SAHRR Border 2
You can choose any star block you wish – there are many to choose from, so have fun! Remember that this is your quilt, you can choose your border layout. I have a terrible time with border math, so you will often see spacer units for my borders. If you struggle with that like i do, watch for some tips on border math in upcoming posts (not from me – LOL).
After adding my green coping border once again, I chose to make eight little 3.5″ spinning stars for my border. With just four 1-1/2″ HSTs and five 1-1/2″ squares for each star, they went together quickly.
I chose to make my stars in gold, alternating the fabrics for the centers and the blades. The trick with this block is to watch the orientation of those blades – it’s pretty easy to turn one the wrong way.
The Schedule and Weekly Hosts
For your reference, here’s the schedule once again. Anyone else wondering where January went?!
- January 16: Center Block Reveal: Gail @ Quilting Gail
- January 23: 1st Round: Roseanne & Sue @ Home Sewn by Us
- January 30 : 2nd Round: Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life – Today!!
- February 6: 3rd Round: Chris @ Chrisknitssews
- February 13: 4th Round: Anja @ Anja Quilts
- February 20: 5th Round: Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- February 27: 6th Round: Gail @ Quilting Gail
- March 13: Parade – showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
The Sponsors
We have some amazing sponsors this year, and I’d like to thank each one for supporting our quilt along. Please reach out and thank them – I know they’d appreciate it.
- Island Batik 3 fat quarter bundles
- Hobbs batting Queen Size Wool Batt
- Aurifil Thread Colour Builder: (3) 50 wt Milan Grey spools
- Prairie Spirit Alpacas 12″ x 18″ Alpaca /Wool pressing mat
- Oliso Mini Iron
- Fat Quarter Shop $25 gift certificate
- The Quiltery – For the Love of Geese – a pattern of your choice
- and MORE!!!!
Linky Party for the Stars!
Now it’s your turn! Link your twinkly star borders so we can ooh and aah, and you can be eligible to win one of the prizes.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Oh my stars!! This is going to be fun!
Happy stitching, everyone!

Eva's Spool Border
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Gorgeous stars and a perfect ‘halo’ for the robin.
Cindy Pieters
The gold stars are a great round for your SAHRR.
I like the little joke you made there. 😉 I love spinning or Friendship or any name for your stars – they are favorites of mine. I really like the gold.
I have decided to change my center block, after all the fanfare for the other (eye roll), so I’ll be running behind.
Cocoa Quilts
I enjoy watching as you put together your SAHRR. I love those stars and you have a perfect number!!!
Quilting is in my Blood
Your stars are great, and I’m so glad you picked them for your border. I’ve already figured what kind of stars I’m going to make, but probably not until the weekend. Is the linky party open until sometime on Sunday?
The Joyful Quilter
Sweet Friendship stars, Wendy! I’m excited by this Round, as stars and Christmas quilts go hand in hand. Thanks for choosing something that fits my theme! (Because I know you did it just for me, right? LOL!)
Wendy, your quilt is coming along beautifully! I’m so impressed with the small stars!
Kathleen McCormick
I love your stars and the coping strips do such a nice job of setting off each border. Not sure what stars will appear on mine but look forward to diving into the many options.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Those are actually my favorite star blocks, so they’re what I’ll be making! I really struggle with the border math, too, which is one of the reasons I keep joining in with SAHRR each year. Working on getting better at it!
Barbara J Stanbro
Well, that just gets cuter and cuter.
It’s like waiting for sequels. For a non-quilter with lots of quilter friends, it’s fun to see all these same/different borders showing up.
Needle and Foot
Super cute! Your quilt is going to be whimsical and I love that – the bird, spools and stars are so fun. I totally get your quilt math issues so a post at some point would b great. This week I will use your spacer method! Thanks Wendy.
Hi Wendy! yes, the key is to get those blades going in the correct direction. I, of course, had one going the wrong way! Friendship stars are among my favorites although all star blocks are winners in my book. Thanks for the linky party today. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with this round. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Pretty little stars! It’s a lovely new round for your quilt.
Now I will lock myself away from everybody, and do some maths 😉
another border – I like how this is going
Karrin Hurd
I am loving the look of your quilt!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
The stars add such a lovely sparkle. It’s going to be fun to see how everyone works with your border prompt!
LA Paylor
okay! your wee birdie is getting cuter with each row
This little quilt simply twinkles! 🙂
Rochelle Summers
I really love the Friendship Star. It is especially nostalgic when I use scraps from quilts I’ve made or scraps from friends. Your yellow stars make your quilt so bright. I’m looking forward to the next round.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I love how this is growing with everything looking so lively and cheerful 🙂
I laughed about the math. I’m right there with you! I had to piece a backing yesterday and miraculously it came together. The previous attempt was try, try again. Stars — always a good idea!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Stars are one of my very favorite blocks!! Thanks for this prompt, Wendy! I love how your quilt is coming together!!
Sandra Walker
Adorable little friendship stars Wendy! I have that gold with polka dots fabric – it’s a Benartex, Nancy Halvorsen. 🙂 I used it for stars in my ‘Shine’ quilt. Okay this should be fun, and more good brain work this week!
It was like opening a door at the advent calendar… to open the laptop today and check the block of the border of this week… and puhhh… ok stars! Thanks for this! Guess there are less people who do not like stars. Quickly I have before my inner eye how to do and which fabric to use.. but where was it?? I searched and found… spider nest, and dust…. and then data it in a well stored box in the latest corner of my drawers – there was it. Now I have to prewash and speed up.
Anja @ Anja Quilts
I love the coping borders. It doesn’t look like that’s the purpose — it looks like frames.
Your stars are so whimsical!! So cute.
The Morning Latte
Very cute! Love the friendship stars. And yes, after my last quilt, I am VERY well-acquainted with keeping an eye on the orientation of those star legs! LOL. I’m interested in the math tips. Actually, I’m more interested in doing NO math but, if I have to do some, then tips are much appreciated!
Vicki in MN
Those stars are so cute with the little polka dots! Your quilt is coming together nicely. Coping strips are so helpful aren’t they!
Carol Andrews
Wendy thank you! I was hoping stars would come up in the border prompts. Yours shine perfectly.
Karrin Hurd
Love your little quilt, great choice stars!
Border 2 looks great! I like your green coping borders. I’m looking forward to seeing what the prompt is for week 3.
Hi Wendy, I love your quilt! It’s looking wonderful. Thanks for hosting this week!