Thursday Diversions
Pretty Views
We took a short walk this week at a local nature center. Stopping part way and resting on a bench, we enjoyed this lovely view.
To me, there is nothing prettier than a bright blue sky and lots of green. Toss some fluffy clouds into the mix, and – heaven!
We happen to live on a heavily wooded lot, and one of our favorite places to be is sitting on our deck, enjoying this view.
Interesting Instagram Feeds
So much time can be wasted scrolling through Instagram feeds, but there are a couple of feeds that I thoroughly enjoy, so I thought I’d share them with you. I’m not affiliated with either of them, they just offer a fun diversion for me.
@alderspring_ranch – this is one of my favorite feeds. This ranch in Idaho, run by “7 gritty girls and 2 ecologists” is a beautiful place, and I’d love to visit. Not only is the photography amazing, I learn so much about ranch life that I never knew. The views out on the range are just gorgeous.
@englishanj – this site is just plain fun. I enjoy seeing Theolonius Munk (a chipmunk) fill his cheeks with the nuts, but it’s also fun to see the little tablescapes she sets up for him. A fun site that just brings me joy.
One of my favorite diversions is sticking my nose in a book and ignoring everything else around me. Here are the books I read in June.
These are just the fiction books I read. I do have a few non-fiction reads, but they are ongoing. I’ll share them once I’ve finished reading them. I expect July will be a bit slower as far as reading, since I’m back in the swing of sewing (yay!).
The Weekly Wilbs
While the quilt room squirrels have been loads of fun this month, the outdoor squirrels have been up to no good. They have chewed through our large storage bin and gotten into everything. We moved the chewed bucket of birdseed up on the deck, and covered the hole with a board and the watering can. (This is temporary; we will be getting metal containers soon.) Wilbs is utterly perplexed and fascinated with this squirrel.
He was glued to that window most of the morning, a fun diversion from his usual daily duties.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my Thursday diversions, and maybe thought of a few diversions of your own! Enjoy your day, my friends!

Weekly Diversions

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Stitchin at Home
Your diversions were great! And the photos of blue skies and green everywhere else, lovely. New attractions for Wilbs.
Barbara J Stanbro
SQUIRRELS!!! Good grief. Destructive little buggers. I’m going to check out those Instagram feeds. They sound interesting and fun.
Jocelyn Thurston
We have special metal bins for bird seed and even though they do have special latches, a raccoon figured that out so I also put a small propane tank on top. That seems to stop him. We don’t suffer any destruction yet from squirrels, however, very much wondering about our small family of groundhogs that have appeared.
I also follow that second instagramer…I just find those things amuse me so much. Put a smile on my face. Tony says I should be doing that with all the red squirrels running around here. 😀
I always look to see if any of the books that others share names of are at my library and if they don’t have them I turn to kindle unlimited – they had the Barbara Delinksy book so I just loaded that one on the fire tablet (my kindle bit the dust and I updated to a fire)
Angela Grasse
Oh, gorgeous views!
Sue Hoover
Awwww! Wilbs has a little friend. Unfortunately Wendy not. Those critters are so destructive. Have a great week!
I agree…lots of green, blue sky and fluffy white clouds…what could be better? Oh…and rain at night so that I don’t have to water the garden! I love the squirrels and chipmunks, but do have to try to be smarter than them. 🙂
The Morning Latte
Enjoyed the photos! Oh Wilbs, what were you two talking about? (Saw a squirrel and a baby bunny just a foot apart from each other just yesterday and wondered the same thing!)
“Notice” is my “word” for the year or so. I’m glad you sat down to notice the blue skies, puffy clouds, and green!
Debbie Macomber is an author that I sometimes choose when I want to listen to something easy while I paint. Just comfortable easy stories with happy endings. Sometimes I need tha.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Pretty views at your place, Wendy! I love it that our cities and towns have reserved land for natural areas so that we can get out in them. Looks like a bunch of good books in your pile there, too. I’ve always liked Debbie Macomber and Barbara Delinsky, but don’t think I’ve read either of those. Squirrels are really persistent, aren’t they?! I bet they are very entertaining for Wilbs!
You’ve read a lot of books this month! I have read a few of them and have written down the ones I haven’t read!
Your outdoor squirrels are trying to get the best of you and Wilbs! 🙂
Bad squirrel! He looks quite cheeky. Lovely outdoor photos – blues and greens are pretty!
Love your views and especially your back yard vista! Wilbs looks so cute there watching the bad one. I have a few IG feeds that make me happy too – mine are of England and Scotland so I can visit without leaving my sofa. 😉
Carol Andrews
Wendy your back yard is beautiful. Silly squirrels, but at least they are keeping Wilbs entertained. Great reads that I will check out! So glad you are back to sewing.
Kathleen McCormick
Blue skies and fluffy clouds are the best. Love the stack of books but not the squirrel attack on your bird seed container. I love Wilbs looking at the squirrel. Have a good rest of the weekend….Hope to be more on the ball next week!
LA Paylor
wow you have so many likes! I need a screen shot of that book tower, for when I need a new read! Glad you are out and about