
SAHRR 2025

SAHRR 2025 is kicking off on January 13th! Are you joining with us this year? Maybe you aren’t familiar with this at all, so let me fill you in a bit. SAHRR stands for Stay at Home Round Robin, a handy acronym making it easier to type in our posts. This is a unique type of round robin quilt, because the whole project stays home with you. This idea came about during the pandemic, when we couldn’t gather or go anywhere, and even receiving mail was worrisome. Quilting Gail came up with the idea and invited some of us to join her, and the rest is history. More details to come, but let me show you the quilts I’ve made for the SAHRR.

My finished Stay at Home Round Robin quilt, made for the quilt along hosted by Quilting Gail - piecefulthoughts.com

My SAHRR finally finished - piecefulthoughts,com

A round robin quilt with a robin in the center and changing borders around it - piecefulthoughts.com


I thought you might enjoy seeing the variety, just in my quilts, from year to year. The 2021 center block was meant to be a mini quilt, but it became my first SAHRR quilt. The 2022 center was an orphan improv block from my stash. The 2023 center was a test block I made for Sandra Healey Designs, and I thought it was perfect for a round robin quilt. The 2024 center block is very special – it wasn’t made by me, it was made by my grandmother, and the patterned yellow fabric in the quilt top is cut from an apron my mother wore. So consider your stash, your blocks, orphan blocks, and join us!

Quilting Gail is the dynamo who organizes all of us who host the SAHRR – thank you, Gail! She puts in a lot of work to get this fun sew along off the ground, and has written up a great post with all the details – how the sew along works, the schedule, the prizes (Yay! Prizes!) and basically everything you need to know to join in. Please go visit Quilting Gail and read her post, even if you don’t think you want to join in (please join in!!). Here is the list of co-hosts for this year:

Each year one of the hosts designs the logo for the SAHRR. This year Brenda of Songbird Designs came up with this logo. Isn’t it fantastic??

We also have sponsors again this year who are providing prizes. Each week, we have a linky party where you can link up and show your progress on your SAHRR quilt. We keep track of each participant who links up with us each week. We’ll make a list and use a random generator to choose the winners for each prize. The more you link up, the more chances you have to win.

So maybe I’ve convinced you to join in, or at least piqued your interest. Here’s what you do next. Visit Quilting Gail and read all the details of her post – she has Frequently Asked Questions and other information that will be helpful for you.

I’ve narrowed down my choices for a center block, and I’m eager to begin sewing those borders!



  • Katherine Duquette

    Thanks Wendy, I think I might join in. I couldn’t decide which of your quilts was my favorite. Happy Holidays. New Mexico will be basking in warm temps this year. No white Christmas for us.

  • Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting

    I’ll be interested in seeing what your center block is this year, Wendy! I enjoyed a review of your past SAHRRs!!!

  • Sara F

    I’ve done a couple of years’ projects, and am excited to do it again this year. Guess I need to choose one of my orphan blocks to get started. And I need to actually quilt and bind last years SAHRR. Thank you to each of you for hosting again in 2025!

  • Helen

    When there’s a story, the whole thing just becomes more and more beautiful. I love knowing about the special middle block and apron fabric.
    My mom & both grandmas always wore aprons. I never do. Hmmm… I wonder why that custom hasn’t continued.

  • Eva

    Love to see the pre informatiom! To all who may think if or if not … it makes sooo mich fun, give it a try.
    Many thanks to Gail, the dynamo and all the others in this team around her and especially to you Wendy.
    I learned so much with the last two SAHRR quilts and it makes so much fun in the loong amd boring January.
    Could not say which one is the best – all are special and wonderful.

  • Kate

    It’s fun to see all the variations in the different round robin quilts. I’m on board this year, but I need to figure out my center block.

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