Project Line Up
I had a delightful time last Friday when I went up to a local quilt shop, Quilt Cove, and finally was able to meet Nancy from Grace and Peace Quilting. I was able to chat with her for a bit, just before a busload of quilters came in for the Minnesota Shop Hop. Nancy is just as delightful in person as she is in her blog. If you don’t follow her, go visit her page and get to know her!
One of the things I’ve enjoyed since I began blogging is getting to know you, my readers or followers. On Saturday, Karen of Tu-Na Quilts, Travels and Eats sent me a quick notice that she was going to be at another local quilt shop. I couldn’t get over there to meet her, and I am so sad that I missed that opportunity. Karen writes such great posts on her blog; she makes it just plain fun and is very creative. I encourage you to visit her as well; you won’t be disappointed!
I picked up fabric at Quilt Cove, of course. I was specifically looking for fabric for the Meadow Mist Mystery Quilt. I’ll share that fabric with you in another post. The mystery quilt begins tomorrow, so I’m ready! One thing I will tell you is that some of the fabrics are bright! Surprised?
While I’m waiting for that to start, here’s what I’ve been working on.
Garden Dreamer Quilt
All the pieces are cut for the quilt using Maureen Cracknell’s Garden Dreamer fabric. Truly, this is gorgeous fabric.
Improv Play
I’ve been exploring some improv quilting, and finding that I really, really like it. I have over 20 blocks of these two color blocks. I know where this is going. Once I finish the rest of the blocks, I need to square them and then put the rest of the quilt together.
Since I was having so much fun with those, I decided to join up the improv stripes quilt along with Debbie Jeske at A Quilter’s Table. This is a fun way to give improv a try if you’re interested. Jump in and join along if you wish. You can see all the fun progress at #improvstripesqal on Instagram.
I wasn’t really sure where these blocks were going, but an idea has come to mind. I’m excited to see if I can make it work.
That’s my mid-week project line up. I’ve purposely signed up for projects that have no tight deadlines since I have a couple of trips scheduled in August and September and I don’t want to fall behind on projects.
Linking up today with Mid-Week Makers at Quilt Fabrication and Let’s Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.
See you Friday!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
So fun to meet in person! I’m looking forward to seeing your mystery quilt roll out. The Garden Dreamer fabric is sweet as can be. And those improv stripes are super duper!!!
Melanie McNeil
I love those improv printed stripes. Looking forward to seeing how you’ll use them.