SAHRR Border 2
It’s SAHRR Border 2 week! The older I get, the faster the days and weeks go by – are you feeling the same? Anyway, I have had so much fun checking in and seeing all of the fun first borders you’ve created for your Stay at Home Round Robin quilts this past week. You are a creative bunch!
Our host for this week is Anja Quilts. You’ll want to visit her blog today to see her border prompt for the week, and you will be linking up with her this week to show off your second borders for your quilts.
HSTs – half square triangles – are one of the most versatile quilt blocks. They can be arranged in so many different ways, creating a variety of quilts, or pretty borders. While I love the look of HSTs, I am grateful to whoever figured out that multiple HSTs can be made at once, since I really do not enjoy making HSTs! They are so simple, and. once made, I realize they aren’t all that bad (except the trimming). Anyway – I got to work, and came up with a SAHRR Border 2 for my quilt.
I like to have a little breathing space between my blocks in my border. It gives my eye places to rest a bit. And admittedly, I don’t like figuring the math to make a full border fit – I was never good at that. So along with coping borders, I have breathing spaces in my borders – LOL.

Just 16 little 3-inch (unfinished) HSTs for my border this week gives a satisfying, yet energetic look to this next round on my quilt and frames up the quilt nicely. At this point, my quilt measures 24.5 inches. Next, I added the coping border, so I’m set to go for next week.

That brings the size up to 27 inchesn(my coping border strips are cut at 1.5 inches). Maybe that will give you a little inspiration as you think about your border for this week. Loads of HSTs or something simple or something inbetween – it’s up to you!
Here’s the list of SAHRR hosts and links to their blogs, for more inspiration.
- Anja @ Anja Quilts – Link up here this week!
- Brenda @ Songbird Designs
- Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- Gail @ Quilting Gail
- Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing
And here is the schedule in case the weeks are whizzing by and you need a refresher!
- January 13: See the center blocks here! .
- January 20: 1st Round: Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing
- January 27: 2nd Round: Anja @ Anja Quilts – This week!
- February 3: 3rd Round: Gail @ Quilting Gail
- February 10: 4th Round: Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life
- February 17: 5th Round: Brenda @ Songbird Designs
- February 24: 6th Round: Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- March 24: Parade: showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
I haven’t highlighted our wonderful sponsors yet this year, so I want to be sure to do that. A big thank you to all of the companies who have agreed to sponsor this QAL and donate some great prizes. Here’s how the prize winning works:
We will keep track of all of the participants that link to our Linky parties each week. We will make a list and use a random number generator to choose the winners for each prize! So, if you link up to 3 Linky parties, you will have 3 opportunities to win! If you don’t have a blog or Instagram account, contact me, or one of the other co-hosts and we will post your SAHRR on our blog. This way you still have an opportunity to win! Here are a few of the prizes you could win:
- One of 3 fat quarter bundles from Island Batik:
- Flutter Fields
- Shadow Blooms
- Bubbles curves and corners!
- Oliso Pro Plus Iron
- Hobbs Batting
- A pattern of YOUR choice from A Quiltery
- A quilt pattern from Devoted Quilter
- A pattern from Sew Fresh Quilts
- and more to come!
Ok – now it’s time for you to get creative with those HSTs! Have fun!

Eva's SAHRR Border 1

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Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Hi Wendy! I was just saying the same thing yesterday–the days seem to go faster and faster! Love your round and the breathing space feels good!!!
The Joyful Quilter
Good thinking on bringing some of the darks back in this round, Wendy!
Happy Monday, Wendy! I love your colors – the greens, oranges, and reds are so pretty against that calm blue Grunge. I also like the idea of making the HSTs without the background fabric. That’s got me thinking!
Barbara J Stanbro
This is looking great. I love all that color!
Laura Kate
Very pretty. I like that background fabric, it reminds me of blue jeans.
Laura Kate
I also seem to be having a “thing” for the color orange these days. I wonder why?
looking good I love your bright colors that you are using
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Lovely choice for this border, I like the way it frames the center so far and draws your eye to the middle block.
That orange around the blue does kind of a neat optical illusion trick on the eyes. I like it. You’re (all of you quilters) are such a friend of pressing. Maybe that’s why I’m not a good quilter… I’m a lazy ironer. Ha ha ha
Quilting is in my Blood
Your colorful HSTs are delightful!
I love your triangles! I’ve used coping strips a lot! Breathing spaces, I’ve used them and never thought there would be a name for them! I’m learning all the time! And, I’m loving that blue (grunge?) in your block and round!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I’m loving this, Wendy…and I totally agree, times fun when you’re having flies! LOL I’m with Gail on the coping strips. I’ve used them for years and, I think, Kathleen introduced that term to me last year! I’ve just called them fillers! LOL
Cheree Hull
Really like how the yellow coping borders set the others off, giving each its moment to shine. Fun stuff!
It’s a lovely second border. I will note what I learned this time. The “breathing lines” are absolutely important to give the eyes a rest – and if you do improve it is really important because nobody tell you what to do – you have to find out by yourself. And you did perfectly. Same idea here to to the HST in two colours and without measurement… I am as well bad in that … and with free motion – no chance! no risk – no fun, or? Love your border two!
Danice G
Very nice choice. Your quilt is looking so nice. I was already thinking for making my row similar to yours.
Sandra Walker
The HSTs are a great addition. This is one bright ‘look at ME!’ little quilt.
Looking good, Wendy!!! I like not having all half square triangles in the border too.
I love the colors and the layout, and those coping borders are genius!
Frédérique @Quilting Patchwork Appliqué
I love this new round!
It just gets better and bolder
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy I’m loving the direction of this, especially the borders!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I like your breathing space and these hsts go very nicely with your centre and first round 🙂
Beautiful choices! I really like how the coping pieces and breathing spaces provide spots for our eyes to rest.
Cheddar, lime, orange…balanced with the blue! You are so good at design, Wendy! I wonder if breathing spaces are the same as negative spaces and spaces open for quilting? 🙂
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
That is such a lovely little quilt! I love your color palette!!!
Simple, yet effective. Your quilt is so bright and fun!
The corner approach is so fun and love the way it brings your eyes in but also may be bringing them out to the next borders! The orange coping strips are so much fun too!
OMG, Wendy, this just stopped me in my tracks. Your progress and colors are absolutely stunning!!! You totally “win” this round imho. 🙂
Vicki in MN
Your HSTs are breathing perfectly!