SAHRR Border 1
It’s Monday and it’s time to show you my SAHRR Border 1. Kathleen is our host this week, and she is giving us options! I love options, don’t you? You’ll want to visit Kathleen McMusing today and read her post for those options. I’m going to show you the one I chose to do. Don’t forget that you will link up at Kathleen’s blog this week! You’ll also want to check out the posts from the other co-hosts, for more inspiration:
- Anja @ Anja Quilts
- Brenda @ Songbird Designs
- Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- Gail @ Quilting Gail
It has been so much fun to visit each of your blogs and see the center blocks! We are a creative bunch, and this is going to be another fun sew along! Here is my center block, and you can read more about it in last week’s post.

I have added a coping border, as you will see shortly. I added coping borders after each round for my 2023 SAHRR quilt, and I liked that look, so I’m going to do it again this year.
I also want to keep my borders small for my quilt, so my border this week is 2.5″ finished. There is no other reason for the smaller borders other than it just feels right. I don’t plan out my SAHRR quilts, I make them up as I go! I have learned that enjoy just going with the flow and quilting in the moment. So, with a small border, making a teensy traditional block was just not in my mental wheelhouse – LOL. I did make an effort, however, and made a few Wagon Wheel blocks for a block name with my initial. Here’s where that took me.

Those little wheels are just shy of 3″ in diameter, and I planned to raw edge applique them to a background square. They are just a bit bigger than I want for this border, so they’ve been set aside and may show up in a future border. We’ll see! .
In the end, rather than making a block, I made a strip of wedges – Wedges for Wendy. It was easier than doing the mental math and teensy sewing for the border size I wanted.

The background for my quilt is Moda Grunge in Faded Denim. The wedges are all from my scrap bins. I pulled the reds, oranges and greens because those colors are in the center star. I don’t want to limit my colors too much, so I may add some other colors for each border. Here’s the coping border added.

I decided to use bold colors to balance the black star blades in the center block. The coping border is Kona School Bus, one of my favorite colors – orange! It definitely brings energy to the quilt, and it makes me grin each time I walk into my studio.
So that’s my take on Kathleen’s prompt for our SAHRR Border 1. Now off you go! I cannot wait to see the borders you add to those fantastic center blocks!
Oh – wait! Here is the schedule for the SAHRR as you stitch along with us!
- January 13: See the center blocks here! .
- January 20: 1st Round: Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing – Link up here this week!
- January 27: 2nd Round: Anja @ Anja Quilts
- February 3: 3rd Round: Gail @ Quilting Gail
- February 10: 4th Round: Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life
- February 17: 5th Round: Brenda @ Songbird Designs
- February 24: 6th Round: Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- March 24: Parade: showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
Happy stitching!

Eva's SAHRR Center Block

Eva's SAHRR Border 1
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Barbara J Stanbro
It’s looking cute so far! I want to see you do something with those little wheels.
Loving your coping borders, and those Wedges for Wendy are fantastic! They look really good with the starting block. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Wendy’s Wagon Wheels. 😀
This is a fun border prompt! My “wheels” are already turning as to what I could do. Your wheels and wedges are both perfect and I love the bold colors, too. You’re off to a good start, Wendy!
So, we have to answer with a W… wow… this is „Wendisch“… this is a compliment you know this!
I love it. Ok, now seeing yours.. have to rethink…. To be really free what to make is more challenging than to habe strikt to do. But we will see… dont know so far, that there is a register of blocks from A to Z and it took me a little moment to understand. But got it!
I love the wedges, but I also love the Wagon Wheel….maybe they can sneak in later. This is going to be a vibrant beauty. The coping strips are fun and I love that they are in a color to brighten up the whole quilt.
Sandra Walker
Love it Wendy! This is such a cool first prompt. I also really like your little wagon wheels. They’ll be fun as the quilt blossoms.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I really like the bright School Bush coping borders and the Wedges compliment the center block really well. I look forward to seeing if the Wagon Wheel blocks find their way in!
looks like you are having fun with it – I don’t think I would want to make a quilt where others are planning step by step – I can just see myself saying no that won’t look right on my quilt.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Nice job, Wendy! I like that you’re going for bright, to counterbalance the black star.
Very fun interpretation of the prompt. You picked such a bright and bold color palette. It’s been fun to see what everyone has come up with so far.
Kristi B
I love how this is looking right out of the box! The colors and grungey style are awesome!
I do like the wagon wheel blocks! But the Wedges for Wendy look fantastic!!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love how it is looking Wendy!! I love the orange coping borders, really cool. FYI, your link to my blog takes me to Anja’s.
Oh, sorry! Will get that fixed!
LA Paylor
love your interpretation with the pointy points
Wendy, your wagon wheels and wedges are WOW! I can’t wait to see what’s next. . .
The Joyful Quilter
Love those Wagon Wheel blocks, Wendy! I’ll look forward to seeing where they show up.
Hi Wendy, that looks amazing already!
Looking good. The wedges look like rays from the central star.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I love those little wheels – I hope they will find a spot on your quilt in a later round. It’s looking great with those wedges and I love the denim with the orange coping borders. I like the way you going with the flow. I’m doing that too but I might have to get more controlling as we go on or it will be giant!
This definitely has a Happy Wendy vibe going. Plus, the colors are great to heat up January.
Cheree Hull
You’re off to a bold start! Love the wedges for Wendy! I’m seeing wagon wheels in corners….
Great work, Wendy. I’m excited to see how I can make Kathleen’s prompt work. Your wheels are too cute but I really love the wedges in your border. I also like the coping border idea…hmmm.
Nettie Sews
Your wedges really fit your center block. And I love those cute, little wagon wheels!
Quilting is in my Blood
I love your wagon wheels so much! I do hope they make an appearance later in the quilt. But your wedges are also great and they are SO you!
Vicki in MN
Oh this is going to be a fun bright one!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
That is such a.happy piece and I love the Grunge in it!
Danice G
The wedges look very pretty. I also did not want to do a lot of math for my 1st row. Kept it simple. Considering adding coping borders to my quilt. Yours looks really nice.
Frédérique @Quilting Patchwork Appliqué
I love your first round!
Your colors are amazing, and the wedges are perfect for round one! It is fun to just go with the flow and let the quilt dictate what we do!