SAHRR starts today!
For the kickoff today, it’s all about the center block. The block you choose can be an orphan block, a newly-created block, a panel – whatever you choose. Gail has a linky party on her post today, which you can read here and once you’ve chosen your block, you can link it up there. Each week there will be a linky party, at the host site for that week.
For my center block, I have decided to do something a little different from my 2021 SAHRR (which you can see here). While my 2021 SAHRR quilt was traditional, this year I am going to go with all solid fabrics and use improv blocks. Don’t panic – the improv is just for me and my quilt. When I show you the border I’ve chosen for this year’s SAHRR, it will be shown to you traditionally pieced. It will not be an improv border. I hope that makes sense – if not, leave me a comment if you have questions or need clarification.
So here’s my block.
Oops – technical difficulties! Let’s try that again.
There we go! My block hasn’t been squared. I’m waiting until I add the first border to decide whether my block will be square or wonky. So you’ll have to stop back next Monday and see what I chose to do!
My background fabric will be Kona Silver. I hope to use all solid fabrics from my stash to up the challenge a bit more. My solid stash is a lot less than my prints, so we’ll see how it goes!
I haven’t seen any of the blocks chosen by Gail and the rest of the co-hosts, so I’m excited to see theirs today. I’m also excited to see YOUR blocks! So let’s get this party started! Here’s the schedule for the SAHRR with links to our blog:
- January 10, Center Blocks – Gail @ Quilting Gail
- January 18, First Round – Anja @ Anja Quilts
- January 25, Second Round – Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
- February 1, Third Round – Roseanne & Sue @ Home Sewn by Us
- February 8, Fourth Round – Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life – ME!!
- February 15, Fifth Round – Gail @ Quilting Gail
- February 22, Sixth Round – Chris @ Chrisknitssews
- March 21, Parade!! – showing all of your finished SAHRRs!
I’m so excited that the SAHRR starts today, and I do hope you’ll be joining in and sewing with us. So go find your center block (if you haven’t already) and get set to have some fun!
See you next week!

Thoughtful Thursday

Making Progress
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Nancy Bekedam
A really wild and fun center block, Wendy!!!
Cindy Pieters
A fun block to start with! It’s going to be interesting as you work on it. Wilbs makes a wonderful block holder…lol
Sandra Healy
I’m looking forward to seeing how this quilt develops, I love your starting block.
Kathleen McCormick
This will be so much fun to see! I have a block or two that I am thinking of…we shall see which one fits best. Coordinating fabric is often the problem so I think I will be making some piles this week.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love it, Wendy!! I’m making my way around and need to get my block posted soon! This is going to be fun!
Barbara J Stanbro
I love all that color. Reminds me of Gee’s Bend.
Emily Leachman
Wow! I’m so excited to see the rest of your quilt grow around that center! All solids will be fun. I love all the colors that you’ve already used!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Ooh, this is fun! I’ll enjoy seeing where you go with this. That really is half the fun of this QAL – seeing all the ideas everyone has and how they go together. I have a center block picked – just need to write up a post about it.
This looks like fun! I hopped around and saw all the center blocks; what a variety!
Karrin Hurd
Great wonky block! I can’t wait to see what comes next!
Needle and Foot
This is an excellent start and I am intrigued by the idea of you doing this with improv piecing. It will be a lot of fun to watch your progress!
Hi Wendy! Wilbs says technical difficulties?!! Those sweet and helpful paws can’t be labeled TDs. HAHA! An improv center block – how cool!! And, will it be squared up or not – that is the question for next week. How fun. I can’t wait to see what’s next. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I look forward to watching your progress and the quilt top grow!
I love your colors! That is going to be a fun quilt. I cackled out loud at the first photo. Wilbs’ paws are just too cute. I’m so excited to get to use an orphan block! Looking forward to seeing your prompt. 😀
Love your colors; love your block! This is going to fun to see where it takes you! 🙂
Sandra Walker
Trust you to have a wild centre! Love it! My solids are much less plentiful in my stash too. I still really want to hop in… gotta figure out my RSC project yet though. But I think I do have room for another project… mebbe 😉
Love your block!!! Even if Wilbs tries to take it over!
I’m not surprised that you’re going with improv! Love it!
The Joyful Quilter
Did you said square or wonky, Wendy? It might be interesting if you consider a circle. What do you think?!
Ooohh! I love this start! I’d take the center block alone and forget whatever comes next!
Sandy Panagos
I can already tell your quilt is going to be fabulous!
Will follow at a distance to see how this develops Wendy. Certainly very brave and fun.
Ooooh this looks exciting.
Vivian B.
Oooh, a great way to try improv piecing, I think you’ll have a lot of fun with this! I already had two traditional blocks in mind for trying SAHRR but now you’ve got me thinking….
Carol Andrews
What a bright happy piece you’ve made for your centre block. 😉
The thing I fear most, solids!!! Will be eagerly watching this build.
Cool start to the quilt! Will you do the rounds in improv, too? That would be really interesting! Looking forward to seeing as it happens!
Dawn Tornes
Wow! This is going to look amazing with your improv and wonky blocks! So colorful!
Jocelyn Thurston
Wendy, I love those colours together and the improv leads to very interesting and in my opinion, beautiful work. It will be a treat to follow your journey with this esp. incorporating traditional blocks too. You’ve definitely got your creative juices flowing!!
Quilter Kathy
Oh how fun!
Beautiful center block, it’s going to be fun to follow your progress!