SAHRR Border 3
It’s Monday, and time to share my SAHRR Border 3. I hope you’ve had a chance to check out the variety of quilts being made for this year’s Stay at Home Round Robin. There are so many creative quilters in our group!
Quilting Gail is our host this week, and she’s got us seeing – or thinking – stars. Be sure to head to her blog and read her post for more instructions about this week’s border. For those of you who may not know, Gail is the founder of this sew along, and she does a super job of keeping her co-hosts moving forward with planning this event and making it happen each year. Thanks so much, Gail!
So this week you will link up over at Gail’s blog. Here is the schedule once again so you can keep track of where we are at, and go to the other hosts and see their star borders.
- January 13: See the center blocks here! .
- January 20: 1st Round: Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing
- January 27: 2nd Round: Anja @ Anja Quilts
- February 3: 3rd Round: Gail @ Quilting Gail – Link up with Gail this week!
- February 10: 4th Round: Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life
- February 17: 5th Round: Brenda @ Songbird Designs
- February 24: 6th Round: Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- March 24: Parade: showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
Oh my stars! I remember my grandmother and aunts using this phrase when they were amazed or perplexed by something. That phrase came to me several times while I was working on this week’s border, and not because I was amazed – haha. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, so this was going to be an easy border. My plan was to make wonky stars, because I enjoy making them. Keep in mind that my borders up to this point have been 2.5 inches wide, so I set out making little stars. The wonky stars were so tiny that the star points faded into the background. I stubbornly did not want to make a larger block, but finally decided to settle on a 3-inch border/block (finished).
Okay, so not wonky stars. How about Friendship Stars? I tried that, and had the same issue because my fabrics were all in medium values. You can see what I mean in this photo.

Oh my stars! They just don’t pop like I wanted them too. Then I thought I might make some of the Friendship Star blades in a black print, so they would stand out and also give a little nod to the black in the center block. Nope, that didn’t work either. Wilbs lost interest in all my muttering.

So I tried another approach, and this one worked okay. Honestly, I don’t love this border, but I think it will grow on me.

I sketched out a star, fused them to 3.5 inch squares and did some quick raw edge applique. The dark navy, not black, corner squares give a nod to the center square. The red and orange strips help the stars pop. (It didn’t occur to me until the wee hours of the morning that I could’ve made the Friendship stars using a different background – duh. By then it was too late, I needed to get this border done.)
I haven’t added the coping border yet, but will do that later this week. I’m keeping my options open in case I decide to change out the stars (unlikely, because I hate ripping – haha).
Okay – your turn to dance with the stars! Have fun, and don’t forget to link up this week over at Quilting Gail. I’m looking forward to seeing your SAHRR Border 3 creativity!

More SAHRR Quilts

SAHRR Border 4
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Barbara J Stanbro
It’s looking good. Great colors.
The latest border really makes the whole piece POP! I love the navy stars – they work so well with your second border. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Your wrestling with the stars paid off. I think this is a striking border. Love the symmetry
Hi Wendy, I think it works! The dark background is effective and the middle strs sort of look like flags.
It’s hard to tell which end is which in your Wilbs photo, lol! Sometimes that’s how the SAHRR feels, too. I like what you ended up with, though. Hope you eventually do, too!
I’m loving it!😍
You did a wonderful job working to make those stars pop, but you must be more careful in the future to keep from exhausting Wilbs. 😉
I am sorry you struggled, too. Funny how we both had trouble with the stars. I do love what you wound up with and think it works perfectly. Add the coping strip and you are ready for round 4!
Nettie Sews
This is turning out very nicely! The appliqued stars add to your center star, and quick enough to sew!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Love the stand-out stars, Wendy!!!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I like it! I tried friendship stars before settling on sawtooth! I love your appliqued stars, and actually almost went with that as well. It’s looking good…and so is Wilbs! He looks so comfy.
Vicki in MN
I like how you reworked your stars because they are dancing around your border just right now.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Changing out to a different background was definitely the right choice for this border. Has it grown on you enough to be ready to add the coping border?
Sara Fridley
I really like how you used stars! I keep reminding myself that I don’t have to do an entire side with the weekly prompts. Corners work nicely!!
Cheree Hull
Oh gosh, no ripping! The stars look great; get that border on and go! (Nice, Wilbs. Your concern and support is just…nice. LOL)
Katherine Duquette
Your stars are dancing while they pull the eye back to your center star.
I think you have a successful solution that dances with colors too.
I also hate ripping stuff out. These are very sweet and do NOT need to be swapped out. I think they soften the border. I like them – this all looks so pretty.
Rochelle Summers
Isn’t it frustrating when the thing you want to do doesn’t work like you planned? I do like your border and think it is hunky dory! My Dad used that phrase a lot! As for Wilbs, maybe he was afraid he’d see his shadow.
I’m loving your stars!!! both the friendship ones and the raw edge applique! And yes, the navy does give a nod to the dark in your beginning star! 😍
J Mur
Nice solution to your “stellar” challenge, Wendy!
You were right to try again; the contrast between the navy & the bright stars is wonderful!
Bleu Mirabelle
It’s very nice…and your cat is so lovely!
Quilting is in my Blood
I appreciated your discussion about the challenges in using stars for a narrow border. I think your solution ended up working well for your quilt.
It looks great! I debated over doing applique stars on mine, but ended up piecing mine and I am happy with the results. Funny how we all seem to play around with some of the rounds before we make the final decision. I am having fun with this SAHRR. Why didn’t I join in before this year? At least I am here now.
Preeti Harris
It is traditional. It is modern. It is fabulous. So you! Love it!!!
You kept the bold and bright with a bit of whimsy. A perfect addition to your SAHRR. It is hard if you want to keep the blocks small. I’m making those 3″ Friend Ship stars too and they aren’t a snap to make. I’ll love them, but sometimes I wonder why did I sign on for this torture?
I think your stars work very well in this latest round. I’m also trying to keep my project small so I haven’t actually attached my stars yet. Enjoy the weekend!
I love these applique stars!!!! I hope they do grow on you, because I think they look great and add charm! I also really like the combo of the navy, lime, and red in the corners. This is looking fun!
Pamela Boatright
Definitely part of the challenge on a round robin – lots of design decisions to be made! I like what you ended up with, really cute!
Danice G
Your stars look very good. Your quilt is looking really pretty.