• quilting

    SAHRR Center Block Reveal

    It’s SAHRR Center Block Reveal Day! Today is the beginning of the 5th annual Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR). Unlike a traditional Round Robin, where the quilt travels from one quilter to another, the SAHRR quilt stays with you.…

  • quilting

    The Spicy Neighborhood

    The Spicy Neighborhood is my quilt for the latest Endeavourers Art Group challenge. Our theme for this challenge is “spices”. So how did I come up with a neighborhood for this theme? As I was pondering, I thought about the…

  • quilting

    To Do Tuesday

    It has been an age since I’ve written a To Do Tuesday post, but I thought I’d link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for this week’s linky party. There’s lots of stuff going on here at Pieceful Thoughts,…

  • quilting

    Fall Forest

    My Fall Forest quilt is finished and ready for display. This is, hands down, one of my favorite quilts made this year. I made my Fall Forest using the Painted Forest pattern by Blue Nickel Studios. Measuring 60″ square, my…