Something Old and Something New
Before I go any further, let me introduce myself, in case you are new to my blog. I’m Wendy, and I live in Minnesota in a little house partially surrounded by woods and with a creek in my backyard. I’ve been a quilter for over 25 years. For me, quilting combines so much of what I enjoy – color, fabric, needle and thread. My quilting buddy is Wilbs the cat, who shows up frequently on my blog (he is being shy today). Finding this community of fellow quilters and creatives has been pure delight! So thank you for stopping by. Feel free to subscribe to my blog – I’d love it if you do!
Something old – I’ll bet you think I’m going to share a recipe from one of my grandmothers or my mom. Nope! I’m switching things up today – my something old is a little UFO that has been languishing in my UFO stack for more years than necessary. The whole reason it has been ignored was because I thought it just needed something – but what? So it got stashed away.
I pondered what to do. Perhaps I should cut it up, make a stocking? Add some applique? So I pulled it out and looked at it again, and decided it was just fine as it was. I added some curved quilting and called it good.
For the quilting, I used a variegated aqua thread and quilted some orange peel curves. I had to pay attention because it was easy to lose track of the block that had the larger orange peel design. I tend to lose my train of thought while I quilt, and my mind wanders, which isn’t always helpful . . .
Here’s another view, so you can see a bit more of the quilting design. I free-handed the design using registration marks and some light chalk marks. The larger orange peel design went in the blocks, the smaller orange peel in the setting squares. In the white rectangle strips, I stitched a diamond shape using white thread.
Here’s one more view of the quilting:
Here’s a peek at the backing fabric, a piece that I had in my stash. It doesn’t match perfectly, but it’ll do!
This little quilt finishes at 22 inches square. I have no plans for this quilt yet, but I’m sure something will turn up!
Something new – this recipe won’t be new to many of you. I’ve had this cookie before, but never made it. There are times when I don’t want to go to all the fuss of baking and timing and rolling – you get the idea. This is a no-bake recipe. Stand at the stove for a few minutes, mix it up, drop it on cookie sheets, and take a nap while it cools. Perfect, yes?!
A little cocoa, a little peanut butter, some oats and a few other ingredients and done! I used this recipe from Gimme Some Oven. (I’m not affiliated with her in any way, I just like her recipes.)
If you’ve stuck with me this far – thanks! I’m sure you’re out of coffee or tea by now, so go grab another cup and visit my other blogging friends who are posting with me today (a click on the blog name will take you right there):
December 7MooseStashQuiltingSongbird DesignsBeaquilterSelina QuiltsLife in the ScrapatchPieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life Homespun Hannah’s BlogCynthia’s Creating ArkSamelia’s Mum
Something old and something new – a season when we remember the blessings of our past and look forward to the new. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Barbara J Stanbro
I totally love your quilt. I’m glad you finished it off. It’s beautiful. Very Christmassy.
Cindy Pieters
I like the orange peels you quilted into your pretty little quilt!
Vicki in MN
I’m so proud of you branching out with the quilting today, it’s wonderful!! And now you have a little quilt to tuck into a little nook somewhere:) I love those little cookies, and have made them many times over the years, quick to make and fills the chocolate crave!
The quilting on your mini is beautiful. Finishing a UFO is always a treat, and your no bake treats are wonderful too.
The Joyful Quilter
Fun and festive quilt, Wendy! How was your nap? :o))
I like this quilt! You chose a great quilt design for it, too! I would definitely use this as a table topper! 🙂
Susan MacLeod
Pretty little quilt!
I have that recipe 🙂 I haven’t made it in a long time but my girls loved it when they were kids. The backing fabric that you used is familiar to me I think I had a layer cake that it was in
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love your little quilt. Your quilting was perfect for it and I really like the backing you chose from your stash! Great job. And yes, easy on the “baking” is really good!!
I like your cheery little quilt, and those were one of my favorite cookies when I was a kid. My mom always stored them in a special tin, which added to the goodness. Thanks for the sweet reminder!
You have certainly done a marvelous job on your quilting. I am so glad I’m not the only one who’s mind wanders when I quilt. LOL!!
We love those no bake cookies.
Jocelyn Thurston
So happy I noted your day Wendy. Delightful little quilt with those very remarkable quilt lines, esp. to me who is mastering straight lines just now. LOL When my girls were teens, we specialized in stove top cookies. Can’t beat the one pot, no baking and for so many you can add what’s on hand. Thanks for sharing!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love your little Christmas-y quilt, Wendy! Perfect timing to finish it up for the blog hop, and your curved quilting is a great idea. It gives those blocks a lot of movement! I’ve made those cookies before, but not for ages – thanks for reminding me about them!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Great UFO finish, Wendy!!! Love your quilting! And the cookies sound like a great idea–make, nap, eat!
Karrin Hurd
Congratulations on the UFO finish! The cookies sound delicious, thanks for sharing!
Kathleen McCormick
Love that finished UFO and the orange peel quilting you did. Love those cookies too, and, now, I am craving them!
What a treat to pull out a UFO and realize it was beautiful all along! Your quilting is perfect for it…love it! The cookies look yummy and it’s another recipe to add to my ever growing list. Thank you for sharing! xo
Louise Hornor
I love the quilting design you chose! I can see how easy it would be to lose track of which curve goes where, so congrats on getting it perfectly correct 🙂
Rochelle Summers
Thank you for such a wonderful blog. I love your little quilt and the quilting is great. I’ve had those cookies before. My dear friend who made them every year passed away just before COVID. I always planned to ask for the recipe and didn’t. Now I can make them and remember her. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Elizabeth Coughlin
Your UFO turned out wonderfully; so charming!
Love your little quilt – it looks like snowballs. Red and aqua is my favorite color combo for Christmas. Your quilting is simply amazing – Wow!
We have always been fans of those no-bake cookies, kind of remind us of fudge but we pretend it’s healthier because of the oats – ha! I like them so much that I also made the baked version of No-Bake cookies – lol!
Hi Wendy! Yippee for finishing up an old UFO that really didn’t need a thing added to it! You just to ponder over it for a bit. Nice job on the quilting. I’m proud of you. And a very, very Merry Christmas to you and your family. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
I love your little quilt. The quilting i wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Diane
Anorina Morris
Your “old” quilt is gorgeous. I love the quilting you’ve done too.
And yes I hear you when you say sometimes you can’t be bothered baking cookies (it’s going into summer here, so definitely not the time to have the oven on for too long). I’ve clicked through your cookie link. They look delicious.
Carol Andrews
Wendy your old UFO is a perfect finish for this hop. The quilting is perfect! I really need to go check your recipe now! Thank you for sharing. 😉
Cute little quilt, and the quilting is just perfect for it.
Cathie J
I love how you completed the quilting. How wonderful that you finished an old UFO. Those cookies look tasty.
Rebecca Smith
Your UFO is perfect and I love no bake cookies, I should make them sometime soon
Bravo, Wendy, for your UFO finish. It’s beautiful! The quilting is perfect. No bake is always a welcome addition to any cookie exchange. Love them.
Your ‘something old’ makes a perfect Christmas overlay. Good thing you didn’t cut it up! Those cookies look delicious.
What an awesome finish. I love your quilting and sometimes it just needs to be done. I like the simplicity of the quilt. No bake cookies are always a favorite. I can’t keep them on the shelf at work.
Carol Kussart
Congratulations on finishing a UFO! I love the quilt! The no-bake cookies are perfect–we all love those now and then–and I think I’ll make some for my quilt group’s next sew day. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Needle and Foot
The UFO is so cute! Your quilting looks really pretty Wendy. My mom used to make those cookies too. Very nostalgic to see them here. 🙂
Sandy Panagos
I think the backing looks great. My rule is it doesn’t have to match, it just haas to “go with”!
Love the quilting on your Christmas quilt! It looks great!
Your something old is now something new and it is beautiful. I’m gonna have to look up that recipe, It looks mighty tasty and I’m not a baker so for me it’s a win win. Thanks
Quilting is in my Blood
Your curved quilting is perfect for that simple quilt in Christmas colors. Your recipe brought back fond memories of me making no-bakes as a teen and eating far too many of them!
Thank you for sharing! Your little quilt is really pretty; sometimes those UFO project just need a little rest and time for the ideas to percolate. I haven’t made the no-bakes in years; I always eat too many of them, so I had to stop baking. Merry Christmas to you!
Well that something old sure turned out great! Funny how things need to ‘stew’ sometimes for a bit, and then we wonder WHAT were we thinking/WHY were we stalling… My husband loves those chocolate oat cookies, never thought to have peanut butter in them!