• Side view of my version of the Synergy Quilt, a pattern designed by Sew Preeti Quilts - piecefulthoughts.com
    Pieceful Life

    A Winning Thursday

    It’s a winning Thursday here at Pieceful Thoughts! Before I join in with the I Like Thursday crew over at Not Afraid of Color, I want to announce the winner of the Synergy Quilt PDF Pattern, which was recently released…

  • Pieceful Life

    I Like Thursday

    I’m popping in to share a few things for the I Like Thursday party hosted by LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. You can see the list of all who participate in these I Like Thursday posts over at…

  • Pieceful Life

    Thursday Likes

    I have some Thursday likes to share with you today. Each week, LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color has this fun little Thursday party and a bunch of us post about things we’ve seen or experienced during the past…

  • Pieceful Life

    Thursdays at Pieceful Thoughts

    Thursdays at Pieceful Thoughts are one of my favorite days of the week. The house is quiet. Wilbs and I spend most of the day in the quilt room, having conversations with one another over squirrels and fabric. It’s also…