Thursday Thinking
I’ve been thinking about how lovely it is to see all the green outdoors after a long winter. Our days are still chilly here, but the sun is shining, the trees are leafing out, and soon we’ll be planting lovely flowers. I’m hoping my purple iris come up again this year.
I’ve been thinking about how much I enjoyed the quick road trip we took last Friday. These juniper berries caught my eye – so pretty with all the green! If you haven’t read my post about that road trip, you can read it here.
This week, I met a good friend for coffee. We hadn’t seen each other in quite awhile, and it was so good to just sit and visit. We sat outside in the sunshine and very chilly wind, but the conversation was warm and uplifting. I’m looking forward to more face to face conversations with friends this summer.
While I was out and about, I stopped in at a used bookstore and these came home with me. I’m enjoying reading physical books lately and spending less time on the screen.
The Weekly Wilbs
Sometimes the cutest things come from Spice House! He tried so hard to get into that little box. “If it fits, I sits.”
Enjoy today, my friends! Thanks for reading my Thursday Thinking post. Smile, laugh, and spread sunshine to those around you!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Awww, what a cute pic of Wilbs! I’m always amazed at how cats love boxes and even bags!! They are so funny!! I hope you have a very happy Mother’s Day, Wendy. We are going to dinner on Saturday evening with my family because after church on Sunday, we won’t be able to get in anywhere!! I’m looking forward to going to a local place where we haven’t been in a while and has fantabulous food!!
Barbara J Stanbro
I love the juniper berries. I love their perfumy fragrance. I’ve read the Tattooist of Auschwitz. Good book.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love the return of green, too! Our trees are still getting their leaves, but there are little hints of green everywhere. So glad you were able to meet a friend and go to the bookstore. Little by little we’ll return to normal! Love your weekly Wilbs!
Ive read the Tattooist of Auschwitz and loved it – sad but good
Cindy Pieters
Aww that Wilbs, too cute! I’ve read the Tattooist of Auschwitz, it was a good read.
Pretty juniper berries photo, a perfect color inspiration for a quilt 😉 I love how cats like to sit in the most unlikely places!!
Katherine Duquette
Our Iris are on the tail end of their beauty. I hope your blooms are beautiful. Wilbs always makes me smile.
Quilting is in my Blood
Such a gorgeous purple iris. I sure hope it flowers again this year. My cats also love small boxes (well just about any box will do!). What a funny expression on Wilbur’s face!
Those purple iris are so lovely. I hope they bloom again this year. And Wilbs in the Box, nice try. How do cats do that? I can’t fit in there no matter what. It is great to see friends face-to-face and yes, to real books. I’ve always loved holding a book and seldom “read” one on a screen. But I listen to audio books all the time. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day.
Yes, juniper berries are a sign of spring!!! Thank you for the book suggestions … I have them written down. And Wilbs … really Wendy, you need to order bigger packages so he can sit more comfortably!! 🙂
Hi Wendy! Aww, that box is a bit little small but he got himself into it. Sweetheart. Your irises are so pretty! I don’t recall seeing ours last year . . . I have to pay more attention this year. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne
Vicki in Mn
Now could Wilbur find a smaller box, what a silly pilly! I planted three pots of posies so far. Still need to plant more when I figure out where to put them exactly.
Nancy Bekedam
Pretty iris!! Wilbs–LOL!!!
Like you I’m enjoying the green. We marvel at it every time we head to town. As I look at your iris photo, I’m realizing I can probably plant some bulbs here, now that we are farther north! Wilbs knows he’s cute doesn’t he? 😉
Jocelyn Thurston
You’ve hit on so many good good things in this post Wendy. Though we are not really green yet, I’m noticing every little thing that is turning; our eyes just take note after all the whiteness for months. Yes to the irises blooming again. Great that you could meet up with a friend…so necessary. I had a long talk on the road with our next door neighbour- we both seemed starved of conversation and came home feeling good about it. Great books you picked up; I’ve read Toni’s The Bluest Eye and enjoyed it. Yes to less screens and more pages. and Yes to the cat in the box!
Kathleen McCormick
Enjoying the outside immensely! I love the iris…should get a few more of the big ones in my garden, I only have little ones. Wilbs says they need to send a larger box!
Pretty sure I have a very similar picture of juniper berries on my computer (that I can’t access at the moment!) and remember thinking they were just so pretty that I had to catch a picture of it. (This was just in our backyard though; no fun trip involved.) I have read the Tattooist of Auschwitz—good book. I’m always happy to hear someone had coffee with a friend. One of my favorite things!
Patricia Evans
Wilbs definitely needs a bigger box. Spring is so invigorating when each day brings new plants and flowers into bloom. And all the greens with a few shots of red and yellow just make you feel happy. Haven’t read any of those titles, but I prefer physical books to digital ones, although I have listened to some on audio. The library is my favorite place away from home (well except for fabric stores).
Pretty flowers! Wilbur is a cutie!
I love the smell of juniper, little did I realize how much I would miss it after moving away from the west coast. Looks like a good stack of reading. If that box was 1/2 an inch smaller I don’t think Wilbs would fit. Love the pic though. The great aunt’s cat Lucy insisted she could fit in a 2quart strawberry container one day.
Sandra Walker
The Tatooist of Auschwitz is SUCH a good book. It sent me to the internet several times, always an indicator of a good’un. Face to face coffee – ah! I can relate (don’t tell our premier) think I mentioned to you that we had a lovely outdoor visit at my friend Liz’s this past weekend. Those irises of yours–stunning! Must get some.
Carol Andrews
Love the book suggestions Wendy. Coffee with a friend? What fun! Love the Wilbs in a box photo.
Enjoy those books and the coming spring. Wilbur never ceases to amaze me!