Thursday Likes
The forecast on Monday and Tuesday was windy and snowy. While the view doesn’t look like much of a storm, it was a mess out on the roads. It was a good day to stay in and sew. I was glad that no one in my family had to be out and about.
Each year, after we take all the ornaments off the Christmas tree, we move it out onto the deck. We leave the lights on so we can turn them on at night. This is my view from my chair in the morning. We sprinkle bird seed in the tree for the birds and squirrels to enjoy. Wilbs thoroughly enjoys watching the activity, too.
I had plans to sew during the snowstorm. However, hubs had some online video calls, and Wilbs thought it vitally important that he make an appearance at each one and vocalize his opinions to the group. Needless to say, that had to stop, so Wilbs had to be confined to my quilt room. If we shut him out of the two rooms, he complains loudly. The only problem with this whole set up is that my cutting table is in hubs’ office space. So – no cutting during the meetings, which meant no sewing. So I decided to organize my fabrics and tidy up a bit. I cleaned up the area to the right of my sewing machine. It still looks a bit chaotic, but this is so much better than it was!
Since more meetings were happening, I moved on to my fabric shelves. I had fabric piled up, waiting to be shelved. The top two shelves hold fabric in quantities of a yard or more. The lowest shelf are my half yards. I even arranged those by color (they were long meetings . . .). I still need to straighten up that top shelf, but it looks so nice and tidy now. Sure wish it would stay that way!
It’s worth noting that the lower part of this unit has been cropped out of the photo. That chaos hasn’t quite been fully organized yet. It’s not what’s on the lower shelves; its what’s piled up in front of it. But that’s for another day!
Barbara of Cat Patches shares so many good recipes, travel ideas, and cute cat photos in her posts. She recently shared a recipe for a Chocolate Bundt cake for two. I haven’t made the chocolate one yet, but I had to order this cute little 3-cup mini bundt pan, then make the Vanilla Pound Cake recipe that was on the packaging. Yum!
Notice the lack of quilted potholders . . . I should fix that!
The Weekly Wilbs
Besides the awesome whisker photo above, Wilbs has been his usual self, sleeping most of the day and waking us up about 4 am (no, we don’t get up then, we just sleepily pet him for a bit and he’s happy).
I bought Tundra the pup some toys for when he comes to visit. Wilbs really thought he should check them out. That’s quite the mouthful for a cat!
Ok – your turn! Share a Thursday Like with me in the comments. I’ll enjoy reading them!

Tuesday Tasks

Two and Four Finish
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I Like Thursday 52
October 22, 2020
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June 17, 2021
Haha, that photo of Wilbur chomping the bone is great! I like playing Wordle, thanks to Sandra! Some mornings I finish the puzzle during the wee hours if I have to get up with Chester; otherwise, it’s the first thing I do as I wait for my coffee to cool.
Hi Wendy! I enjoyed every bit of this post!! Aww, Wilbs. I’m with you – you needed to BE in those meetings. Your lack of quilted potholders reminds me that I am in the exact same situation. I, however, took it one step further and purchased ALL of the necessary supplies to mass produce around 100 potholders. In January. Not a single one made yet. Yeah. Cute, cute, CUTE little bundt pan. I would like to make a few of them myself, except my bestie hates bundt cakes. All of them, even before she’s tasted one. I told her she was closed minded. That vanilla version looks delicious to me, although BigJ would have to have another one made for him since I would eat it all myself. And finally, that is one big mouthful of Tundra’s toy. I love Wilbs. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne P.S. The crop feature on photos is FAB. No one knows what they’re missing and sometimes that is a good thing. HAHA!
The Joyful Quilter
Nice job on the fabric organization, Wendy! Wilbs chewing on a dog toy? TOO funny!!
sounds like it was a nice day to get your fabric organized it all looks so pretty on the shelves.
The Morning Latte
I love what you do with the Christmas tree, right down to the birdseed and all. How fun and such a good way to get even more “use” out of it. Your fabric looks much more orderly than mine, though I have tidied mine up recently–similarly, the top looks okay but the drawers below are a mess. Maybe you should start buying dog toys for Wilbs??
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love seeing Wilbs!! And I love having a tidy studio, but I have a lot of stuff to clear out first! LOL Happy Thursday, Wendy! It’s going to be an interesting day!
Kathleen McCormick
Those whiskers are just amazing! I can imagine him loving the activity on the Christmas tree! Your fabric looks awesome. I so need to find a better organization strategy…in both places, but for now I work on keeping surfaces relatively clean. Yes, you should remedy that potholder situation, but that cake looks yum! Nice to have a recipe for 2 instead of cake for a billion to finish. Your snow is coming our way tomorrow!
Rochelle Summers
Such a wonderful way to spend a day…organizing and keeping the cat happy. He certainly is sociable and maybe he really did have a good idea to share in those meetings!! Not only do I need new potholders for me but I promised some to my son. Just have to get some cotton batting and never remember when I’m out! We had snow Monday and Tuesday and very icy conditions Tuesday and Wednesday. I was happy to stay home sewing on Tuesday but did have to go out on Wed. By late morning, things had improved tho it barely made it above freezing. I love looking at the goodies you cook. I keep moving a box of brownie mix from the cupboard to the counter and then back again…trying to keep the calories down but oh, how it calls my name!!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Good for you, doing that organizing and tidying up, even if there was no other choice! I need to do some of that, but always end up sewing instead, lol! The photo of Wilbur checking out Tundra’s new toy is a hoot. I love Barbara’s blog, and am always tempted by her desserts for two. Today I like that the sky is blue, the sun is out, and it is finally warming up here! (It’s a balmy 21 degrees!)
I love what you do with the Christmas tree! I think I just might do that next year! 🙂
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
That’s a lovely idea to keep your Christmas tree up outside. It looks wonderful there in the snow with the squirrel visiting. Your neat fabrics also make a great picture 🙂
Good for you – getting some of your sewing room organized! I always intend to do a bit, but get distracted and often start something new! 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Sandi Scarlett
I went to AQS in Daytona Beach today and saw so many pretty quilts. They sure were beautiful!
Those fabric shelves are awesome. I like how you reuse the Christmas tree. That bundt cake looks delicious.
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy I like seeing your very tidy sewing room, your fun new mini Bundt pan, your upcycled tree and Wilbs being his usual entertaining self! 😉
I love that tradition of moving your tree outside after the holidays! What a great idea! And hooray for taking the time to organize your sewing space!
It’s like a fabric library shelf! Very nice. Sometimes we need those days where we just can’t do the usual and are forced to… organize something! As for the bottom half that you didn’t show… Well, that’s why we have lids for those tubs!