SAHRR Round 7
Our host for today is Gail of Quilting Gail. Not only is she our final host, Gail is the originator of this fun quilt along. I want to thank her for all her hard work on putting this together, and for giving me the opportunity to co-lead with her and our five other quilting friends. Please go to Gail’s post today, get the details on the final border and the upcoming Parade of Quilts. Please leave her a note of thanks, as well, if you would.
The final border for this week is the pinwheel block – something easy and fun for the last round.
As I mentioned last week, I am combining the last two borders, so I go to work on my pinwheel blocks. I made one in a 4-inch size and put it up on my design wall.
Nope. It just felt like that pinwheel block was overwhelming my log cabin blocks. So I made smaller pinwheel blocks, eight of them, and added four each to the top and bottom borders.
A few fun facts about my quilt:
- All of the fabric is from my stash – the quilt top, the backing and the binding
- The quilt top measures 48 inches wide by 52 inches long
- It is currently with Connie, waiting for her to work her quilting magic
- It hardly made a dent in my bin of reproduction fabrics, but I did use a 3-yard piece from my stash for the backing, so I feel good about that!
It has been so delightfully fun to see your quilts each week as you add your borders. I’ve enjoyed the variety and your creativity. I hope you’ve had as much fun as we have sewing together!
Don’t forget to pop over to the other co-hosts and see their final borders today:
- Chris @ Chrisknitssews
- Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- Anja @ Anja Quilts
- Roseanne @ Home Sewn by Us
- Susan @ Quilt Fabrication
Okay, it’s your turn to make the SAHRR Round 7 pinwheel blocks and add them to your quilt. Don’t forget to link up this week at Quilting Gail, and then mark your calendars for the Parade of Quilts link up on March 29th!

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It has turned out beautifully. The smaller pinwheels were a stroke of genius. Well done on producing such a lovely quilt “in the dark” as it were.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
This looks wonderful! I have enjoyed watching it grow 🙂
Cindy Pieters
The smaller pinwheels are perfect and I like how you used spacers between them!
I love the way your quilt turned out! One reason may be that I like Americana and the color scheme, but your layout really sets it apart. It was really fun to see the other quilters’ versions, as well. 👏👏
Nancy Bekedam
Love your petite pinwheels, Wendy!!!
Riceford Streams
It’s been fun to see everyone’s different spin on this quilt. I like the mix of blocks in an unexpected arrangement. Your reproduction fabrics have a comforting feel and I’m reminded of all the quilts I liked that made me want to learn how to quilt. I think a Civil War reproduction is going on my bucket list! Thanks for all the inspiration, Wendy.
I loved that you said all the fabric was from your stash… such a good feeling to “use up.” Then I laughed when just a few lines down you said you hardly made a dent. Ha ha ha! Isn’t that the way! Good choice to combine the last two borders. I like the way that one turned out. Favorite round… the wonky stars.
I really, really like what you did with the log cabins and oh those cute little pinwheels! I had decided to stop adding to mine, but those pinwheels are very tempting. Love the repro fabrics, and just FYI, my scrap bins actually puff up bigger as I use them. 😉
Hi Wendy! I love how your pinwheels look like they are dancing. Dancing away from the log cabin blocks that look like the pyramids – like the pinwheels have visited and are released into the sunshine. What a nice size your quilt top ended at – our is too small and I think I’ll need to add a plain border to make it more useful. This is a beautiful finish. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
What a beautiful finish, Wendy!! I love how your smaller pinwheels play so well with the rest of the quilt! Looking forward to seeing it all quilted and bound!!
done and getting quilted already – you moved fast!
Oh, that turned out so cute. Nice work!
Vick in in MN
It’s been fun checking out how everyone interprets each border. Do you have any idea how many others joined you hosts in this event?
Betty Cruikshank
Excellent end result.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love the pinwheel blocks set on point like that – your quilt top just looks great! It’s a good size, too. I’ll look forward to seeing yours all finished up! These Monday posts always get me thinking. I’m still sewing the long seams for my last week’s border, but I can start making some pinwheels today anyway!
I love the balance between pieced blocks and background. The decision to make smaller pinwheels and set them on point was wonderful. I don’t know that I would have thought to try either a smaller block or the setting. This quilt really shines and each border works in harmony with the others. A true success! Congratulations.
My Sewful Retirement
The pinwheels on point was a fabulous idea! Each round of your quilt blends together perfectly. I love the reproduction fabrics and cream background. All of the participant quilts are just amazing !
Laura Kate
ditto. What she said.
Love it! Fun pinwheels, and the finished top looks great! Can’t wait to see how your quilter quilts it. This has been a lot of fun.
I love how the pinwheels shine around the log cabin mountains!! I love it!
What a great finish! I love those little pinwheels!
Sandra Walker
At first I wasn’t ‘sold’ on your choice of which block to use for this but seeing it all done I just absolutely love it Wendy! Well done. Loved seeing it grow reading your thoughts about how/why to proceed. Now for quilting!
Louise Hornor
Those tiny pinwheels are just the ticket! What a fun round of this endeavor 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
You did such a good job with this! I love the way it turned out. Still mulling it over…but I think I may make it my OMG so it gets done..we shall see.
Cheree Hull
I love how you mixed in the pinwheels. Super that it’s all from the stash–a dent is a dent! Yahoo! Bet you can’t wait to get it back from the quilter! Will be watching for final pics!
Quilting is in my Blood
This was such a fun project to follow and see all the different renditions. The pinwheels are really cute, but the wonky stars are my favorite!
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy those pinwheels are so cute and combining the last two rounds together is a great idea. So only a baby dent in your stash. Yea! for the backing from the stash too.
Yay! Great finish and congrats on using up some stash!
Carol Andrews
Wow Wendy this is just beautiful. I love the way everyone interpreted the blocks for each round. Good use of your stash!
The Joyful Quilter
Pinwheels and party hats to celebrate the good ‘ole US of A!! :o))