Storage Room Quilting
I’m joining up with Texas Quilt Gal today for her To Do Tuesday linky party. I did make some progress this week. Let’s take a look at my list from last week:
- Finish clearing alternate space for my sewing – Done and moved in!
- Finish cutting Firm Foundation blocks – Nope!
- Photos of test quilt – Soon!
- Queen of Gadgets project – Almost finished
Since I can’t show you the test project or the Hop project, let’s get back to the storage room thing. Here’s the nitty gritty photo of my current temporary sewing room.
Are you starting to get the idea? While I’m squeezed in there, I’m just going to embrace the cozy and remind myself that all this clutter will have its own place in my new quilt room. This room used to be my daughter’s bedroom with walls of blue, lime green, and lavender. The blue and orange table used to be in my son’s room and just happens to work as a temporary cutting table. The teal fabric cabinet was moved over from my quilt room, so there is a lot of color weirdness going on in this room! What you don’t see in this photo are all the boxes in one corner of the room. Eventually this room will be repainted and it will become a home office for hubs. In the meantime, his temporary office is in our living room.
My former quilt space now looks like this. Those mini quilts will come off the wall soon, I just need a step stool to reach them.
Poor Wilbs is so confused! He chattered away in a very concerned voice to us today as we moved all the furniture to the new quilt room. He is very perplexed about what is going on, and not at all sure all this change should be happening. I’m pretty sure he’s going to like the temporary digs, though, because I’ve set up a little cozy bed right by the window so he can snooze while I sew. We’ll see if he warms to that.
Tomorrow I hope to begin sewing again, so I should have quilting photos to show you next week. Here are my goals for this week:
- Finish cutting out Firm Foundation blocks
- Pattern Test – a new one!
- Start Challenge Quilt
Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy reading your comments, and replying to each of you! If you need me, I’ll be in the Storage Room, quilting!

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Hooray for progress and a cozy spot to use during construction. It was fun to hear how it all came together. Hopefully you’ll enjoy some productive days!
Rochelle Summers
Not a bad space to sew in. For years, I sewed at the kitchen table, putting up and taking down the machine every day. And I accomplished a lot. My sewing area now is a corner of the great room. Since I don’t sew after dark, it doesn’t interfere with TV watching. But I have a mess that I need to clean up. As for Wilbs, I hope he enjoys hanging out in the new digs. Will he be able to sit in the window and watch the outdoors? Hope all comes together in the near future.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
It’s a lot of work to make that move, but I’m sure it will be worth it in the long run! Hopefully Wilbur will get it all figured out, too. I like that color combo on the walls in your daughter’s room – it could make a fun quilt! 😎
Cindy Pieters
Your sew space looks good. I’m sure Wilbs will settle in fine.
Well, I think your temporary space looks pretty good! I can’t wait to see what the new space will look like! So exciting!
So glad you are getting a new space – will you keep us updated on the progress? We always have to make sure the kitties feel welcome in our space, right? A cat condo is in front of my only window, but gosh they love it there so much, so yes I’ll give up my window. 😉
Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!
are you having a new room built or an old one redone? it looks like you have good space where you are now
Vicki in MN
Your temporary digs don’t look to bad, now if you an find everything you need so you can keep right on sewing. Have you got all the plans drawn out for the ‘real’ studio as far as where everything will go?
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
I’m not sure I follow what’s happening–moving out of your old space, temporarily in DD’s former room–what’s next? Okay, maybe I’m being snoopy! Maybe the reveal is upcoming? I’m sure you and Wilbs will both love it!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I am sure Wilbs will adapt quickly. A cat bed by the window sounds perfect to help win him over! I hope the sewing room transformation goes just how you envision, and it sounds like you made great progress on your goals last week!
Exciting things are happening! 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
Wilbs will get with the program, as long as you are near! Percy is always worried and perplexed when those kinds of things go on. Good luck in your temporary space…it will be worth it in the end!
Diane F Harris
You go girl! I’m liking your plan and the bits of progress! 🙂
LA Paylor
embrace the cozy… I hear you! My sewing room is about 8 X 10 so I took over the other spare room and have two 8 X 10 ish (might be smaller) spaces. I found I liked having two rooms, one for creation and one for supplies
I see there is always room for a snoopervisor
Vicki Welsh
Reorganizing and moving hobby space is such a pain but I know it will be worth it in the end. Looks to me like you have set up a very nice temporary sewing area.
Quilting is in my Blood
How exciting to look forward to a revamped quilting space soon! Glad you have a temporary space to sew that even includes a bed for Wilbs!
The Morning Latte
Ah, nothing like playing “musical rooms”! Well, eyes on the prize at the end and all but for now it really looks totally workable–lots of table-top work space and you parked your machine right in front of the window right where it belongs. Isn’t Wilbs cute? (What are the hoomans up to now??)
Katherine Duquette
Timing is so coincidental, I have my sewing machine in my bedroom and everything else stashed around my house.
Over the weekend I decided to make the spare bedroom a studio sort of. I haven’t finished but I am close. The thinking is, if supplies and fabric are in one location I might be more productive. Hum?
I hope your future space is completed quickly.
Cocoa Quilts
Good news! A fresh start is always fun, not without a few pains in getting to the new space. I’m sure you will make great progress. Looking forward to seeing the finish!!
Your temporary looks like my permanent, if you know what I mean. Well done on making such a cosy, ordered temporary quilting room. Wow.
I think you must be the No. 1 Pattern Tester!
Sandy Panagos
I’m not sure I would call that “color weirdness”. I love it. The more colors, the better!
Carol Andrews
How exciting to be building your new studio space. It will be worth spending some time in a cozier 😉 space for a bit.
Sandra Walker
Well this is exciting! I missed replying to a couple of blogs from Sept. 5… Oh, I know ALL about sewing in a cosy space…. the wait is definitely worth it!