This and That
I haven’t written a this and that post in awhile, so I thought this would be a good time for one. How about a little update on what I’m working on in the quilt studio, and what else is going on here at Pieceful Thoughts. The I Like Thursday group is chatting about summertime drinks today, so I’ll share a little about mine in this post as well.

I’ve been doing some hand quilting on this improv quilt – it’s actually all finished and bound now, so I’ll be posting on that soon. A friend gave me those scissors – aren’t they cool? She knows I have a slight scissor obsession – haha – and I’m delighted!
I’m happy to say that my challenge quilt (due August 1st) is finally underway and currently taunting me from my design wall while I get completely distracted by little tiny teacups.

Kristy at Quiet Play is hosting a Tiny Teacup Challenge, a fun little FPP (foundation paper-pieced) block that measures 4 inches – finished. You can read up on the challenge, and sign up, here. This little block is a free download when you sign up for the challenge. If you would like to make a larger block, she has that pattern available for purchase as well. The above block is my test block. I wanted to be sure I got the hang of the fussy cut center, and a test run on that handle. While that little handle might look intimidating, it’s actually quite easy to sew! Of course, I had to make more. These blocks are made with the same background, Grunge in Faded Denim, which I’ll be using for the rest of my teacup blocks.

I couldn’t resist Santa! It just had to be. I’m getting Christmas ideas from this one!

This one is my favorite, so far! Haha – can you relate? Those sleepy eyes, barely open, before the first sip of coffee. This print has two other owls, so I’m pretty sure they will have their own teacups, too. Stay tuned, it’s sure to be a hoot (couldn’t resist)!
The days here have been hot and humid, and still rainy from time to time. The water from the flooding is slowly receding, and the mosquitoes are out in force. On the cooler days, with a little breeze to keep the skeeters at bay, we’ve enjoyed dinner on our deck. LeeAnna asks us this week if we have a favorite summertime drink. I like ice cold water with lots of ice – it’s my favorite drink all year round. Occasionally I’ll have a flavored ice tea – peach is my favorite, but mostly it’s just ice water. Boring, huh? I’m not into cocktails, but will have a glass of wine now and then. Oh, and coffee in the morning, black.
What about Wilbs? What has he been up to these days? A lot of this:

On the really hot days, he likes this:

And of course, this.

He’s just been doing a little of this and that, too!

School of Fish

Sunshine and Water
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Barbara J Stanbro
Your little teacups are so cute. It’s very tempting to join in, but I have enough going on. Plus, I’m still smarting from the Tiny Houses.
Your teacups are so fun! I bet they become addictive!
Cocoa Quilts
Those teacups are adorable!! I’m an ice water girl all year round as well, my drink of choice.
Those tiny teacups are super cute!
Vicki in MN
It’s fun to stray from things that need doing, it helps us rejuvenate;) Love those tiny teacups!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Cute teacups, Wendy!!! I’m a plain water person, too, hold the ice!
Love those tiny teacups. I”ve downloaded everything and finally was able to print the pattern (needed ink). So maybe this afternoon I’ll be able to start some. And that Wilbs. Love the way his back feet wrap together with his tail. I’m looking forward to seeing more of the yellow quilt. Enjoy making teacups!
Great post Wendy!!! And yep, I’m in on the FPP tiny teacups. And your sweet kitty, kitty, Wilbs!! Love him!
Katherine Duquette
Your little cups are so cute. Wilbs is doing what my pups in Albuquerque are doing. They lay straight out on the tile trying to stay cool.
Let us see your cup collection when you finish. Those little scissors are different than any I see here.
Happy sewing.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love seeing your tea cups – they look like so much fun! I’ve got that one on my list, but haven’t tried one yet. Wilbur looks comfortable wherever he goes! Oh, the life of a cat, lol! I’m a big ice water drinker, too – just enjoy a glass of tea in the afternoon.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Those teacups are fantastic and the blurry eyed owl really is perfect! I look forward to seeing your improv and hand quilting finish, and good luck/have fun with your project for August 1st.
Diane Harris
The teacups are wonderful! And I must say the gifted scissors are quite nice! 😎
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Love those teacups, Wendy! And, of course it’s great to see the Wilbs in whatever pose he strikes! LOL
I’m also a water girl. I don’t drink much of anything else. I love your little teacups!
Quilting is in my Blood
The teacups are way too cute, and I think they’d make great mug rugs (get it-ha ha!) with narrow borders attached. And Wilbs in his various positions is also quite the cute boy!
I love Wilbs! Looks like he’s doing yoga in that first photo. Those little teacups are really cute. I can see why you’re enjoying them. I have a glass of wine every afternoon, my favorite beverage is Coke, but I mostly drink water. 😀
The tiny teacup pattern is adorable and you have made it more so with the delightful motifs you have chosen. I admire your patience with the fussy cutting and piecing of small bits.
I have a pair of scissors like yours!
Cheree Hull
Aw, the Santa cup is my fave! How fun to make all of those!!
Wilbs, that hurts my back just looking at you but I’m jealous of the look of pure comfort and relaxation on that face! You are just like Chloe tho–no fear of rotary cutters (or hot irons!).
Kathleen McCormick
Those teacups are adorable, and I see the other post is up already! I’m a little slow to reading these days. Wilbs looks like I feel, a little lethargic with the humidity. We are in a stretch of it, very unusual for us to have it so long! Looking forward to it going soon, but it will be a few more days!
Wilbsy, you be careful laying on the rotary cutter!
Very fun tea cups! I made similar blocks for quilt for My Guy several years ago. Cups are a fun way to use up those novelty fabrics. I think Wilbs has the right idea, napping when it’s hot out is one of the best coping strategies for the heat.
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
Darling kitty and the tiny teacup challenge looks fun – awesome pieces!