Sky Color
Sky Color is the second challenge for Project Quilting Season 15. Trish asks us this week to “take inspiration from the colors of the sky, but exclude or use less than 10% of the usual blue”, I immediately knew what I wanted to make. This is my inspiration photo.

This photo was taken in February of 2020 while we were visiting our daughter when she was living in Florida. My photography skills did not capture the color of that sunset well, but I remember how intense the colors were!
I began by pulling out some of my solid fabrics in reds, golds and oranges, but I wasn’t really happy with what I had on hand. Then I remembered that I had some hand-dyed fabric from Colorways by Vicki. When I pulled out my stash of her fabrics, I was delighted to find one of her gradients – Imperial Dragon. You’ll have to visit her website to see the yardage. I was so into the project, I completely forgot to take any progress photos!
So I got to work, cutting up the gradient and having some fun with wavy improv. Wavy improv is a favorite of mine, I find it so relaxing. I cut wavy lines and moved the gradient fabric around – and that fabric was all that I used for this piece!

I have made several of these three-dimensional little quilts. I made my first one in 2019. I use the instructions by Jean Wells in this book:

My finished piece is 9 inches square and 3 inches deep. The quilt is mounted on a wood box that was made by my husband. (He made me a stash of them so I’m ready to go when I’m inspired to make one!) Here is a view of one of the sides.

I used leftover strips and bits to make the side pieces. You can see in this photo that the front side (on the right) poufs out a bit. That is intended, to give the piece a little bit more dimension.
I’m particularly pleased with the back of the piece. It is the neatest back I’ve done of these quilts so far.

I plan to write a label on the wood, but forgot to do it for the photo!
For the quilting, I used Aurifil Desert Dawn (#4648) 40 wt (needle thread) and 50 wt (bobbin thread). It is a variegated thread and was the perfect match for the gradient fabric. Using my AcuFeed foot, I just followed the waves. I love the texture!

One more view of that quilting texture.

I enjoyed making this – Sky Color was the perfect challenge for this cold, chilly weather – thanks, Kim and Trish!

SAHRR Border 1

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What a vibrant, bright, beautiful piece. It must warm the cockles of your heart!
I am fascinated by your ‘boxed’ method to make a 3D piece. It’s so clever, and different
Quilting is in my Blood
Oh my goodness, Wendy, this is a wonderful piece. I love the color gradations (no surprise there!), the quilting, and I absolutely love how it is mounted on a box made by your husband. Truly fantastic!
Well, it’s gorgeous in color and in design.
“… in February of 2020… visiting our daughter… in Florida” As I read that, I was thinking, wow, you just barely got that visit in before the world fell apart.
Wow! You definitely captured the colors and design of that sunrise, and the quilting just makes it sing. So beautiful! How you expertly fitted that piece to the box is pretty amazing. It looks 3D!
Nettie Sews
This is a wonderful quilt for this challenge! The wavy fabric and wavy lines really set it off!
Wow, this turned out great! The quilting and variegation in the thread add perfect texture. Now you have a great, unique memento of your trip to Florida!
laura bruno lilly
Stupendous piece, Wendy! Of course, the wavy improv/quilting grabs you but when I learned you manipulated the gradient fabric to your own purposes – that’s the mark of a true (he)artist IMHO! I do like the effect of mounting some pieces on canvas (I’ve done a few myself and have been very pleased), but those boxes (made by your husband!) bump that up a level or two!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Wonderful sky piece, Wendy!!! Very unique, loaded on a BJ frame!!!
beautiful red!!
Barbara J Stanbro
Very pretty combination of colors. I love what you did with the quilting too.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
This is so cute, Wendy! I thought about joining in the challenge when I saw what it was, but haven’t come up with anything yet! We shall see if it develops!
What a great design. I love how this turned out.
Vicki in MN
Wow, I love this vibrant fabric, perfect use for this project. You were so fast to have it completed already!
How on earth are you getting all of this done lately Wendy?! You are on a roll here.
Love this one – super color and the mount idea is so cool. Thanks to your hub – how cool!!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I love how you mounted the quilt; it’s going to add a lovely pop of color when it is on display! And what a perfect piece of fabric to have all those colors. I love it when everything comes together so well for a project.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love that, Wendy – such pretty color! It looks like you had the perfect fabric choices all ready to go. Love the quilting thread, too. I hope you also have the perfect spot to hang this up in your house!
You really made a wonderful “sky” quilt. You certainly captured all the lovely colors of the sky at sunset and all in one piece of fabric. I’ve only mounted a top once on an art canvas and it looked very nice. Congratulations on a beautiful piece.
Vicki Welsh
Not only is it a super cool response to the prompt but the whole construction and mounting is brilliant.
Vibrant and unique, Wendy! I love this piece so much! Your Hubby made the perfect medium to show it off! 🙂
J Mur
Awesome finish, Wendy! Have you mounted a quilt like that before? I’ve only added one to a stretched canvas. I would say it’s one of my must favorite projects ever. Enjoy!
Beautifully done! A 3-D piece is new to me, very creative and a nice way to display a mini.
Kathleen McCormick
This is just gorgeous Wendy! I love the colors and the back is perfect! What a fun way to display this quilt.
Danice G
What a gorgeous little quilt! Very unique that it’s mounted on a wood box.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I had to smile at “the usual blue” part of your instruction. Here we would have to say grey! I love your block. It’s amazing it was made from one piece of fabric and it looks great mounted on that wood box 🙂
Kim Lapacek
Gah! This is so cool! I love how you framed it – i love the edges – i love everything about it! YES! YES! YES!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
That is an awesome piece I love the reds and oranges – the piece has quite a temperature! The quilting works perfectly!
Lovely colours. What do you use the box for? Is it a display only piece?