More SAHRR Quilts
I have three more SAHRR quilts to show you today. Katherine, Kay, and Eva have been busy working on their Stay at Home Round Robin quilts, so let’s see their progress. Katherine’s Quilt Katherine is using Hawaiian fabric brought back…
Eva’s SAHRR Border 1
Eva’s SAHRR border 1 is done for her Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) quilt. She got pretty creative this week and came up with something really fun! If you’d like to see Eva’s center block before she added the…
Catching Up
Hi everyone! I’m catching up today, having missed all the holiday celebrating due to Covid. Hubs and I decided to both get sick right before Christmas, so everything was put on hold. I’m back and healthy once again, and I’m…
I Love a Parade!
I love a parade – of quilts, that is! And today is the day those of us who participated in the Stay at Home Round Robin get to show off our pretties for everyone to see! So as long as…