Thursday Ponderings
A few days ago, I heard a funny “thunk” in the house as I was reading emails. A few minutes later, I noticed Wilbs intently watching something out on our deck.
Isn’t that a pretty little bird? It’s a Brown Creeper. It is so delicate and small. I was very concerned and was texting my daughter (bird biologist) to see what I should do. While I was doing that, Wilbs was chittering away, completely fascinated with the bird. All of a sudden, the bird hopped away and flew to a nearby tree. We are hopeful that it is okay.
Did you know that it was National Bundt Cake Day on Tuesday? Me neither, I thought it was Wednesday, and sent Barbara (Cat Patches) a quick email, because I knew she’d want to whip up a Bundt cake – and she did. You can see hers over on instagram (@threecatsranch). While hers looks much more tasty than mine, this one was just a simple vanilla pound cake. It is tasty, though!
Speaking of food, LeeAnna suggested we share a bit about favorite foods for Thanksgiving. Our family takes a bit different approach to Thanksgiving and Christmas meals – we usually try a new recipe for a soup, or for something we’d like to try, like Korean BBQ. We do eat the traditional Thanksgiving foods when we gather with hubs’ family.
The Weekly Wilbs
In the evenings, I’m usually settled in my chair, reading or stitching. Meanwhile, Wilbs is doing this.
It’s my favorite part of the day, cuddling with Wilbs!
Thanks for reading my Thursday Ponderings!

Making Music

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Rochelle Summers
Cat Cuddles sound so good, especially in the winter. I love listening to the “motor” running. Like you, I’d like a different Thanksgiving. First, smaller meals. We don’t need to be gluttons. Second, NOT turkey. Third, more than just pumpkin pie! Most important, celebrating with loved ones. They really are the whole reason for Thanksgiving, IMHO!
Good morning Wendy and Wilbs!! That bird must be okay or it wouldn’t have flown away. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I think Wilbs chittering at it helped, for sure. Bundt cake Day?!! Who knew – it wasn’t on the news here is Wisconsin. They had depressing news like someone’s run for the White House again – HAHA. Seriously though, your cake looks delicious. I love bundt cakes and Sue HATES them. WHY? Hate is a very strong feeling for a cake. She says, because they don’t have frosting. I can/could/do frost anything so why not a bundt cake. I’ll convert her yet. Keep an eye on her, Wilbs. You never know when a squirrel might bite. Happy Thursday to you both. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Sorry about your first post – there might have been a few of us out here pondering why it wouldn’t open, too. Poor bird! We have that happen here, too, and I always hate hearing that thunk. So glad the little brown creeper flew away after all that. Yum on the mini bundt cake! Sounds fun to try new recipes on Thanksgi ing, too. So nice that you have Wilbs to keep your lap warm – could I borrow him today?
every now and then a bird will hit into one of our windows but normally they are just stunned and will fly away a short while later – only rarely will I find it died. I didn’t know it was bundt cake day 🙂
Cindy Pieters
Bundt cake day I didn’t know that was a thing. Cuddling with Wilbs sounds real good.
Kathleen McCormick
I’m sorry the first post didn’t work…..but glad this one did. We had three birds do this recently on our porch! Never has it happened before….1 survived, 2 did not. I am glad yours flew off, as the one did on our porch. I can see why Wilbur would be very engaged by the whole process. I love the idea of of bundt cake day…who knew?
I’m glad the bird was able to fly away!! That often means that they are OK. Your bundt cake looks pretty good to me. I’d gladly have a piece of it! 🙂 Your Wilbs tales make me smile! 🙂
Vicki in MN
Both posts came to my inbox today, but when you posted your music one it never came to me at all. We have several birds run into our windows-it’s not that they are so clean either! Sometimes they land on the ground dazed and after a while they fly away. I hope yours is okay too. We did have one not make it this fall.
Katherine Duquette
Guess you have a little of the cold white joy outside! We had a bird hit our window but it flew away in a few minutes. Wilbs is so entertaining.
Happy thanksgiving.
Suddenly I feel the need to pull out my Bundt pan and make a cake!
And… it’s taken forever to type these two sentences as my own purring yellow cat feels that my lap and laptop is exactly where he needs to lay.
I’m glad the little creeper survived. Cute little bundt cake. Wilbs has such a rough life. LOL
We have big widows leading to our patios, the birds regularly hit them. So thumps aren’t unheard of. Several of the birds have knocked themselves out that way, but they all wake up and fly away. Due to various factors, the last few years we’ve had Thanksgiving for just the three of us. Grad Girl hates turkey, My Guy can’t eat ham, so we been decided on ribs as our meat dish for Thanksgiving the last couple of years.
Oh that Wilbs, his paw looks so cute, and I think he knows it. 😉 Your Thanksgiving sounds like fun! That cake looks delicious, where did you get a Bundt pan that small? When we lived in our last house, it had lots of windows plus a big window in the kitchen that birds hit regularly. Some actually got up and flew away but some didn’t. 🙁 I got some kind of stickers on Amazon that were visible to birds and it helped a bit.
Jocelyn Thurston
I love vanilla pound cake and daughter makes it often for us. With a little fruit and cream or just jam it is always good. Sara Lee used to have a good one that I used a lot when I was first married-that would be the dark ages of course. I like that you try different things for your Thanksgiving. Glad the bird appears to be okay; I’ve managed just one photo of one of those. That Wilbs is just such a perfect poser.
Judy B
We’ve had a few “bird thunks” too! I hate it, but they most always recover. I kinda wish we would forego the big traditional Thanksgiving dinner. It’s so much work! (Whine!whine!) This year we will be at our son’s and sharing dinner with neighbors. He is doing the turkey, our family cranberry salad ( recipe shared on my blog) and pumpkin pies. Not too bad! I’m anxious toes what other will bring. Give a head scratch to Wilbs!
Glad the bird found its wings. Things look very delicious and peaceful in your house.
The Morning Latte
Your first pic of Wilbs has been my Chloe most afternoons in her new bed (after she kneads fleece a bit). These are the days! I didn’t know about bundt day but you reminded me that I have a pan of mini-bundts (somewhere?) that are great for making little single serves, and “pumpkins”! Might have to look for that for Turkey Day. Stay warm and snuggle away with Wilbs! Hoping to do lots of that over Christmas break. For now, back to work…. :o)
Sweet little Bird, and snow, my goodness.
LA Paylor
trying out new recipes sounds fun for a family. I love Wilburrrrr. I had a friend who’s cat was causing trouble. She called a cat psychic who asked the cat and reported it wanted more lap time. It complained my friend seldom sat down peacefully any more and the cat wanted snuggle time. My friend was astounded and said she indeed had not been still for a long time. She started sitting more and the cat immediately jumped on, and the trouble in the house ceased.
Su-sieee! Mac
Yummm, I’m always happy when I eat any Korean dish. This morning I made myself a peanut butter, cream cheese, and kimchi sandwich with sourdough bread. My new breakfast delight. Happy Thanksgiving!
Texas Quilter
Every now and then a bird will run into our windows in the Studio. They seem to recover and fly away. For awhile our Red Birds and Finch’s did not come around, but now in the cold damp weather they are back. I enjoy watching them eat their little hearts away! Hugs.
Sue Hoover
I just love reading your blog, Wendy. Of course you know that I’m particularly fond of Wilbs but I almost always like what you share. I didn’t know there was a Bundt Cake Day. I’m only aware of Pi Day. Haha! Sweet little bird and I’m glad he managed to fly away. I’m sure he’ll be just fine now. Laughed hearing about Wilbs’s chittering because I know my Polly would have been doing the same! Have a good Thanksgiving, turkey or soup! We will actually combine the two, usually over the weekend after Thanksgiving.