• quilting

    In The Works Wednesday

    I spent most of Monday moving things back into my quilt room. In the evening, I continued stitching the wool leaves on my table runner. I’m using Valdani thread, 12 wt. for the stitching. Some are stitching with matching thread,…

  • quilting

    Work In Progress Wednesday

    One of the first things I did today was stop at Reproduction Fabrics, one of my favorite local quilt shops. I enjoy the fabric, but I also enjoy visiting with Margo.  Not only is she a delightful lady, she also teaches…

  • quilting

    Pieceful Monday

    It was a quiet weekend with lovely, cool weather. The fall colors have yet to peak, but BigJ and I still took a Sunday afternoon drive around the area, just to be sure. We stopped at one of our favorite…

  • quilting

    Work in Progress Wednesday

    This week I have been enjoying just being home. We had a busy weekend with travel, speaking, and spending time with good friends and family. Part of that time was spent with my brother Steve and his wife Nita. They…