This and That
I had to show a photo of my hibiscus plant (above) and how pretty the blooms are (until the Japanese beetles ravage them – grr). I love the deep red color!
Look! I got the rod pocket on, and my Pineapple Tidbits quilt is hung! It makes me grin each time I see it.
Oh, and notice that painting in the bottom right? Here’s a closer view.
This beautiful painting is by Helen of Word Weaver Art. If you haven’t met Helen, you should! She does beautiful paintings and has her work for sale in her Etsy shop. I had my eye on this painting for quite awhile, so I finally gifted it to myself after I had my surgery. Thanks, Helen!
Most of my weekend was spent sewing blocks for a test pattern, so I can’t show them to you. It’s a fun project, though, so it will be fun to show the reveal next month!
Meanwhile, I’ve been wanting to make these . . .
You know those bowl cozies you see everywhere? Well, these are ice cream cozies. Whenever I eat ice cream right out of the pint carton (you do that too, right??), I always have to wrap it with a cloth napkin or something because it’s so cold. These little cozies will be used instead.
I used this pattern from Kathy Sews Clothes. It went together quickly, especially if you’ve made bowl cozies. I made a one change from the pattern. For mine, I used fusible fleece rather than batting. Since I’m not going to be using these in the microwave, that should work fine. I used it on both the outer fabric and the lining, so it has a nice thickness. It was easier to sew through as well.
Here’s a closer peek at the ice cream fabric – I thought it was pretty cute!
The fabric is Lazy Days Sand Beach Days by Louise Cunningham for Dashwood Studio, and the aqua lining is also from that collection. The red lining is a fat quarter from my stash.
Now I just need a pint of ice cream . . .what’s your favorite flavor??
Wilbs spent the majority of the weekend doing this . . .
Our weekend temps were high, and the humidity felt like it was higher. Even in our air-conditioned home, it’s just too hot to be wearing a fur coat. Nothing to do but power down and nap.
Thanks for stopping by for my little bit of this and that. I hope you enjoyed your visit. I’m so glad you’re here!
Happy stitching!

Reveal Day!

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Cindy Pieters
I’m with you on the dislike of the Japanese beetles, they make fast work of destroying my roses. Wilbs definitely had the right idea as it was too stinking hot and humid this weekend and more of the same today..uck
I found a perennial hibiscus at the local Lowe’s store and might get one next spring – it’s the first one I’ve seen that isn’t annual. The leaves were darker – that’s the only thing I wasn’t keen on. Your pineapple quilt looks great with that painting, and thanks for the link to Helen’s Etsy shop. She is from Fayetteville, AR, not far from where I grew up, so her landscapes are very evocative. I may ask her if she ever works from an old photo and see how much she charges for custom. Love the ice cream cozies! I love most any flavor of Blue Bell or Braum’s ice cream but especially plain chocolate. 😀
As I was reading, I thought you can’t top that pineapple quilt — it’s spectacular! But those ice cream cozies are so cute! The fabric and colors are delightful. My favorite flavor might be vanilla bean because Mrs. Richardson’s hot fudge is always in the fridge.
Preeti Harris
The pineapples are so juicy. Love that painting. Of course, you deserved some joy and beauty after that surgery and celebrating with a fine piece of art is just the best way. It will last way longer than chocolate, flowers and even the soothing massage (Oh I could use a massage now). Wonder what secret sewing is keeping you busy 🙂 My favorite flavor of ice-cream is Butterscotch but hard to find it here in the US. It is Dulce De Leche from Haagen Dazs.
Vicki in MN
Isn’t it funny how a new quilt finish can just make us smile and be all giddy!! Cute idea to make an ice cream cozy. We buy vanilla in the big pail and usually add chocolate or caramel topping:) What a pretty painting, you deserve it;) So sick of this humidity, I hardly stuck my head out the door yesterday.
I love your pint size cozies! what a great Idea, I too have to wrap them up with a towel or dish cloth to protect my hands. I love getting pint size containers, I try to find whatever I can that is made from almond, coconut, or cashew milk which has no lacid acid as that bothers me. I love caramel, nuts, chocolate etc it is sometimes hardy to find the yummy flavors but I sure look to find them. Love the painting
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Is your pineapple quilt in a shadow box, or ? Really neat display area, with your cool new painting, too! What a perfect outside fabric for your ice cream cozies!!!!
Your hibiscus is such a pretty, deep color, Wendy! I hope the beetles stay away. Love your pineapple quilt hanging there – that’s the perfect space for it! And a pretty painting, too. I’ll have check out Helen’s site. Even without a fur coat, I enjoy a nap. Wilbs looks quite comfy there!
Barbara J Stanbro
Such a cute quilt…the pineapples. And what a great idea for the ice cream cozies. Those cartons do get too cold to hold onto…so I’m told. I would *never* do anything like that.
LA Paylor
yes sleep through it! I really like the quilt and the location/hanging situation
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Pineapple Tidbits looks great hanging up! I am just getting ready to start getting back into the swing of posting, sharing, and reading blogs myself this week. I think we all need a break from a “schedule” every now and then. Good luck finding your groove again!
Cindy Berry
Beautiful flower ( hope the beetles stay away!), and love the quilt and painting. Those pint sized cozies are adorable – perfect fabric choice. Hope you have a great week!
Rochelle Summers
I think that pineapple quilt looks great hanging there and that painting is so lovely with it. Wilbs has the right idea. The heat has driven me to take a nap or two this week. Those ice cream holders are great. My favorite is Moose Tracks Ice Cream. Just love those chunks of chocolate. Look forward to the “secret sewing” reveal next month.
Needle and Foot
The quilt is a perfect one to hang during the summer months. Wendy, that painting is lovely – She must be quite talented. I’ll have to check out her shop. 🙂
Your pineapple quilt looks refreshing! Perfect for summer! … or winter when you’re dreaming of summer! Wibbs is obviously very wise! 🙂
Quilting is in my Blood
Oh yes, I have definitely treated myself to “single” serving pints of ice cream and those cozies are perfect! I really like the painting but I’m really partial to your pineapples mini quilt!
Well, my goodness! What a surprise to see an old friend pop up as I scrolled through your post! And it’s getting to sit right beside one my my favorite quilts! You’re a dear! I’m so glad you like your happy sunflower painting.
Cocoa Quilts
Your hibicius is beautiful. I need one of those ice cream coozies!!! Looks like you are making progress on projects this summer.
That red is beautiful in your hibiscus! Your quilt is so bright and happy. It would brighten any spot!
That painting is perfect with the pineapples.
Kathleen McCormick
Well, if I read your blog in the proper order, I would have had the answer to my question! The hibiscus is gorgeous as is the lovely Wilbur. Pineapple tidbits really is perfect in that spot. I love the painting you gifted yourself too! Lots of fun things for a Monday!
Carol Andrews
Wendy your hibiscus is pretty and it’s sad the beetles ravage it. I love those ice cream cozies and had a class once at my Guild for our members to make. We love ice cream. Wilbs has the right idea for those hot, humid days. Loved seeing your pineapple quilt hanging in your lovely display spot.