Take a Walk with Me
Perhaps a stroll along the riverwalk in Green Bay, like the above photo? What do you think? First, though, we need sensible shoes. LeeAnna wants to know what sandals I wear in the summer, and I have a few, but not much variety!
I posted this photo a few weeks ago, but my favorite sandals during the summer are Birkenstocks (no affiliation). In this photo, you can see which sandals are oldest to newest. The pair on the left are my oldest, the pair on the right are my middle worn, and the pair in the center are my newbies.
I like Birkies because there is hardly any break in time. As you wear them, the footbed adjusts to your foot, so they become very comfortable. I don’t wear shoes in the house, but if I did, it would be Birkies, year ’round.
I also like them because they have a wide toe bed. I have a wide foot, so a wide toe bed is more comfortable for me.
Drawbacks? Well, you can’t wear them in water. The cork soles don’t handle water well. Also, with this design that I wear, I’ve had the toe strap break. The company backs their products well, so I need to check to see if that’s repairable.
Ok, sandals are on our feet, and the walk along the lakewalk was glorious, right? We even stopped for coffee along the way. Let’s head back to my house.
Coming up to the front door, you just might be greeted by this lovely lady –
Isn’t she a beauty? And look at that fascinating design she is weaving. While the photo looks huge, she’s only about 1-1/2″ from one tip to the other. She is a Yellow Garden Spider, and while I’d think there would be more lovely places for her to hang out than by our front door, I will just let her stay.
Now that we’re inside, I think it’s time to settle down with a good book. If you haven’t read this one, I’d highly recommend it. I enjoy books that make me stop reading, so I can do some research into actual events in our world. I learned interesting things from this book.
You can read about The London House here. At my house, though, if you are snuggled in a chair, reading a book, you’ll be visited by . . .
Wilbs! He will hop up and chatter away at you for a few minutes, maybe even nuzzle your face a bit, and then settle down on your lap. The best way to dive into a good book!
Thanks for taking a walk with me! Happy Thursday, all!

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I’ll have to put London House on my to-read list. I just finished The Giver of Stars… so good! Before that Chicken Sisters… good fun read!
Barbara J Stanbro
Lovely walk. Thank you. Birkenstocks were practically my uniform when I was working. I don’t wear them as much as I used to…they don’t accommodate custom orthotics. So sad.
I totally agree, the best books are those which you have to stop in to find out more on the background. Super walk, and your sandals look well worn and comfy.
The Joyful Quilter
That does sound like a good book, Wendy, and “Zipper” spiders always seem to stake out a spot by the front door, don’t they? That’s where the one at our last house always spun her web!
the London House looks familiar I will need to look at it.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I don’t like spiders, but this one is very interesting! And what better way to read than with a sweet Wilbs cuddling with you?!!
Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl
We love jumping spiders and let them be, but most others we will work to relocate outside. I would definitely be intrigued by the yellow garden spider for both her striking markings and the web she weaves! Thanks for the walk and I enjoyed the virtual cuddles from Wilbs at the end the very best. 🙂
I also like books that teach me something!
I need to take a closer look at spider webs…what an interesting design! 🙂
Angela Grasse
My hubby just bought a pair of Birks that were made for using in the water. He loves them.
Oh that’s right! I forgot they came out with those!
That is quite a smorgasbord of Birkenstocks, Wendy! Fun! I would love to visit Green Bay and walk on their riverwalk- love those kinds of places. A kitty to cuddle with when you’re reading sounds lovely, too! I’ll have to look for that book.
LA Paylor
I see your favorite birk style… lol
I LOVE birks too. Sometimes a walk in birks settles my back down again
wilbur… I would love a visit by a chattering orange cat. Send him to visit auntie LeeAnna please.
Those sandals all look well worn! That is an amazing photo of that spider. And that is a really cool pattern she wove. Wilbur! Are you peeking?? LOL
Quilting is in my Blood
Great pic of Wilbs! Maybe next year when I retire, I’ll try some Birkies, but I’m not sure they’d have enough arch support for me.
I enjoyed the walk — thanks Wendy
OK I think I can comment now! Love the sandals pic, I get it about the fit. I like Clark’s for that reason too. That walk looks so peaceful and pretty. Glad you let the spider stay. Wilbs is the sweetest boy!
Kathleen McCormick
Love the idea of walking with you…someday! Love the birkenstocks, the idea of a walk, the spider and her beautiful web. Wilbur is such a character!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I enjoyed your walk. That little spider is fascinating with it’s zippy web and I’ll look up the book. It looks very interesting. One of my grandmother’s family were in London before and during the first part of WW2 but were bombed out.
Sue Hoover
What a lovely walk! I just came back from walking my dog this morning and enjoyed walk #2 with you. I love my Birkenstocks too and for the same reasons as you. Thanks for the stroll and give Wilbs a snuggle for me!