Thursday Fun
I thought I’d share a few things that have brought me joy over the last few weeks. Hopefully they will make you smile as well.
We went for some drives while I was recuperating, just to get me out of the house. One day, we stopped at this spot, Memorial Park in Red Wing, MN and enjoyed a picnic lunch. What you don’t see in this photo are the many turkey vultures riding the thermals right above us. They were huge, and such fun to watch.
Each year, I buy some hibiscus plants for our deck. I love the bright bursts of color, and the hummingbirds like them, too. This year, I bought a hibiscus bush to plant that is supposed to do well in our zone. I’m so excited, and hope it thrives. I’ll post some photos if it blooms!
I recently watched this video on YouTube, and decided I needed a little bubbler for my deck. I ordered the solar bubbler from Amazon (no affiliation), then went on the hunt at our local thrift shop for a bowl (got it for $7). The rocks are from our backyard. It makes me happy just seeing it bubbling away on the sunny days! Maybe the birds will enjoy it too (I’m just hoping the coons will leave it alone at night)!
The Weekly Wilbs
Okay, this is a throwback Thursday photo, but it still makes me chuckle. He definitely likes to be in the middle of things, checking everything out. A few minutes ago, he was zooming through the house and howling; now he’s zonked out in his cat cave. On these sunny days, he loves to find those sunshiny spots for a good, long snooze.
And that’s a little Thursday fun from my house to yours! What are you finding that is making you smile today?

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Preeti Harris
Oh Wendy, when I find something to smile about, I will let you know. I am still processing grief about the recent deaths in our country. There is so much to do but nothing is getting done – not in this country and not in my studio. I am thinking of you and sending you healing wishes. Lots of Love & Hugs.
Cindy Pieters
What a wonderful bubbler, put your feet up, sit back and enjoy it!
Vicki in MN
I like the solar bubbler, can you send me the link to the one you got please, I might just have to get one! It’s nice you were able to get away on a few little road trips during recovery. And your pretty posie would make anyone smile so pretty:)
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
What a great bubbler!!! As for the raccoons, there’s no stopping them. Ignorance is bliss.
I love it when my kitties get the zoomies, especially Toby who howls too. 😉 That is a beautiful spot for a picnic, nice view and hills. Good luck with your hibiscus! We planted those when we lived in south TX and sometimes they would come back in the spring if we had a particularly mild winter. Haven’t tried any here, but they sure are pretty. I’ve saved the video about the bubbler – yours looks great! We are enjoying a good soaking rain – that is making me smile – and of course we are headed out today for errands, so we’ll have a dirty car and my hair will be plastered to my head 😀
I like the solar bubbler really neat! I hope you are back to feeling well now I don’t think I ever read what happened to you – surgery perhaps? I hope you are back to 100% now
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Your picnic spot looks very inviting! So glad you were able to get out as you were/are recuperating and hoping you’re feeling much better now. I love your bubbler! I used to buy my mom a hibiscus every year and she loved them. I think I should plant one for the hummers in our area. Sometimes they are not fond of the feeder and some days they zoom in. At any rate, I think “live” nectar is better! LOL When I had a cat, she loved to sit and watch my machine. I’m so thankful she didn’t try to stop the needle!
Barbara J Stanbro
I love that hisbicus…one of my favorite flowers.
The Joyful Quilter
What a beautiful spot of a picnic, Wendy! I hope you will soon be fully recovered from your surgery.
A picnic with a view is one of my favorite things to do! If there are birds to watch, even better. Your hibiscus is beautiful! The bubbler is neat – we might need one of those, too. Funny Wilbur – he is always entertaining!
You sure sent me down the rabbit hole; I just spent considerable time watching YouTube videos of bubblers. Ha, ha! I think I might have to make one! Love how contented Wilbs looks in your header photo! 🙂
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Your post certainly made me smile today! When I woke up, our resident Kalij pheasant couple was just outside our bedroom window, and they always make me smile when I see them. Last year they were able to successfully raise 2 females and I keep waiting for her to disappear and nest for a while.
wow what a good asst of likes. I’s like to sit outside eat lunch and watch birds ride the air waves. I Love Wilbur… love…
Rochelle Summers
So nice to see so many likes. The bubbler is something I could get into. Was laying my soaker hoses this morning and find I need some hubbie help. Hopefully tomorrow AM. We started our water cooler and run a line from it to the tree in the front so it can drip there and not on the roof. The birds come in and line up for their turn at a drink. Lots of noisy backtalk goes on there. Hope you are feeling better. You and Wilbs can enjoy those naps together.
Hi Wendy! It’s been a while (it seems) since we’ve had a sweet Wilbs photo. I love it!! And the bubbler is so cool. What a fun idea. I can hardly wait to hear if your hibiscus makes it okay over the winter. If it does, I’m planting some myself. Anything for the hummers! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
So glad that you are recovering well, and with such pretty things to look at! The hibiscus is lovely, and I think the bubbler would be super nice on a summer night. Very soothing. Add ice cream and you have the perfect recovery spot!
Isn’t that view of Red Wing a great one? Your bubbler is a success! I can’t wait to hear who visits it. I was going to help Brian in the yard today, but so far I’m an observer. 😉
Quilting is in my Blood
Wow, that solar bubbler is cool! And what a gorgeous hibiscus bloom! I always enjoy your curious Wilbs photos.
I love hibiscus. It’s been ages since I’ve been to Redwing. Looks like a pretty day. The sound of running water can be so soothing! All good stuff.
Thanks for sharing these delights
I love watching the turkey vultures fly, it is fascinating watching them circle, and you don’t realize how far they move as their circles overlap and they go whichever direction they are headed, but they cover a lot of territory. Pretty hibiscus. Your little bubbler will be great not only for small birds, but butterflies and bees too since it is nice and shallow. Pretty dish.
Kathleen McCormick
I love to watch birds flying and the vultures in the thermals would be terrific fun. How are you liking the bubbler? I should do something like that when I am up and about. Has Wilbur found it?
Carol Andrews
Wendy that’s a beautiful bowl for your bubbler. I hope your hibiscus does well in your yard. Seeing the turkey vultures should have lifted your spirits. Thanks for sharing such happy likes this week. 😉