Round Robin Border 1
Our border this week is piano keys, and you can see I decided to go with a neutral version. I wanted to create some space rather than make a busy border right around that flag, so I went with neutral background tones.
You’ll see from the photo of my center block (above) that I already had a blue border around the block. That brought the dimensions of the block to a measurement that worked a bit better for my piano key border. Rather than wrapping the keys all around my block, I decided to add some corner squares. Actually those corner squares are little orphan blocks from another quilt – so that’s my tip for you today – if you have some orphan blocks or units that work with your center design, why not use them?
One of the reasons those little corner units were orphans was because I trimmed them incorrectly for the other project. I don’t mind the wonkiness in this project, however, so it made me happy to put them to use. Those little corner squares are also handy if your borders aren’t fitting your block very well. Sometimes adding a corner block also gives the eye a place to rest if the border is busy.
Okay, now it’s your turn to get to work on your piano key borders. Don’t forget to link up your progress this week over at Chris’s blog.
You’ll also want to stop over to the rest of the Round Robin Host blogs and see their piano key borders. You might find a few more tips and inspiration! Here they are:
- Gail @ Quilting Gail
- Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- Anja @ Anja Quilts
- Roseanne & Sue @ Home Sewn by Us
- Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life – you are here 🙂
- Susan @ Quilt Fabrication
Join Us!
If you haven’t heard about the SAHRR – Stay At Home Round Robin and are interested in joining along, we’d be happy to have you!
- SAHRR details are in this post.
- See the center blocks by the blog hosts and last week’s linky party here.
- You can read about my center block in last week’s post here.
Happy Stitching, all!

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Stitchin at Home
Great idea to use orphan blocks Wendy!
Julie Holleran
This is coming together so well–I especially like those little marine hourglasses in the corners…nice work–it is fascinating to see all the variations ..hugs, Julierose
Gosh that makes such a difference, a pretty block made even more interesting. And the orphan blocks as cornerstones – such a good idea. I have orphan blocks put away so I don’t hear them whining for me to use them. 😀
that border looks great with that piece
Hi Wendy! I think the addition of the neutral fabrics piano key border is just the perfect choice. And those sweet little corner stones is just the best way to use those orphans up, too. ~smile~ Roseanne
Love your neutral piano keys, and those cornerstones are great. Bonus that they are orphans or misfits from another project!!! The color contrast of the two are nice as well.
Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts
Looking good! It’s so fun to see all the different versions. Haven’t made my center yet but have an idea so that’s a start! Lol. Can’t wait to see where this goes Wendy. 🙂
Vicki in MN
I really like the addition of those corner blocks, it was meant to be!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Your piano key border in neutrals is perfect for the center block, Wendy! I like the cornerstones, too – you’ve given me something to think about. Off to do some quilty math!
Kathleen McCormick
I love the coping border and the piano keys with the cute hourglass units in the corner. I am heading to EQ8 shortly!
Nancy Bekedam
So cute, Wendy!!! I can’t handle the cuteness!!!
Carol Andrews
Piano keys and orphan cornerstone blocks? This could be the perfect way to clean out more scraps! 😉
I see your keys are evenly spaced, is that what defines piano keys? I would do uneven widths for mine… what do you know Wendy?
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
This is very nice. I’m looking forward to seeing it grow 🙂
Needle and Foot
Love it so far. Curious is you already know how big this will be? Or is that TBD as the RR goes on?
What a great tip! It will come in handy for those going forward.
Sara Fridley
Oh – I love the neutral piano keys you used. Beautiful.
Pat @ Life in the Scrapatch
This looks sew fun! I really do not need another project, but I hear an orphan block calling, “Pick me!” … lol … 🙂 Pat
Love your neutral piano keys! It’s perfect for your block!!!
Quilting is in my Blood
Your neutral piano keys work really well with this project especially with the corner units. I’m really enjoying seeing everyone’s first set of borders.
Anja @ Anja Quilts
Great idea for the corners.
Looking good. I like the lines made by the piano keys (and have learnt the name for that pattern, thanks).
Your piano keys frame the center so well – nicely done!
Love your little corners. And I agree, neutrals are just the thing to set off the flag.