improv quilts

Sunshine and Water

I decided to name this quilt Sunshine and Water, mainly because of the colors. It also seems appropriate, since we have had so much rain this spring and summer, and now we have the sunshine, high temps, and humidity.


It all started with the blue scraps. I pulled out my blue scrap bin and just started sewing. After the fun of that wore off (haha) I needed to figure out what to do with them. I felt like they needed a little jolt of color. My Kona Corn Yellow scraps were still laying out, and I had more yardage on the shelf, and the quilt was done.

It hung on my design wall while I thought about how to quilt it. Plus, I wanted to finish Frank’s Hideaway first. When I was ready to quilt it, I pin basted it and got ready to quilt.

My first step was to sew straight-ish horizontal lines through the quilt. Then I removed all the pins and decided to do some hand stitching using my variety of 12 wt. threads, both Aurifil and Wonderfil. It was an enjoyable few evenings of just messing around with hand stitching. I didn’t plan it out, I just went with whatever stitch or design I thought would be fun to try.

Pretty basic stitches, in various colors of threads, and not necessarily always straight. Organic and fun, very relaxing. For the backing, I pieced together some leftover strips from fabric used for another quilt, which you will see in a future post.

Pretty busy print, huh? I thought it appropriate to include the selvage, since it fits with the Sunshine and Water name.

I used the Kona Corn Yellow for the binding, and the batting is white Warm & Natural. The quilt measures 32″ x 26.5″. This quilt will probably be hung in my quilt room from time to time, because the colors make me happy.

Enjoy your weekend, friends!



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