Thursday Thinking
The photo above is from one of our cherry-picking trips. I’m thinking about the lovely views we enjoyed during our stay.
A few of you asked what I meant when I said I wanted to hang my quilt in the bookcase, so I thought I’d show you a photo. When we renovated our living room, BigJ made this built-in bookcase that spans the entire wall. I’m giving you a little wider view so you can see the quilt space. The rod is adjustable to the height of the quilt. The quilt was made for me by my talented sister-in-law and is put up each December. I’m thinking it’s time to put up a Spring quilt, yes?
I’m thinking about how much I appreciate BigJ’s creative skills. This is his latest finish – a white pine dresser, made from trees on his dad’s property. BigJ milled the white pine himself, drew up the plans, and worked on this during 2020. It measures 52 inches long, 39 inches high, and 15 inches deep, specifically made to fit in this space. Of course, Wilbs had to model how well he matches!
As I was washing dishes, I was thinking about the items in my home that I’ve had for years and still use. This cookie jar was a shower gift (filled with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and the recipe) given to me 34 years ago. It’s still one of my favorite gifts that we received.
I’m still thinking about these two books now that I’ve finished reading them. Evvie Drake Starts Over was a very casual read, a rather lazy stroll through the relationship between a widow and a baseball pitcher with the yips.
The Bookshop on the Corner was a delightfully fun read about a young woman who starts a very unique bookshop and where that takes her. I enjoyed the references to actual books throughout (and took notes of some I’d like to read).
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs has had a rather lazy, sleepy week. Actually, this is his usual daytime routine – lots of napping. He hides behind the patio curtain (of course, he matches) and catches rays of sun. Our daughter bought another blanket, maybe specifically for Wilbs(?) and he loves it.
Those are the things I wanted to share for this Thursday Thinking post. What have you been thinking about this week?

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Thanks for this lovely post and congrats to BJ on that pine dresser. It’s no easy feat to mill the wood first, so double accolades.
Wishing you a good Easter weekend.
Cindy Pieters
BJ is one talented carpenter, that pine dresser is beautiful! Love the Wilbs photos!
Wow! BJ is quite skilled! 🙂
I love that bookcase it is the perfect place for a quilt as you show. Your husband is quite a talented woodworker – love the dresser also. I have a big cookie jar something like that but mine has a metal top with a good suction on the inside of it to keep it sealed – my problem is what do I do with it now that it is empty most of the time – if I fill it with goodies we eat too much! I just washed it the other day – I had been filling it with oats instead of cookies but it had collected a bit of kitchen grease and dirt on it over time and needed to be washed.
Barbara J Stanbro
Your quilt-hanging space is so nice. I have a spot in my kitchen like that. I like hanging the little seasonal quilts there. Wilbur looks like a cat who enjoys the sunshine. Sadie likes that space next to the glass door too.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
That bookcase is a perfect space for a quilt!! Yes, put up that sunny spring addition there. It’s nice to have options!! My daughter has three cats and one of them lives in the window looking out into their backyard. He and Wilbs would get along nicely in the sun! BigJ is very talented!! The bookcase and the dresser are awesome!!
Preeti Harris
Thursday is a great day to begin the thought process. In other words, let me start day dreaming about the weekend – longer sleep, cherry blossoms and daffodils…and eventually laundry and grocery 🙂
Judy Blauer
Lovely post! I shared the bookcase and dresser with my DH. He’s a woodworker also, but not of BigJ’s caliber. But handy just the same.
Hi Wendy! BigJ is very talented! The dresser is gorgeous, and what a perfect place to hang a quilt within the bookcases. LOVELY. Of course, Wilbs is always fun to have updates about – he makes me smile. And finally, that view while cherry picking!! WOW. ~smile~ Roseanne
Cheree Hull
The bookcase is beautiful (as is the dresser). We have a large long wall in our living room that I’ve been wanting to do something very similar with…someday. It’s just impossible to decorate any space that big but I’m not much of a decorator to begin with so who knows if it will ever happen. Saved the “Bookshop” book in my list of “to-reads–but never getting around to them”. Happily, she has several audio books on my app so maybe I’ll actually get to these! (Half-way thru my current audiobook while working on my latest quilt.). Happy Thursday!
Louise Hornor
Big J’s dresser is wonderful! Very special that the wood has family history, too.
Vicki in MN
OMG I didn’t know Big J was so talented, very nice work. I love the new dresser, who gets that?
Diane Harris
My friend, your Thursday posts are the best. They prompt me in thinking of my own gratefulness! “Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” p. 45 of “Discovering God Through the Arts” by Terry Glaspey
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Big J is a very talented woodworker! The space to display a quilt there is a brilliant idea! I like the dresser, too. We still have some favorite items that were wedding gifts, too – from 45 years ago! I like Jenny Colfan’s books, too – in fact I have a couple that are waiting to be read. Have a wonderful Thursday, Wendy!
Hi Wendy, Such wonderful “thinks” for today. I love the woodwork BigJ does. My father-in-law did woodwork and specialized in clocks. We have a bunch of those. The wood your husband has chosen is so warm and wonderful. How thrilling to still have that cookie jar after 34 years! Things like that don’t always last through the growing up years of kids. I love a good read and find that unless I listen to audio books while I sew I never get enough of either sewing or reading. Wilbs remains the star of most of these posts. He certainly does enjoy those sunny locations. Hope you have a great Thursday.
Your husband did an awesome job on the dresser! It’s beautiful! We are planning on moving from NYS to FL in a furnished mobile home in a 55+ park so we’ve been busy going through stuff and boxing it up and getting rid of the furniture. I don’t know what I was thinking.
Connie Wolfe
BigJ is a keeper! Both of the projects are impressive. My thoughts have turned to anticipation of travel and getting together with family. I am “street legal” on tax day after getting my second vaccine this week.
That quilt looks great on the bookshelf. I love that dresser! It’s lovely. And what nice sentimental value to know where the wood came from, too.
Oh my goodness, what a gifted guy that BigJ is. I love the bookcase with the quilt hanging in the middle! So many sweet thoughts today…thanks for sharing!
Nancy Bekedam
Wow, love the furniture that BigJ makes!!!
Carol Andrews
Wendy I truly admire BigJ’s craftsmanship. My brother is a cabinetmaker so I have years of admiring fine work under my belt. The bookshelf and dresser are stunning. Isn’t it funny how some of those “simple” gifts touch our souls? The cookie jar is sweet. Love Wilbs hiding spot and he is sure to enjoy a cuddly blanket.
Sandra Walker
That dresser–! Gorgeous beautiful work and so meaningful. I love the Wilbs photos too; we can learn so much from cats. And, well, of course one of our Great Lakes is another ahhhh.
Kathleen McCormick
Such a lovely post – the lake and sky are gorgeous, Big J’s work is beautiful and Wilbs….handsome as ever!
The dresser is truly impressive, and how cool that the wood came from his father’s property. The books look awesome. Wilbs can almost blend in with the sunbeams. The blanket does he knead it and suck on it? My daughter’s cat used to have one similar and she would do that.