the endeavorers: texture challenge
I was recently invited to join The Endeavorers, a group of quilters who take on a quarterly challenge to make small art quilts according to a theme. This quarter’s theme (and my first!) was texture, and today is the reveal day.
I had ideas of using various types of fabric in my quilt; however, given the fact that I work primarily in quilting cottons, those ideas weren’t going to work. I did try one idea, and it didn’t work out as I wanted.
So I gathered some bright Kona cottons from my stash.
Added a couple of prints.
A few buttons.
At this point, I was pretty much winging it. Taking the purple solid, I made pleats. Then I placed the teal fabric on top of the purple and cut a wavy line and pieced them together. I kept adding the fabrics in an improv style. I added the two prints, thinking it would add some visual texture, a break from the solids.

Fabric strings from fabrics used for another quilt were attached to the green strip. Once that was done, I made a quilt sandwich, using battilizer (a batting and stabilizer mix) and backing fabric. (The battilizer is easier to stitch through with the big stitches.) I used spray baste for the sandwich, but only lightly, so I didn’t get too much drag on the needle as I did the big stitching.
I used more than one thread color, both for the big stitches and for the quilting. In retrospect, I should have thought to use varying weights in the threads, but I was so absorbed in what I was doing I didn’t think of it.
The buttons were fun to add. Using different sizes, I laid them out in a way that I thought looked okay and took a photo. The buttons were added after the quilt was finished and faced, so I used the photo for reference. The metal buckle at the top of the quilt was added after the quilt was finished as well.
Rather than binding it, I made a facing using the same fabric as the backing. It gives a clean look to this little 9″ x 11″ quilt.
Overall, I enjoyed the process of making this little quilt. Although I had a plan, it was more putting it together as I went along. I find that process very satisfying. This quilt will have a place on my mini quilt wall.
If this is the first you’ve heard of our group, here’s a list of the others if you are interested in seeing their quilts using texture.
Catherine –
Janine –
Nancy –
Carol –
Ruth –
Gwen –
Martha –
Maureen –
Kay –
Fiona –
Paula –
Wendy –
Have you ever done a theme challenge quilt?
Looks like you had fun, and with a happy result. I particularly like those houses!
Thanks, Mariss. The houses are a Dear Stella print.
You achieved the goal because I keep wanting to touch the quilt. Of course I’d wear white gloves
Haha! Thanks, Tracie. No white gloves necessary
Lisa J.
This is great Wendy. I like how you thought of adding texture to your quilt by pleating and quilting and adding buttons.
Thanks, Lisa. The pleating was kinda fun to do.
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy what a fun quilt. You did an awesome job. I like that pleating a lot.
Thanks Jan! I enjoyed the project!
Sandra Healy
This is such a cute little quilt! It looks like a fun challenge to do.
Thanks, Sandra. I enjoyed the challenge very much!
Well, that is just adorable. Very creative. Nice work.
Thanks, Barbara. I’m delighted that you like it!
Vicki in MN
You really had your creative thinking hat on fo this one. I think it fits the challenge perfect.
Thanks, Vicki! It’s the fun of my sewing machine, which you are going to discover!
Laura M
Lots of fun experimenting here. Thanks for showing your process. Pin tucks make fun texture as well and are quite quick with the sewing machine. Other ideas for texture by manipulating fabric can be found in The art of manipulating Fabric by Colette Wolff.
Thanks, Laura, for the book suggestion!
Diann Bottrell
Wendy, that is fun as can be! I bet you enjoyed playing with your different ideas for texture. Thanks for adding the other participants on to your post – I’ll enjoy visiting them to see what they made, too.
Thanks, Diann. They are a creative group!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
This is a fun piece. I love all the different ways you’ve found to incorporate texture into this quilt. It’s interesting to see the different elements and the overall effect is very lively and cheerful
Remember to post this lovely quilt on the Endeavourers Blog today. If you have any technical questions about how to do that just email me or Catherine.
Thanks, Janine. I’ll send you a separate email.
My Sewful Retirement
Hi Wendy — your mini quilt is really cute — the kona solids really complement the house print. Each section really demonstrates texture quite well – I especially like the pleats and ALL of the stitching you did. Very impressive
Thanks, Karla, glad you like it!
Hi Wendy! Well, this is pretty darn nifty. I love how you pleated the purple fabric, and the next strip of teal looks like it has a stitching texture. All in all, I would say you definitely met the challenge! I adore the improv nature of the strip piecing as well as the addition of the buckle and buttons. Cool! I have never tried anything like this. ~smile~ Roseanne
Thanks, Roseanne. You should give it a try. It’s quite fun!
This is great – what a happy piece! I think the fun you had making it really comes across!
Thank you, Catherine. I may have to make another, it was so enjoyable!
So cute! It reminds me of a vacation scene, as if I am on one shore looking across to the cute town on the other side. Maybe you could do a series!
Oh, a series..hmm. Thanks!
Sparkle On! with Abbie
Wendy, your little quilt is so fun and whimsical. I love it!
I’m going to look at the other participant’s now
So fun!
Dione @ Clever Chameleon
Love your adhoc with a plan textured mini. So much packed into a little space, it will give you plenty to look at on your mini wall.
Thank you, Dione!
I think you did a great job with bringing in texture! It’s a very fun mini.
Thanks, Kate!
Kathleen McCormick
This is the first I heard of your group and I love what you did and the process. What a great mini!
Thanks, Kathleen! It was fun.
Very successful interpretation of the theme – sweet little quilt and I like the lack of binding
Thank you, Kay!
Carol DeLater
You sure nailed the Texture theme. I especially like the pleated row. What a great addition.
Thank you, Carol!