improv quilts

School of Fish

My school of fish is growing, improv fish blocks, that is! Each month, I’ve been stitching up some improv fish blocks using Nicholas Balls’ method in his book, Inspiring Improv. These fish are so much fun to create, using just a few fabric scraps. I’d like to say that my scrap stash is diminishing with each group of fish I sew, but there doesn’t seem to be much of a change, even with all the blue I’m using as backgrounds!

To see my fish for the months of January through May, go here. Many of you are doing the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year, and while I’m not joining in, I am using the suggested colors for each month. Last month, June, the suggested color was blue.

This month’s color is aqua. So I pulled out my little stash of aqua fabrics, and before I knew it, I had my fish done for this month!

They don’t look much different than the June fish in this photo, but there is a difference. Today was a very gloomy, overcast day, which made it difficult to get a bright, happy photo showing the real color of the fish.

With July’s fish, my little school of fish has grown to around 60 blocks. I usually try to make 10 fish each month, but I think I made more in some of the months. Would you like to see them all swimming together on my design wall? Here you go!

I just placed them at random. Once the school of fish is complete, I’ll trim the blocks and then begin playing with the layout. It promises to be a happy little shoal when it is all complete!

Have you ever made improv fish?

Happy stitching, all!



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