SAHRR Round Two
Today it’s all about the SAHRR Round Two border. Our host this week is Emily of The Darling Dogwood. Emily chose diamonds for the SAHRR Round Two border. She is also hosting this week’s linky party, so make sure you go to her site and link up your Round Two border when you have it finished!
I’ve chosen to go a little different path for my SAHRR quilt this year, and I’m making it all improv using solid fabrics. You can read about my first border here.
I had to do a little pondering about how to make improv diamonds. I realized I hadn’t made them before. I’ll show you how I made them, but let me show you my diamond border first. With this border added, my quilt measures 24″ square.
I chose to lay my diamonds the long way around the quilt. I liked that look better. Actually, I was thinking I would trim the diamond blocks down a bit when I was finished, but in the end I left them the original size and turned them on their sides. Here’s how I made them:
Using four 2-1/2″ squares, I made an angled cut (no ruler) on the lower left of two squares, and the lower right on the other two. I discarded the small pieces.
Then I sewed scrap pieces to those angled sides.. They look a bit odd, but it will work.
I trimmed them back to the original size of 2-1/2 inches.
Then I laid them out in an arrangement I liked, and stitched them together. (Note that I didn’t take a photo of the block all stitched; I figured you’d know what that will look like.)
The blocks went together quickly. I did nest the center seam when I sewed the two halves together. My points do not match because I cut the angles without a ruler. The block was squared to 4-1/2″.
I enjoyed seeing all the first borders last week. It will be fun to see how you add your SAHRR Border Two this week.
Happy Stitching!

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Oh oh oh — this is definitely a ‘happy dance’ quilt. You are flying, Wendy
Cindy Pieters
This is looking so good, I like the diamond blocks!
I like the addition of those diamonds it looks really good
Your diamonds are sparkling. I love how cheerful your colors are. The whole piece is looking great.
Your diamonds just make your block shine. I like that the points don’t match, it just adds to the charm! Love your method too. I started Googling as soon as I read Emily’s post this morning, and your method is one I found a few times. It sure saves buying a ruler!
The diamonds remind me of kites flying in the wind. Very fun!
Barbara J Stanbro
That’s turning out great. I love all that color.
Hi Wendy! Cute, cute, cute! I love these little improv diamonds. They are very happy looking, to me. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy these diamonds are perfectly improv! This is going to be one of my favorites and can’t wait to see it done!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Oh, the ideas are flying this morning! I love your diamonds, and your method of making them, too. I realized they are similar to making wonky star points, just using one corner. Thanks for the inspiration, Wendy!
Karrin Hurd
I am so loving your improv method of making these! Thanks for sharing!
How cute is that?!? I absolutely love your method and the resulting diamonds!!
Oh Girlie…you really are turning me into an improv fan! Ha, ha! I love that the diamonds don’t match…they make this block dance! 🙂
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
The diamonds look great on their sides, and I love the variation that improv creates!
Rochelle Summers
The contrast between the curves from the first border and the lines from the second border makes this very interesting. I love the color choices. This will be a bright spot on a dreary day. Can’t wait to see the next round.
Anorina Morris
I love your diamonds are dancing a sparkling ring around that central block. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
gosh you’re done fast. and so many comments!
The Joyful Quilter
Great minds think alike, Wendy! This is the same method that I had in mind for Round 2. LOVE the playful vibe of your growing project!!
love, Love, LOVE!!!
Can’t wait to see the next round!
Nancy Bekedam
Clever! Such colorful little kites!!!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Love it, Wendy! I’m ready to move on to the diamonds, though I did get my curves finished!
Quilting is in my Blood
Those improv diamonds work perfectly with your SAHRR project. It’s so fun to see your interpretation of the border prompts!
Carol Andrews
Wendy these improv diamonds are perfect for your SAHRR! The tutorial is great. Thank you. 😉
Sandy Panagos
I like how the points don’t match. So much more fun!