SAHRR Round Three
Here’s is where my quilt was at last week, after adding the diamonds. You can read all about that border here.
This week, I’m seeing stars! Who doesn’t love a star border? And there are so many to choose from. I opted to use a spinning star this year. Since I’m doing my SAHRR in improv, my stars are wonky and fun. I forgot to measure my quilt top with the star border added, but it is around 32″ square now.
I had a bit of a panic later in the week when I discovered I was out of the background fabric (Kona Silver). I thought I had a half bolt of it, only to discover it was Kona Dove, and they differ ever so slightly, but just enough that it’s noticeable. After much searching and mumbling and thinking I was in a real pickle, I discovered a one-yard cut I had purchased in December through a Missouri Star Daily Deal. Huzzah! I could finish this round with fabric to spare. I have more on order now, too!
For my spinning stars, I used the same method I used in last week’s post (see link above). I just changed it up a bit. This time, I cut all the angles the same direction (rather than two cut on the left and two on the right). The star blades measure 1-1/2″ x 2″. The center square is 1-1/2″, and the corner squares are 2″. Once sewn together, I squared them to 4-1/2″. It’s a quick method that can be done by improv (with random cuts for the blades) or with a ruler for a more traditional star.
Have fun making your SAHRR Border Three stars this week – and don’t forget to link up over at Home Sewn by Us!
Next Monday is my turn to reveal the border, so be sure to stop in and see what I’ve come up with!

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Cindy Pieters
This is looking great!
Sandi Scarlett
Your SAHRR is beautiful! I love what you’re doing with it. I should take a block and try it sometime. I’m not much of an improv quilter though but it sure looks like fun!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
So sparkly!!!
Katherine Duquette
It dances, your choice of improve is really working. I will be watching for the next round post. Happy week.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Those are neat! I’ve never thought to make stars that way, but I love them. I also love your Kona Silver background – so glad you found more. Your SAHRR is so fun, Wendy!
Hi Wendy! I just love those spinning stars! I am pretty darn certain I can see them twinkling, too. This is such a fun piece. I truly cannot wait to see where this goes next. {{Hugs}} a bunch. ~smile~ Roseanne
I love the stars added in the mix! they really add sparkle
Barbara J Stanbro
I love what you’re doing with this. So much fun.
I love watching your progress and I’m glad you had enough Silver fabric. Oh, the panic!
Sandra Walker
So much fun! Bright and happy is much needed in January right?
The Joyful Quilter
Oh, those are cute little Wonky Spinning Stars, Wendy!! Off to figure out what to do with my SAHRR project…
Quilter Kathy
So fun! I would call it “Colour Pops”! It just sparkles!
Vicki in MN
The wonky star block just fits in perfectly with the rest of your quilt, good job!
I still love it! It is dancing all over the place! 🙂
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Whew, so glad you found an extra bit of Kona Silver to get you through this round and I hope your order arrives quickly and the color matches well. I look forward to seeing what you suggest for round four next week!
Karrin Hurd
Love your wonky stars! Love the whole improv idea! Great work!
Rochelle Summers
I understand that panicky feeling. That silver makes the colors shine but doesn’t make them jump out like white would. The stars are very colorful and fit right in with the rest of the quilt.
Love your stars!! Your SAHRR is coming along nicely!!!
This may sound weird, but your piece makes me thing of birds and stars floating over a park. Just magical!
Kathleen McCormick
This is just gorgeous. I am thinking a QuiltCon entry for next year!!! It really is dynamic and I love every addition more than the last!
The Morning Latte
Well, hallelujah, panic alleved! Glad you found some! Hope you didn’t tear through things too much! LOL As previously mentioned, this one is just sooo cheery! Perfect for working out those winter blues?
Your SAHRR is so happy!! Love the look of those wonky spinning stars. What a hoot of joy must have echoed in your sewing room when you found that Kona silver. Welp, tomorrow I will hit the ground running with SAHRR catch-up. Wish me luck! Looking forward to seeing what treats your have for us next Monday. 😉
Hooray for more Kona Silver! I LOVE your stars, with all the different colors in each star! I also think it’s so fun that 3 of us hosts chose Friendship Stars and we didn’t even know it 🙂 I absolutely love all the solids in this, it looks so fun!
Carol Andrews
Wendy your SAHRR is just the brightest, happiest quilt ever! I am falling in love with your Improv piecing 😉
It just gets better and better!
Quilting is in my Blood
These dancing wonky stars are fantastic! I hadn’t seen that version of wonky stars before, and I really like them. Glad you got your background fabric sorted out.
Sandy Panagos
That is more cool every time I see it. I be the border is going to be the cherry on top! Can’t wait to see it.
Dawn Tornes
Wendy, your improv rounds are so bright and beautiful! The stars just make it shine!