PQ Challenge 15.3
PQ Challenge 15.3 has the theme of “inside out” this week. I enjoy taking part in the Project Quilting challenges, but we are going to be gone this weekend, and I was a bit disappointed, thinking I wouldn’t have time to work on a challenge piece. That didn’t stop me from pondering what I would do for the inside out challenge, however.
The rule for the challenge – “some part of your project must thematically or literally be inside out”. So my thoughts turned to “if I turned some improv inside out, what would I do with it” and then to “do I have some orphan improv pieces I could use”? But to make what? And then an idea popped into my head, and off I went. Nothing else got done for the day, other than a quick lunch. I did warn BigJ that we were likely having pizza because I wasn’t going to stop to cook dinner!
I’ve been messing around with more face quilts, and playing with the idea of adding some 3D effects (more or less) to the faces. So I decided to use that idea for my PQ Challenge 15.3. Here he is – I’ve named him “ZZ”..

There are four ways this piece meets the PQ Inside Out challenge:
- The background fabric is two pieces from a pair of hubs’ old jeans, inside out.
- ZZ’s beard is improv strip pieces sewn together and added – inside out – to the face.
- The face and hat are raw edge applique
- The backing was added to the quilt, inside out.
I had just cut up the old pair of jeans while working on another face quilt, and I wondered what I would use the ripped leg for. I just had to use it for this quilt, just for fun.

Those jeans are pretty grungy (yes, I washed them, twice!). I like the faded effect, though. Admittedly, the ripped portion made the backing a little tricky to work with, but I managed.
It took me quite a while to get the face the way I wanted it to be. Had my week not been shortened, I would’ve spent more time on it, but on the other hand, there’s something fun about having to just get it done. Once I had the face as I wanted it, I lightly glue basted the pieces on starting with the face, nose and ears, then adding the glasses and the hat, with the mustache and beard being the last step. Once glued in place, I stitched around the raw edges of each piece with matching thread.
That done, I layered it with some green Grunge I had in my stash, and I placed the right side of the Grunge to the back side of the quilt top. I wanted the backing to show through the ripped area, so I chose not to add batting between the two layers. Plus, the denim was heavy enough that I didn’t feel it was needed. (That maybe disqualifies this as a quilt – not having batting?)

Hopefully in the photo you can see the Grunge fabric inside out as I quilted it. For the quilting, I did wavy lines with my AcuFeed foot. I didn’t quilt it too heavily, and the thread matched so well, you can’t see it. Here’s a peek at the green showing through the ripped portion.

For the mustache and beard, I stitched some strips together, varying the widths. Once I was happy with the placement of the beard on the face, I added the mustache, using a piece I had cut off of the beard. The last thing I did was cut through the strips to make the beard look more messy. When I stitched the beard onto the face, I did stitch down the beard a few inches just to secure it a bit more. I purposely left it long to add more of the 3D effect on the quilt.

Here’s a peek at the backing fabric. I used the same fabric for the binding as in the hat, and opted to machine bind rather than by hand.

While this was put together quickly, so not my best work, I had so much fun with this theme for PQ Challenge 15.3. ZZ is happily hangin’ out on my design wall, and the pizza just arrived!
Thanks Kim and Trish, for another fun challenge!

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Barbara J Stanbro
Clever interpretation of the prompt. Love it.
This is hilarious! Very original!
J Mur
Awesome job, Wendy!!
Wendy, you’ve let that inner child out and it is so fun! More of us should channel our inner child! 🙂
Oh… ZZ Top… There’s a special place in my heart for ZZ Top! Their concert was our first date! Yep! February 11, 1984, Barnhill Arena. I wore bright red pants and a black tee with a big red Z lightning bolt across the front! Hahaha! Of all the gorgeous quilts you’ve shown, I bet you didn’t imagine this little thing would be the one to hold the most meaning!
🥁🥁🥁… you did fantastic… and using old jeans is always sustainable.
No time for Kim this year, but I love how the pulls out the creativity that is in us.
Did you remember my Pipi Longstock last year?
Danice G
Very clever project. The beard adds so much fun to it.
Oh what fun! You certainly rose to this challenge. Of course I love the new life you have given those old jeans!
That is such a fun project! It does look like one of the ZZ Top band members. Using the old jeans as a background was inspired and really works with the theme.
Quilting is in my Blood
Wow, Wendy, this is fantastic! What an original interpretation of the inside out theme.
This is such a hoot!! Love the use of the jeans and the beard is magnificent! I really like the way the green shows through the rips. And I think a quilt can be two layers only.
The Morning Latte
Oh my gosh this is too fun!! And before I read anything I thought, Ha it’s ZZ Top! Once again, great minds… I’m gonna have to show hubs this one. I’m a little jelly over here. You seem to have a lot more fun in your sewing room!
Laura Kate
Ripped jeans can be very inspiring. I love seeing old fabric put to a new use.
I knew who it was immediately! Now you have to make a companion piece, the Sharp Dressed Man! 🙂
My husband and one of his friends went to a ZZ concert in the Astrodome once, and they both wore cotton mop heads as beards.
Love how quickly this one came together – so many good ‘inside out’ ideas you incorporated!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Oh, that is fun, Wendy! I knew right away who ZZ was, although I think of him as Angela’s dad on Bones, lol! It was fun to read along as you shared how you created ZZ. Great finish!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Really fun! I like how the distressed jeans allow you to see through to the backing, and I really love how the long beard adds extra dimension to the piece. What an impressive piece to get done so quickly; have a great time on your trip this weekend!
Kathleen McCormick
Sew so creative! I love all the little things – big J’s jeans, inside out beard, and backing, and other bits. So great that you had a flash of inspiration and got it all done before you headed out. Enjoy your trip!
So, so, SO COOL, Wendy!! “Give me all your lovin’; all your hugs and kisses, too.” I like Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard, and the late Dusty Hill would be honored to see your interpretation. When you share it on IG or FB, use the #ZZTop and I’ll bet they will comment! Nice job, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Kathy E.
Seeing your interpretation of Billy Gibbons just makes me giggle! I knew exactly who this was the moment I saw the picture….so your details are spot on! I had my picture taken with Billy 2 summers ago when I saw him in the local grocery store (no he wasn’t shopping for TV dinners or cheap sunglasses). He was with another man just walking around like anyone else when I walked up to him and asked if I could take a photo. He took my camera, put his arm around me and shot one himself of both of us! So cool!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
That is so cool! Nice recycling on old jeans 🙂
We saw ZZ Top a couple years ago in concert – they are much older now but they still rocked out!
laura bruno lilly
I think ZZ would be proud of this likeness – stylish grunge is/was his thing, ya know?
I especially like the peekaboo green behind those rips.
Nikki Moshier
Your last sentence made me chuckle! Nice project!
Very clever thinking.
Kim Lapacek
So much to love about this piece! It’s absolutely wonderful!
Jocelyn Thurston
Wow, besides being a regular talented quilter, Wendy, you also have a special knack for face quilts. This is amazing!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
This is fantastic! I love it 🙂
You have the best ideas, Wendy!