SAHRR Center Block Reveal
It’s SAHRR Center Block Reveal Day! Today is the beginning of the 5th annual Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR). Unlike a traditional Round Robin, where the quilt travels from one quilter to another, the SAHRR quilt stays with you. We give you the border to add each week, and you create your own SAHRR quilt. We have enjoyed seeing your creativity as you stitch your quilts together.

Here are the SAHRR co-hosts for 2025:
- Anja @ Anja Quilts
- Brenda @ Songbird Designs
- Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- Gail of @ Quilting Gail – our fearless founder!
- Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing
- and me!
Each week one of us will reveal the border for the week, then you have that week to finish your border and link up to show us your work. The host for the week will also host the linky party, which will be included in her Monday post. Many of you have sewn along with us in the past, so you know the drill, but if you have questions, reach out to one of us and we’ll be happy to help.
This week’s host is Quilting Gail. Gail is the founder of the SAHRR – she dreamt up the idea and asked the rest of us to co-host with her. She keeps us moving forward as we plan each year – thanks so much, Gail! You will need to go read Gail’s post if you haven’t already. She will show her center block, give you updated details on the SAHRR and then, after you have your center block ready, you’ll want to go to her post and link up.
Okay, are you ready to see my center block? Last year, I used a center block that was made by my grandmother, Selma. It became a generational quilt by the time it was done. Grandma made the center block, I used pieces of an apron my mother made, I quilted the borders each week, and my daughter joined in to do a little stitching on it too. You can see the finished quilt here.
Well, I went back to my stash of Grandma’s fabric, and I found some pre-cut diamond shapes. My grandma was a seamstress, so she had quite an eclectic mix of fabric scraps. I don’t know who cut these diamond shapes – it could have been grandma or some of the church ladies. Back then they used cardboard templates, tracing around the shape, and then cutting with a scissors. These shapes were very distorted. I did my best to try to get them uniform in size, but in the end, just decided to go with them as they were.

I have to say, I really wish I had more of that orange/red print! I have no recollection of that fabric, so it must be scraps from clothing Grandma made for someone other than family. I have a finished quilt by Grandma that is this scrappy star design. Each star is raw-edge appliqued using a zig zag stitch, so I thought I’d do the same with my block.

You can see how wonky these diamonds were, but it works. Both prints are from Grandma’s scrap stash. I have added a coping border to the block, and forgot to take a photo of that before adding the first border, so you’ll have to wait until next week to see that.
Okay – now it’s your turn to choose your blocks for SAHRR 2025. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! And don’t forget to pop over to my other co-hosts and see their blocks, too (click on the links above). You might find inspiration and they’d enjoy having you stop by and leaving a comment.
Happy Stitching!

SAHRR 2025

Eva's SAHRR Center Block
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tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
That is an awesome block with those fabric selections!
Kathleen McCormick
What a fun block to start of SAHRR! I love that it is from the stash that created last years….and can’t wait to see how it develops.
That is a wonderful block – those fabrics (and Grandma) rock! Looking forward to seeing where you take this.
Your grandmother’s diamonds make a great block, Wendy! With the blue Grunge background, it’s quite modern. It will be fun to see how your round robin quilt progresses. I’ve been excited for today to come, and I’m ready to start the SAHRR, too. Just have to write up a blog post!
Wow. The orange print is so bold and retro. It is a beautiful star. Love the connections and history it holds.
Barbara J Stanbro
That turned out very cute. Those fabrics work great together.
Laura Kate
Grandma’s fabric is very inspiring. I can’t stop looking at the “reverse applique” daisy shapes, which feature the background black. I predict you will have great fun with this center.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I love that you are starting out with fabric and cut shapes from your grandmother’s scraps for another meaningful quilt this year. I look forward to watching this grow!
Echoing all others, your center block is super. I love the blue grunge and the fabric of your grandma’s stash. It turns out more interesting if not equal at each side. So, it is perfect! The next weeks we will have fun to watch all the pages and progress. Thanks to you and all hosts to show their fabulous center blocks. Happy Monday and THANK YOU.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love your block, Wendy, wonky or not, it’s perfect! I especially like that you paid tribute to your Grandma and used fabrics from her stash. My Granny used to draft her templates on cardboard candy boxes from their little country store and cut by hand too! She was an awesome seamstress too. Have a great week!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love your block, Wendy, wonky or not, it’s perfect! I especially like that you paid tribute to your Grandma and used fabrics from her stash. My Granny used to draft her templates on cardboard candy boxes from their little country store and cut by hand too! She was an awesome seamstress too. Have a great week!
Cheree Hull
That’s some fun fabric to get things going. You have a vibe established to kick off all kinds of creativity, and the bonus is the history behind it. Gonna be a fun one!
Rochelle Summers
This is a wonderful star, full of both you and your Grandma. The wonkiness reminds me of some of your most recent work. And the blue grunge is a wonderful background. Looking forward to another fun SAHRR.
What a fun way to begin SAHRR!
Quilting is in my Blood
Such a great block with the connection to your grandmother and its vibrant visual appeal. Like your other commenters, I think the wonkiness just adds to its charm.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Neat block and fabrics from your Grandma, Wendy!!!
It is wild to think of the true hand work that went into quilting before mats, rulers and rotary blades. So much more work! The first four quilts I made were done between 1977 and 1985. So, all cut with scissors. I didn’t have cardboard templates – No one was really teaching me – I was just figuring it out on my own. So using a ruler, I drew on the back side of the fabric with a pencil and cut them out with scissors – it took forever. No wonder I stopped quilting from 1985 to 2012. Then bam – it was so much simpler with good tools.
I love the grunge background Wendy. Perfect start.
J Mur
Great block choice, Wendy! Looking forward to seeing where you go with it.
Carol Andrews
Wendy your center block is too cute. How fun is it that you are using some of your Grandmother’s leftover bits to work with. I’m looking forward to seeing your quilt grow.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
What wonderful fabrics! I love this centre 🙂
Danice G
What a pretty block. The history about your grandma’s fabric is very sentimental. I will be sewing my center block tomorrow.
What a fun block to start with! I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone’s SAHRR develops.
Sara Fridley
That block is so fun with those funky prints. I love it!! The bit of orange really pops!
I love the story of your 2024 SAHRR quilt and this year’s starting block is just as special. I look forward to watching your quilt come together.
I’m in LOVE with your centre block!! And I LOVE that the fabric is from your G’ma’s stash!! That is so heartwarming!! Thanks for being one of the SAHRR team!!! 🩵
Vicki in MN
Memories of Grandma as you are working on this SAHRR.
Judy B
I, too, am looking forward to seeing your block grow in to a great quilt. I wish I had some of my grandmas’ fabric. It would be fun to have a piece of the past.
Ooh, love it!! That looks so stunning on the grunge.
Frédérique @Quilting Patchwork Appliqué
Lovely center block, full of memories and meanings. I love it!