In The Works Wednesday
I spent most of Monday moving things back into my quilt room. In the evening, I continued stitching the wool leaves on my table runner. I’m using Valdani thread, 12 wt. for the stitching. Some are stitching with matching thread,…
Work In Progress Wednesday
One of the first things I did today was stop at Reproduction Fabrics, one of my favorite local quilt shops. I enjoy the fabric, but I also enjoy visiting with Margo. Not only is she a delightful lady, she also teaches…
Pieceful Monday
It was a quiet weekend with lovely, cool weather. The fall colors have yet to peak, but BigJ and I still took a Sunday afternoon drive around the area, just to be sure. We stopped at one of our favorite…
Work in Progress Wednesday
This week I have been enjoying just being home. We had a busy weekend with travel, speaking, and spending time with good friends and family. Part of that time was spent with my brother Steve and his wife Nita. They…