Thoughtful Thursday
Along with all the fun of sewing, there are always those other tasks that need to be done. Organizing fabric, cleaning up the sewing space, writing up project lists, etc. One of my tasks this week, was piecing batting.
I really wasn’t very excited about this task, but it didn’t take me too long, and now I have a stack of pieced batting to use for small projects. I’ve already put some to use. I’m glad I took the time to get this project done.
All that cleaning and organizing led to the discovery of a few scraps I just had to play with. Plus, I had batting at the ready! This is a little sneak peek at something you’ll see in tomorrow’s post. I’ll be showing you something old and something new.
The Weekly Wilbs
Molly got herself a gray blanket, very similar to Wilbs’ favorite white blanket, but so much larger (it weighs a ton). Wilbs snuggles down in and zonks out. Some days I’d like to be able to sleep like a cat!
Happy Thoughtful Thursday, friends! I hope you find thoughtful things to bring a smile today!

Little House Panel

Old and New Finishes
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You’re very diligent piecing your batting ahead of time. I usually wait until I have a quilt for it, and then piece it when I need it. I’m with you though…I’d much rather not do it. Too bad batting is too expensive to waste.
Cindy Pieters
I too piece batting! Oh to be Wilbs to curl up and have a nice snooze.
I love quiet moments to get the thoughts in my head to calm down. I love the green thread quilting on your project! Looks like Wilbs is doing what I’d like to do.
Judy Blauer
What’s not to like about a big, cozy, warm and heavy “blankie”? I try to stay ahead of batting piecing too, but never seem to have the right size. Do you have a go-to size you shoot for or just put together the sizes you have. Mine seem to be mostly long and skinny!
I am impressed at your industry — I tend to use small pieces of batting for stuffing.
Wilbur certainly looks very cosy
Kathleen McCormick
I love the pleasing pile of batting, all ready to use. Great hint of the squirrel – ready fot TGIFF? I am hosting this week. Wilbs looks so comfortable – I can see why he took over that blanket.
Katherine Duquette
I wish I could sleep like a cat. He looks so comfortable. I can’t wait to see your project the color combination is wonderful. Next time you get to NM give me a shout and we will have coffee and talk fabric, design, and inspiration. Happy creating.
Will do! Thanks!
I’m so enjoying your color choices and work these days but I wouldn’t want to work on batting right now 🙂 Wilbs is adorable!!
Sewing up the batting is a chore … but well worth doing! I’m glad you got to use some of it right away!
Vicki in MN
Oh good for you piecing some batting together! You are such an expert now will you come do mine…better bring your jammies as you’ll be here a while!!!
Hi Wendy! Maybe you should share your technique for batting? I tried it once and it turned out lumpy – I must be missing something. Or maybe, like Vicki suggested, you could just come on down and sew mine for me? Bring Wilbs, too! The littles would love to meet him – we could hit several DDs and stay up really late from all the coffee. Oh, to sleep like Wilbs sounds glorious. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
A quiet house is definitely a treat now and then! I’m also thankful to see more and more green everywhere I look. That pile of pieced batting is impressive! I like doing that, too. Wilbur looks quite comfy there! I’m ready for a nap myself! 🙂
Nancy Bekedam
I tend to piece the batting whenever I’m doing a baby quilt. Otherwise it really stacks up. So pretty! Can’t wait to see it tomorrow!
Carol Andrews
What fun to have some quiet time to do those little chores. It must be in the air this week because batting scraps took up some of my time, too! Love the sneak peek and of course the weekly Wilbs. He is really enjoying that snuggly blanket
laura bruno lilly
You know how to do this right, Wendy. After a few hours (?) piecing batting scraps, you play around with some found fabric scraps as a well deserved ‘reward’. Gotta love the limes in your fabric and thread stashes!
Sleep like a cat…your kitty sure shows how to do it correctly!
I avoid piecing my batting, but then am so glad when I do! It’s like finding free batting! lol Your scrappy bits look pretty. And Wilbur looks so comfy. I need a nap like that!
The closeup of that mini is a color-love’s delight. Some day you need to show us all your thread stash!!
….a color-lover’s delight* (I’m on my iPad—laptop’s charging port not working. UUUUGGGHHH!)