• quilting

    Snowmen and Stockings

    By the time I post this, I’ll have my shopping done, I hope! I have done much less shopping this year, most of it either local or online, so this week is quiet and relaxed. I have not set foot…

  • quilting

    What’s Up Wednesday

    I have one little quilt to show you today. Just one. Because all of the other projects I’m working on are for Christmas gifts. Remember those cute little trees that finished at a whopping 2 inches? I made them into…

  • quilting

    Pieceful Monday

    After a fairly busy weekend, this is truly a peaceful Monday. I am pondering whether to quilt for the remainder of the day, or get my Christmas decorations up. The tree will be coming soon. In my family when I…

  • quilting

    November Review

    It is a quiet day around here today, the last that I will have this week. Thursday through Sunday will keep me pretty busy, so I’m not sure how much stitching will get done. November is coming to a close,…