• Pieceful Life

    Thankful Thursday

    Can’t think of a better title than Thankful Thursday as we in the US gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for my family, and for all of you who stop by and read my posts so…

  • Pieceful Life

    Thursday Thoughts

    I’m finally back to share my Thursday Thoughts and join up with LeeAnna and the rest of the I Like Thursday friends over at Not Afraid of Color. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared my likes for the…

  • Wilbs wearing a Benartex bow - piecefulthoughts.com
    Pieceful Life

    National Cat Day

    It’s National Cat Day today, and Susan over at Quilt Fabrication is hosting a linky party. You know I had to get my favorite cat in on the fun!  Wilbs joined our family in 2019, and he quickly won over…

  • Pretty flowers along the riverwalk in my town - piecefulthoughts.com
    Pieceful Life

    I Like Thursday

    I like Thursday! On Thursday, I start to begin looking forward to the weekend, which is pretty funny because the weekend days really aren’t much different than my week days. I like Thursdays because it’s usually one day when the…