
Sewing for Others

Sewing for others has been my theme in the sewing room for the last two days. I don’t have too much to show for it, but I have enjoyed every minute.

Port Softy

Sewing for Others - Made a Port Pad from a pattern by From My Carolina Home - piecefulthoughts.com

A friend at church has a friend going through cancer treatment, so I offered to make a port softy for her. Since her friend’s favorite color is purple, I found this pretty batik in my stash and got to work. The pattern is by Carole of From My Carolina Home. It’s an excellent pattern, and takes just a short while to make. When finished, it’s about 4″ x 6″.

Hospital Gowns for Dolls

Recently Bernie of Needle and Foot wrote another post mentioning that Amy, founder of A Doll Just Like Me, is in need of more tiny gowns for the dolls she makes. These go together so quickly and use one fat quarter.

Sewing for Others - tiny hospital gowns for dolls for Amy and A Doll Just Like Me - piecefulthoughts.com

I have enough fabric left of the lizard material to make a quilt, so that’s up next.

Sewing for Others - Close up view of hospital gown print - piecefulthoughts.com

I made one more using a Scottie Dog print, and whipped up a little quilt to go with it.

Sewing for Others - tiny doll hospital gown with matching doll quilt - piecefulthoughts.com

Here’s a closer view of the little gown.

Sewing for Others - Close up of Scottie Dog print for the doll hospital gown - piecefulthoughts.com

I have one more sewing for others project to complete, a shopping bag for a friend of my daughter. I’ll get to that soon, but first I may whip up a few more tiny gowns.

That’s my finish for this Friday. This weekend, I’m going to quilt the Valentine’s wallhanging. Hopefully I’ll have it done to show you on Monday.

Linking up today with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Sherry at Powered by Quilting.

Enjoy your weekend, friends!



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