Thursday Already
While the thread was flying through my sewing machine, hubs and daughter were playing with cement – a messier job than sewing with thread, but they did good! I did get to help a little by watering the cement the next day. Yay me.
I stopped at the bookstore the other day to pick up one magazine (not this one) and one book. I came out of the store with two magazines and four books – ha! I found some good articles in this magazine. Oh for enough time to do all the projects I find!
This book was part of that bookstore haul, a quick, interesting read about a woman in England who moves to the country just to be with the birds. It is based on the life of Gwendolyn Howard. For those bird lovers who read my posts, you might want to check this one out.
I’ve also been enjoying the Quiltfolk Virtual Show and Tell Episodes, free on YouTube. Each episode introduces 2-3 quilt artists from around the world.
The Weekly Wilbs
While I was sewing on Wednesday, Wilbs was pretty sure he belonged right there on top of my machine. This was a little new to him, so he had to check out all the noises and moving things.
What about your machine? Has it had its annual cat scan lately??
Does it feel like Thursday already in your neck of the woods, too? I hope you’ve enjoyed a good week of smooth sewing!

Comfort of Home Block

Two and Four Flimsy
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Happy Thursday
January 5, 2023
Thursday Thinking
April 1, 2021
Cat scan: best photo and line! The art quilting magazine looks fun. If only I could have met you at B&N for a chat! It does feel like the week is flying by — Thursday already?!
Cindy Pieters
Cat scan! Oh that is too funny! Actually I had my machine in last week, no cat scan that I was aware
Vicki in MN
Yes I too chuckled at your cat scan! Curious as to what the new cement portion is for? Oh gosh yes this week has flown by and not enough done in my neck of the woods!!
That looks like a neat sidewalk! My hubs has done a couple of small jobs here with cement and the weight of the bags are enough to keep me from helping.
“Cat scan” – lol! My kitties have yet to find the top of the Janome, but they love the Longmire frame, especially when I have a quilt draped over it for their “tent”. Wilbs just looks irresistible.
my husband has been doing cement work also and building a new sidewalk and on one side a couple steps while I have been struggling with digging up plants and bulbs. It is all worth the time spent. The week has flown by and I agree Thursday already?
Love the cat scan!
I can’t go into Barnes & Noble and not come out without spending too much! Looks like you made some great choices!
I need to borrow your Hubby and daughter for a few projects around here! 🙂
Hi Wendy! HAHA – Wilbs and the cat scan. LOVE IT!! How the heck does he stay balanced like that and then look below him without tipping over?!! Good core muscles, I guess. I didn’t know your daughter was helping with the cement, too! They did a fabulous job. I need a little cement work done but it’s too small for a contractor to do, I guess. I can’t quite see Sue and I doing it though! Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne
Nancy Bekedam
LOL–annual cat scan!!!
ROFL regarding your Catscan! Thanks for the heads up about the video!! Have a great day!
Happy Thursday to you and I hope you manage to do some of those projects that caught your eye. That’s an impressive stretch of cement.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
This week has really flown by here too! I no longer have a kitty, but when I did, my machines got regular cat scans!! She loved sitting on the extended bed and watching everything!!
Rochelle Summers
Sounds like a busy week for all….especially Wilbs. Hope he found all the stray threads. The cement work looks wonderful. Did you get your hand print in it? And a bookstore….all of ours closed long before the pandemic. I guess the result of Amazon. The library is still well used by me. And I do order books sometimes too. Have a great weekend.
The weeks do roll around quickly, don’t they?! That’s quite a cement job that’s going on at your house – will you use it for a patio/outdoor space? Wilbs could come to my house and give my machine a cat scan anytime. He makes me smile!
I can imagine that a sewing machine could be endlessly fascinating to a cat! lol Ooh – nice smooth cement! That book looks interesting. Good stuff.
Sandra Walker
Ha on Wilbur on top of your machine. Bella has loved to actually perch there for years though I usually now shoo her off unless the cover is on. Always fun to do a new project in the yard. I’ll look for that book in our library, though I’ve got a few in my current stack to get through first! Currently reading The Goldfinch (ha, bird name title) which I am just loving.
Kathleen McCormick
Wilbs is too funny. My cat would try to get too close to the needle for my liking – a very long time ago. That cement looks like a big job but they managed it. Enjoy your bookstore finds…am sensing a squirrel or two came home with you.
Jocelyn Thurston
I’ve made note of that book. I bet it will be interesting to me. Bookstores and drugstores are places I always find more than I go in for…looks like the cement mixers were enjoying themselves. Cat scan, good one Wendy.
wow that’s a great job on the cement, I’m impressed. And wilbur, no I’m behind on cat scans, come overrrrrrrr
The cement looks awesome. Wilbur is a very thorough tech there.
Carol Andrews
Oh! My! I’m still chuckling over Wilbs examining the machine and your cat scan comment. DH is looking at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Looks like hard work doing the cement but a very nice finish I’m sure. Great book suggestions! 😉