Quilt Retreat
I had so much fun at the quilt retreat I went to a week ago (the weather wasn’t rainy all the time, thank goodness). I came home, all geared up to finish my projects and whip up a quick post. However, I had so much fun with sewing, I didn’t think much about writing posts. So let me back up a bit, and tell you just a little about the retreat.
It was a family quilt retreat, to celebrate my sister-in-law, Nita’s, 70th birthday. There were just four of us at the retreat: Nita, her daughter-in-law Shelly, Shelly’s daughter, Megan (Nita’s granddaughter), and me. Shelly did a fabulous job of finding the place and hosting the whole event (even making the meals!) – she spoiled us all, and we are so grateful. As soon as we were all together late Thursday afternoon, we got our machines set up and started to sew. We burned the midnight oil on the first night – I haven’t sat at my sewing machine that late for quite awhile!
One of the projects Megan was going to work on was binding this quilt.

Isn’t that a pretty quilt? I think it might be Megan’s first large quilt she has made, and I love that big smile on her face. Later at the retreat, Nita and Megan were working on getting the binding attached to the quilt. I quickly snapped this photo, because I thought seeing the two of them working together was so neat.

Shelly even decorated the sewing room, with a shiny curtainy-thing to walk through as you came down the stairs (behind Megan in the photo). Notice, too, that we weren’t without snacks! Megan had brought a healthy supply of “mind beans” aka M&Ms. And guess what – I didn’t eat one! No worries though, I ate plenty of other goodies.
So what did I work on? I pieced a wall quilt, pieced three small quilt tops from leftover scraps of another quilt, and worked on my Rotation blocks. That doesn’t sound like much, but in my defense, we did spend a bit of time at a quilt shop on Friday (yes, I bought a bit of fabric – I’ll try to remember to take a pic for another post).
Here is one of the doll quilts, finished.

Here’s the back:

I used a scrap of batting, and I also used some binding scraps that went well with the fabrics. Here’s a closer peek at the fabrics in the quilt top. All kinds of cute little animals and things.

The two larger doll quilts are of this same fabric, and I’m pleased that every scrap of that fabric is now part of a quilt top. I’ll post the other two once I get them quilted.
Well, that doll quilt was so much fun, I made another one from an 18″ block that needed to be used.

Not too exciting for a doll quilt, so I added a fun backing. It makes me smile, maybe it will make you smile, too!

And that I decided to make two more! These two still need their bindings sewn down. These were also orphan blocks I had laying around; I added borders to make them 18″.

Once those are finished, I hope to package these up and send them to Carole for her Cradle Quilt Drive. I need to get them done soon, so they get there by November 9th!
The rest of my time was spent working on these projects:
- My next Endeavourers Challenge Quilt – it’s done; the reveal is November 1st
- A quick tablerunner made from leftover blue and white fabrics
- A quick Minky baby quilt
I’ll show you the tablerunner and baby quilt in another post. Oh, and I finished the flying geese units from the quilt retreat and now have this nice stack for my Rotation quilt that need to be squared up. That will keep me busy for the next few days!

Trouble with commenting?? Before I go, I’ve had a few of you reach out to let me know you’ve had trouble commenting on my blog posts. A little while ago, Quilting Jetgirl shared some tips on that, maybe they will help you, too? You can find her thoughts here – the comments are at the end of the post (but read her post, too – I always learn something from them!).
Okay, those flying geese aren’t going to trim themselves! Off I go! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday Thoughts

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Janine @ Rainbow Hare
How lovely to have a family quilt retreat. You’ve got lots done and it sounds like everyone had a lovely time 🙂
Sounds like a lot of fun! You used up a lot of odds and ends, so that has to feel good. Happy stitching now that you are home.
What fun! My eyes immediately zeroed in on the “mind beans”. I can’t imagine having a relative who quilts, I’d be in heaven. Who makes that Rotation quilt pattern? I think I might have to have it.
What a wonderful way to celebrate family and a birthday. Megan’s quilt is beautiful. Well done on those small quilts you showed us and all the other sewing you did. Those flying geese are going to make a vibrant splash
Vicki in MN
I can tell you had lots of fun and still managed to get a lot done on retreat, so glad you got to go. I saw those M&M’s right away too! It looks like my first comment didn’t go through, trying again;)
I would have dived into the candy for sure. Fun kind of retreat with quilting family
I forgot to say how beautiful Megan’s quilt is!
Also I found the Rotation quilt pattern, and eeeek – partial seams! I’m thinking I might try to make something similar with HSTs.
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy what a fun retreat! All the more special when it is with family! Love the doll quilts, what a great way to use up orphan blocks. Megan did a beautiful job on her quilt as well.
Jocelyn Thurston
Oh that retreat sounds like so much fun. And look what you accomplished…so much! All of it a bundle of cuteness. Love that Rotation quilt design…I wonder could I manage it.
J Mur
Sounds like a fun and productive retreat, Wendy! I’m getting excited about the retreat I’m going in next week. Time to sort out what I’ll be working on…
Barbara J Stanbro
Looks like fun. I love Megan’s quilt. That’s a great color combo.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That sounds like so much fun, Wendy! What a great way to celebrate your SiL’s milestone birthday! I love all the doll quilts you worked on – they’re going to be loved. Thanks for the link to Yvonne’s post – that has been a topic of conversation between bloggers lately – the inability to leave comments. I’ll have to try her suggestion.
It looks like all of you had a fantastic time celebrating Nita’s birthday and just enjoying each other’s company. The perfect birthday weekend!! Megan’s quilt is gorgeous. I love that color combination. Also love the fabrics used in the doll quilts – so many cute things to look for. I am sure Carole will appreciate the quilts for her holiday program. Well done friend!!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
The smile on Megan’s face is infectious! It sounds like a really wonderful time. I’m sure Carole is going to be thrilled to get the doll quilts when you get them finished and shipped.
What fun! You got a lot done too!
Wow! What a great birthday weekend! None of my sisters or nieces sew…I am thrilled to see this post! I spotted those M&M’s right away!
The projects are all fun! You inspire me to check out my parts department…there may be something there to make into doll quilts. 🙂
Rochelle Summers
How fun to go on a family quilt retreat. Love the photos of the quilt and Grandma and Granddaughter. Hmm. You have quite the will power to resist those M&Ms. But maybe the other snacks were better. I love those doll quilts and think the lucky little ones who get them will be thrilled. I don’t think I’ve seen a completed rotations block or quilt so keep us posted. Glad you had a wonderful time.
Vicki Welsh
Oh wow, how nice to have a family retreat! I’m lucky that I have my Mom to sew with but ti would be a lot of fun to do some sort of craft retreat with my SILs.
What fun, and how special. I know you soaked up the minutes and hours and days together with your family/friends and projects!
Quilting is in my Blood
I love all your doll quilts, especially the one with the scrappy binding which looks so cool. And awesome to go on a quilt retreat with your family. I’d like to do that someday with cousins in Sacramento.
Kathleen McCormick
What a fun retreat you had! I love the picture of Nita and Megan working together. You must have just loved all this sister and niece/grandniece time. It is so special to be able to do that. I love the finishes you had…wonderful to use up the blocks and have them go to a good cause. Back less than 24 hours…up at 6 this morning…a real different schedule for me!
laura bruno lilly
A family quilter retreat – wow, great fun. Plus you got stuff done! HA! I’ve no doubt if those M&Ms had been the mocha ones, they’d been popped in your mouth ASAP!
Your ‘Cradle Quilts’ will be greatly appreciated, I’m sure.
All of you get a lot of applause! There is a good event maker and quilter coming up! It is mich work to find a place that gives all comfort and the zone for quilting.
She did a good job! And her quilt… wow, so early such a big quilt!!!
To be honest she comes first in this comment…. For sure your finished works are profund very good work. You know what I mean.
To encourage her, please let her know, she did a really good job as an event manager here, that you all could have this wonderfull time together. No good location, no fun!
No good food… but as well, she takes care!! Great girl! Great team!