good photos to share with you. The surfaces are already getting cluttered while I’m trying to figure out what to put where. I did conquer the dilemma of where to store my fabric scraps, so that was good progress. I’ll include that in my post, too.
For the month of July, I set a personal goal to walk at least one mile a day, and I’m happy to say I achieved my goal, missing only a few days. I have a variety of trails in my area. Here’s a photo of a favorite that I walked yesterday.

I enjoy this trail on the hot days because of the nice spots of shade along the way. It is a popular trail for bikes, so I usually go a bit later in the morning after all the early birds are finished with their workouts. I’ve enjoyed walking each day, and my goal for August is to try to walk 2 miles each day. We’ll see how I do!
Then it was time to freeze the blueberries that we picked up on Tuesday morning. Earlier this year, we gave BigJ a food sealer as a gift. He likes it for prepping food for camping, but it works great for blueberries, too.

Those of you following my blog long enough will not be surprised to see Wilbs right there in the middle of all the action. He thought the food sealer was fascinating. Notice how I managed to also sneak a little quilt into the photo – ha!
Since I was in the kitchen and the counters were finally clear of all the pans from the blueberries, I mixed up another jar of our current foodie crush – green chimchurri sauce. I love this stuff! It’s great on steaks or burgers, but I particularly enjoy it in my hummus bowls.

We buy the mix from The Spice House (no affiliation). It’s easy to mix up, just adding in the liquids. It makes just about a pint of sauce.
I also wanted to make some pickled red onion, so I got that done, too.

The red onion was big – that’s a quart jar. I can’t wait to add these to my hummus bowls, too. There are burgers on the menu tonight (Wed. nite), so I might sneak a few out, even if it’s a little early.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs is slowly getting used to the new quilt room. He recognizes the room, but it’s bigger and the sounds are different, so it’s taking a little getting used to. I’m trying to figure out what type of bed he might like. In this photo, he’s finally thinking that self-heating mat is not too bad when it’s on top of a cushy pillow.

I might have to find a basket to fit that set up. He was snoozing when I turned to take the photo, so he’s looking a little grumpy because I woke him. It’s a rough life.
What about you – are you enjoying a pieceful Thursday in your quilt room? Do you have a favorite food you are enjoying this summer?
Thanks for stopping in to read my Pieceful Thursday – Foodie Version post!

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Barbara J Stanbro
We discovered chimichurri a few years back. So good on everything.
LA Paylor
awe…. loved this. Wilbs is adorable as always. How fun to have a new sewing space to create your happy place. Never tried chimichuri
I love that view of your walking trail – looks cool and inviting! I like to try and walk every day, too. Yum on the sushi, blueberries, and other goodies! I haven’t tried chimichuri – is it spicy? Wilbs looks like he could get comfortable in that spot. Looking forward to seeing more about your quilt room!
laura bruno lilly
Food sealers are versatile! I love mine.
Happy to hear of your foodie escapades, Wendy!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Cats are so funny and particular about their sleeping setups. A pillow on top of the self-warming mat looks like a pretty cozy setup! We are enjoying homemade grape juice popsicles to help beat the heat this summer.
Rochelle Summers
Wonderful post. So nice to have family get togethers. Mine comes in a couple of weeks when my granddaughters will be here for 4 short days, We have been enjoying fresh fruit like the apricots. Have to get them before the horse does (yes, really, the horse)! Is that chimichuri sauce very spice. It looks like something my brother-in-law might enjoy! And as for Wilbs, he did look a little disgruntled. My sister says she keeps several heated pillow pads around for her cat.
Kathleen McCormick
So many fun things. I, too, have been trying to increase my steps each day that I am not doing yoga…a good thing. Lots of great foodie things in this post. Frozen blueberries are always good to have on hand and I love pickled veggies. Wilbs will find his spot, but he does have you concerned about it, so he is doing his job keeping you busy!
Angela Grasse
That shady trail looks perfect for walking!
Quilting is in my Blood
I had to look up hummus bowls. Yum! Congrats on your daily walking. I’m thinking of adding some walking into my day in addition to my Peloton rides. Looking forward to your quilting room pics.
That trail looks beautiful. Enjoy your daily walks.
Jocelyn Thurston
Oh that Wilbs, I so enjoy seeing and hearing about him. I’m glad he is being made quite comfortable in new surroundings. Delicious sounding food throughout this post, all yummy. I should try to use more seasonings besides salt and pepper, LOL. You have been doing so well with your walking, Wendy. Kudos to you!
This is a big task, walking every day. And it is good to start only with a mile. If you at the level 3 – 3 miles .. it could be good to think if it is good to do it every second day. The muscles need a pause. Not every day same distance is important. And you do better than me, it was to hot – we have to start a walk every lunch time again. Here is a retired hubby around me now – so we have to do something! And while I am the working wife (is wifi thant the word like hubby- husband ..lol) I have to take my lunch time for that.
Brilliant that you have so lovely trails nearby.
Food – I love to do quiche – this evening with tomato and geese cheese cream and herbs. some crunched sunflower seeds added with salad.
The family event is so much worth .. happy you could be all together. And in addition celebrating the birthday. How nice.
Wilbs will be discovering and love your new sewing room – believe me – in winter we will se many nice pictures of discovering on, under and in the new furniture. Thanks for this make little Friday happy post 🙂
The Joyful Quilter
I can totally see a painting in that first photo, Wendy! Mind if I give it a try?
Yay for blueberries! How are pickled onions? Love the color.
You go, girl, with the walking! It’s hard to want to go walk when it’s still in the 90s until dark.
You reminded me of chimichurri sauce. I love it but guess I hadn’t had it in so long, I’d forgotten about it. Maybe I’ll make some soon.
Congrats on meeting your walking goal most days. I try to walk 2 miles three times a week, but it’s been so hot here this week that even in the mornings, it’s almost unbearable to do anything outside. Good fodd is definitely fun, that’s where those 2 mile walks really come in handy, you can enjoy without feeling too guilty. Hope you can get in some good stitching time over the weekend.
As much of a foodie as I consider myself, I’ve never tried sushi or chimichurri! I just Googled some recipes for chimichurri, but I do love The Spice House, although they are currently sold out of the mix. What is a hummus bowl? I forgot to ask, do you add sugar when you process your cherries? Can’t wait to see your sewing room. Wilbs on his soft bed was a great tease! Good for you for walking a mile a day – I applaud you.