Thursday Loves and Likes
This week has flown by! I didn’t intend to write only one post (so far) this week, but I can’t think of a better one to write than this one. This past weekend I celebrated my birthday with my hubs and kids – and Wilbs, of course! It was a quiet weekend, and nice. Any time I can be with my family, I’m happy.
Tuesday we finally picked out our Christmas tree. We always wait until after my birthday to put the tree up. This one is really tall – BigJ is 6’6″ and he had to use a step stool to reach the top of the tree. I’m so excited to have a huge tree this year! It’s all decorated and Wilbs has checked it out and given his approval – he had pine sap on his fur as evidence.
I’ve hardly spent any time in the quilt room, but I have gotten two little items made. This little purse:
The purse measures approximately 4″ x 8″ and went together quickly. The other little item is a drawstring pouch. Excuse the poor picture – this is proof that not all of my photos are neat and tidy, nor is my sewing space. We’ll just call this a keeping-it-real photo!
I came down to my sewing room one day to see this little guy. Looks like he’s wondering where the water is – or the seeds and nuts. I did truly feel badly there was nothing there for him. We did fill the feeders later.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs had a grand time this weekend, helping my daughter as she cut out a pattern for a fleece jacket. The tissue paper needed unstraightening frequently, and he wrestled it into submission. Cutting was a complete fascination and extreme precision was required. He was quite put out when I tucked him in our bedroom while she finished. He’s still a bit miffed.
One last photo before I go – here is my Christmas Coreopsis hanging in our living room. I thought you might like to see it displayed.
And that’s my Thursday Loves & Likes for this week. Enjoy your day, all!

Christmas Finish

To Do Tuesday 69
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What is it with our yellow cats and their need to lay on… sprawl across fabric or wrapping paper?
Cindy Pieters
Oh that Wilbs, your daughter must have a load of patience. The Christmas Coreopsis looks so pretty hanging above your nativity scene.
Ha, ha! Wilbs is such fun! Love the fabric that your daughter has chosen! Coreopsis is beautifully displayed! 🙂
The Joyful Quilter
The squirrel and Wilbs are so funny and your new quilt is SEW beautiful hanging above your nativity!!!
you must show a photo of your tall tree! I do love that wall hanging at the end and belated Happy Birthday!
Vicki in MN
Oh Wilbur you silly cat!!! Your quilt found the perfect home, it looks like there are tiny snow flurries falling down on the quilt!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Looks like Wilbs was having a blast “helping” cut out that fleece! LOL He’s such a cutie. That Coreopsis quilt is just gorgeous and perfect for your display! I would love to see a pic of your Christmas tree-with Wilbs of course!! Happy belated birthday and Merry Christmas!!
Barbara J Stanbro
Cute projects. I really love the coreopsis. Wilbur looks like a typical cat. If it’s on the floor, it’s his to use how he wants.
Emily Leachman
Love your Coreopsis above your nativity! They look so good together! Wilbs is always adorable, glad he “helped” with the cutting out.
happy birthday!!! The tissue needed unstraightening… lol!!! Wilbur you’re adorable.
Kathleen McCormick
Wonderful day on your blog – post birthday tree decorating, Wilbs as sewing helper, two wonderful projects and that beautiful nativity scene with your quilt!!! Glad you were able to celebrate you, decorate the tree and enjoy the squirrel visit!
Cindy Berry
Happy birthday Wendy and a merry and blessed Christmas! Love the Wilbs!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Oh my goodness, Wilbs looks like he was having so much fun, no wonder he was miffed to be tucked away for a bit!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
And happy birthday!!!
Rochelle Summers
What a hoot Wilbs is. And that fabric matched your socks! The tree is very tall and I’m sure it will be enjoyed through out the month by all, including Wilbs. That squirrel was really disappointed! A full time job for you guys keeping up with the wildlife in the winter. Happy birthday.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Happy Birthday, Wendy! Did you go and cut your own tree? We used to do that when the kids were growing up. I miss the smell of a freshly cut tree! Those pictures of Wilbur “helping” your daughter are a hoot! And Coreopsis is beautiful hanging right there.
Judy K Blauer
Coreopsis is stunning! I’ll put in my vote for a tree photo also! Happy Belated Birthday!
You had so many good things to share! Wills and M are so great!
Very cute sewing projects. Wilbur looks like he’s having fun! Happy Birthday!
Oh I love seeing your Christmas wall hanging! So gorgeous! Wilbs REALLY wants to sew doesn’t he? LOL! Thanks for the smiles~!
Quilting is in my Blood
Love seeing your Christmas quilt displayed and the pics and story about Wilbs “helping” your daughter. I’ve had to banish a cat or two who are intent on disrupting a sewing project!
Jocelyn Thurston
First off many happy returns of your special day! What beautiful bags…I always think folks who can sew useful things are so talented. Coreopsis is gorgeous too. I wonder how hard it was to put together.
A huge real tree makes for a perfect Christmas, I think.
Wilbs always does his best to be a part of things. Thankfully not destroying the tree like Neddy, who has still not apologized for what he did. LOL
Hi Wendy! Coreopsis looks so fabulous hanging – aren’t you just in love with it?!! The variety of reds and greens and how they happened to end up is just so pretty. The sparkles look like little snowflakes. Wilbs, of course, makes my day. All that help with the pattern!! I can just imagine how miffed he was – she did, after all, encroach on his territory (the floor and actually, the whole house). HAHA! Thanks for sharing your loves and giving us a weekly peek at the haps. That poor squirrel does look a bit sad – Wilbs probably had a few comments for him, if he had stuck around for the refilling. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy. I agree with everyone that:
Your Coreopsis looks wonderful hanging.
Your daughter is so very patient
Wilbs can make everyone smile or giggle
And we really need to see the tree all decorated.
Happy belated birthday. We too don’t put the tree up in our house until after my brother’s birthday (17 December) and it comes down before mine on 7 Jan! Love how Wilbs has to be involved. Your Corepsis quilt is fabulous.
Nancy Bekedam
Love your pouch! And that squirrel is posed so funny! Of course Wilbs steals the show!
Carol in Texas
Love the photos of Wilbs. He was having such a good time. I just love cats. I hope your daughter got her project together after he was removed. Happy New Year to you and your family.