Thursday Likes
I like this walk over our river (in the photo above), especially in the evening light. It takes us over the river to a little ice cream shop, so a little exercise before I consume a yummy cone!
As we walk over that bridge, I like to look at the beautiful flowers that line the railings. They are especially beautiful this year!
BigJ made this bent canoe paddle in a class (the class was his Father’s Day gift). Pretty cool, huh?
Many of you commented on these flowers in my last post. These hydrangea in my yard are just huge this year. They are about 6-7 inches at their widest point. Soon they will be tinged in pink, so watch for more photos.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs, what are you doing up there? This was the conversation between BigJ and Wilbs. Wilbs seems to really like this high view of our living room lately. Silly cat.
Thanks for stopping by to read my quick list of Thursday Likes. If you want to read more Thursday posts, hop over to LeeAnna’s page (link above) to find the whole list of our group.
Happy Thursday, all!

Block Parade

Positivity Quilt
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The canoe paddle is so cool! BigJ is quite a craftsman.
Jocelyn Thurston
Lovely bridge with flowers. All the towns here in Ontario seem to have rivers running through them which was novel to me. Such a great feature. Beautiful workmanship on that paddle and how in the world did Wilbs get up there! He is braver than I would have guessed.
Hi Wendy! Thank you for my weekly smile about Wilbs. What are you thinking, going way up there?!! Who even knew he would be able to stroll across the top of the patio door, even though we can plainly see the shelf made just for that purpose. That bridge-to-ice-cream does look inviting, especially knowing what’s on the other side. AND, you have a pretty bench to sit on the way back to enjoy said cone. Win/win/win all around. Have fun playing with friends! ~smile~ Roseanne
Interesting, when I was looking at Wilber’s photo, I sneezed … I know I’m allergic to cats, but that’s ridiculous! 🙂
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Pretty view across the river for your walk, and I love the flowers! Those hydrangeas are so amazing, Wendy! I’ve never grown those – wonder if I could. Adventurous Wilbur – BigJ looks like he could reach right up and get him!
Rochelle Summers
Love all the color in your photos. And a walk to the ice cream shop sounds great. What an artisan your husband is! That paddle (oar) looks so cool…will it ever see water? And Wilbs….always so curious about what’s happening and how to get the best view. Hope you are having a great day with friends.
Patricia Evans
I don’t know which would bring me more joy when crossing that bridge, the flowers ore the ice cream on the other side. Wilbs is definitely fearless.
Needle and Foot
Well – hmmm, where to start. Wilbs is a silly cat and I love the pic of him above he window. Then there is the hydrangea. I don’t know if you remember but last year I saw a pic of yours and mentioned I have the same one but it was getting too leggy. So I was quite ruthless with a pruning last year and it is so pretty this year, huge blooms like yours! The paddle – it is gorgeous. Tell your husband he is a talented woodworker!! Hope all is well!!
Louise Hornor
Your hydrangeas are truly spectacular!
That paddle is really cool. Those hydrangeas are massive! My guinea pigs agree with Wilbs – the best place to scope out everything is from the high spot. 🙂
Oh the canoe paddle is fabulous. Your hydrangeas are lovely and what a pretty walk. Wilbs is the king and surveying his domain from the highest point possible.
maybe his pandemic hobby was mountain climbing
Carol Andrews
Wendy those hydrangeas are beautiful. Big J did an amazing job on that canoe paddle. It’s so pretty I’d hang it on a wall. Love his wood projects. Your walk looks to be perfect for a day’s end stroll and ice cream is always a good treat. Funny how Wilbs is wanting to be high up lately! 😉