This and That Thursday
The photo above is from the last of our recent trips (all related to work for hubs). I thought the trees were so pretty against that blue sky. I was walking along this trail up in Dorset, Minnesota.
Although it looks like a lovely, warm day, it was a bit chilly and very windy. I enjoyed the walk, nonetheless, and even managed to spook seven deer that ran across the trail ahead of me. I was so surprised and they were so quick that I didn’t get a photo, but it was fun to see.
There was nothing but a pizza shack open for dinner (it’s a resort town, so shops and restaurants haven’t opened for the season yet). You know you’re in Minnesota when they have cups like this.
While on this trip, I was nursing a very sore shoulder, due to helping hubs with a controlled burn on our yard last week.
We seeded some native wildflowers in that area last year, and needed to burn the weeds out. Hubs did the burning, I did the watering. Apparently I need to strengthen my shoulder muscles. I’m happy to report it is finally feeling much better.
LeeAnna has been giving us little prompts to answer each week. This week she asked about singing – do we sing? Do we make up songs to sing? Do we like to sing high or low?
I used to sing a lot at church when I was growing up, then women’s choir while in college, and I continued to sing with worship teams at church. I had a wide range vocally, so I could sing high or low, although I sang second alto with the women’s choir, and that was pretty low for my range! When my hearing loss worsened, I quit singing with groups and in public. Now I sing at home, but only now and then, and to Wilbs, because he doesn’t care how I sound. I still enjoy listening to music though, while I quilt.
The Weekly Wilbs
Although Wilbs doesn’t enjoy it when we leave, he is well taken care of and loved up each day. He’s enjoying a snuggle with our son in this photo, while keeping his eye on something out on the deck.
And that wraps up my This and That Thursday – thanks for stopping by!

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Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Second alto would be a stretch for me as well. I’m definitely most comfortable as an alto, but I struggle because I played flute and naturally pick out the upper tones a lot quicker than the harmony. So basically, I’m a mess when I sing but it’s a lot of fun!! 🙂
I love the photo with C and Wilbs! Your house looks so cozy and inviting. This cold wind has been crazy. Today we finally turned the corner, and the farmers are finally getting to plant their fields. We’re even taking our Jeep out for a drive.
Kathleen McCormick
Singing is not my skill…nuns wouldn’t let me sing at my own confirmation. Now, I sing when I want, but it can be annoying to others. It is funny as I was in a guitar group in church for years and others had to tune it! I am planting some native seeds in the back yard in a rock garden, hoping to have some more beauty back there! It has some flowers, but they are gone early. Glad your shoulder is feeling better.
Looks like a nice walk, and Wilbur looks pretty comfortable. I like to sing. I’m a sing-along kind of gal. I was in the band in high school, or else I might have been in the glee club. Now, I just listen to old music while I’m sewing and sing along. Singing is good for the soul. It increases our levels of dopamine…just like sugar.
Thanks for sharing your comings and goings. Glad your shoulder is feeling easier — hope it hasn’t interfered with your stitching time (if you have managed to find time for this amongst all your recent travels and activities)
Stitchin at Home
Finding out which muscles we have and don’t always use is no fun, glad to hear your shoulders are feeling better. Wilbs looks quite comfy.
Rochelle Summers
Loved that you got out on some little trips. Those deer are fast. We have some that come through the neighborhood and eat flowers. It is fun to watch them jump the neighbors fence. It’s not fun when they decide my yard is the best buffet on the block. Yesterday it was my low back. Don’t know what caused that but it was not fun. I do like that pizza cups. Aren’t they so cheerful. And Wilbs was enjoying the company.
nice walk! I know what you mean about yard work, as I get older I have a hard time believing what all I did even ten years ago compared to now. I was at the garden stooping up and down planting some flower seeds and came back to the house feeling completely worn out! and it is only 74 right now so I can’t blame it on the heat.
How fun to get out and about! Good for you! The internet world can wait! Remember ‘I Love Lucy’? Yeah…I sing like she does. Ha, ha! Love the photo of Wilbs! He looks quite happy on your son’s lap. 🙂
Such a nice report of your last days /weeks. First of all I am happy that your shoulder is fine again. I know the problems and the pain in the shoulder. It makes you crazy…. So very good to hear you are fine.
no no Wendy … better no one hears it when I am singing. I can only do in the car when I am alone.
I am so sorry to hear that and I know it from chatting with you, that you have hearing loss – i hope it is ok for you that you can not be any longer in the team and community of singers. May be you miss the companionship. And I feel so sorry for you.
I think your wild flowers will come – you took good care for them. May be not this year full success often they need one more year. Love the foto of Wilbs and THIS green eyes !! all lady cats will fall in love with him, but he is not allowed to go out.
Jocelyn Thurston
I love seeing the tree lines against skies. Deer crossing our land daily here in Ontario. Beautiful capture of Wilbs…to me looking very pensive, maybe missing someone?
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Good for you, getting out for a walk when it was cold and windy. That’s hard to do! It does look like a pretty area, though. I hope your wildflowers come up after the work you did, especially if you got hurt doing it! Glad Wilbs had someone to cuddle him when you were gone!
Judy B
Love the pizza place cups! I have a friend who says, “oh fer cute”. She from North Dakota! But almost Minn-a-sota! And “uff-da”, I grew up hearing! Your post made me giggle!
You’ll have to give us photos of the native wildflowers you’ve planted once they come up!
Aww, watch it, Wilbs. Keep your eyes on it – you never know when you might need to alert someone to danger. What pretty eyes he has, Wendy! I never knew why people did controlled burns. So you can burn the weeds out before the native flowers come up? That’s pretty cool, and I’m really glad your shoulder is better. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Wow – that sky! I wish I lived close – I would volunteer to stay with Wilbs. What a blessing that our pets are so tolerant of our singing voices. Glad your shoulder is better. I woke up with a sore arm today – probably slept on it wrong! I’d love to see a photo of your wildflower area.
Beautiful blue sky! The sky is at it’s prettiest in the cooler weather, once we get to summer the water in the air diffuses that blue color. Glad you shoulder is feeling better, having shoulder issues is never fun. Hope you can enjoy May around the house and get more stitching in.
sing out my friend. Wilbs knows you’re his angel and sing to him. My husband is very off pitch singing, but he sings from his spirit and heart, and love of music
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
They have fun cups in Minnesota! I learn so many new things from blogland 🙂 You trip looks very beautiful and I’m glad your shoulder is feeling better.
Mia is mine
What a beautiful, modern table runner in your header photo! Cute cup! Yes, I love to sing, however, my talents lend more to dogs howling and such! LOL! Take good care!