Thursday Thoughts
Fall rolls in and I like to start making soup, so that’s been on our menu a few times in the past weeks. I particularly like to make minestrone, because it’s simple and I just kinda toss in whatever I have on hand.
LeeAnna wanted to know apple cider this week. I used to have apple cider in the fall when the kids were little. I’d warm it on the stove with cinnamon and cloves. We don’t do that now – I’m not sure why.
Avocados were on sale the other day at the grocery store, so I made guacamole. I covered it and set it aside while I made the rest of the taco fixings. It was so good! Yum! Not your typical fall food, but we enjoyed it.
I read a few books in October, but not as many as my usual monthly count. I actually read three sci-fi books in October, one of which was well over 500 pages, so that accounts for not getting as many read. It was fun to try something different than my usual genres.
Here are two that I thoroughly enjoyed this month.
One of you recommended this book, so thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The fictional story of three women who serve as nurses during WWII while stationed in the Phillipines. My dad served in the Navy, and most of his tour of duty was in the Phillipines, so this book was interesting to read. It helped me understand some of what my dad would have experienced during those years.
I read this book aloud to hubs, and we enjoyed this interesting story from history that we knew nothing about. Two women, who work for two different publications, race around the world to see if they can beat Phileas Fogg’s 80 days. One woman leaves heading west; the other heading east. One leaves first, the other a few days later. While the publications call it a race, the first one doesn’t realize someone is racing against her until she is well into her travel. If you enjoy books about little known historical events, you’ll enjoy this book.
I have something else to crow about, too.
Look at that! Harry has a beak, legs, and eyes! He’s slowly taking shape, and I’m having such fun putting him together.
The Weekly Wilbs
Just before our trip in October, I bought a new sewing machine travel case. Wilbs, of course, had to do a deep inspection, complete with a long afternoon nap deep inside. All that padding just made it too irresistable. He was nice enough to give me a little pose before he tucked in.
Thanks for sticking around for my Thursday Thoughts. I always enjoy hearing from you, and appreciate it when you give up some of your time to read my blog.
Happy stitching, my friends!

To Do Tuesday

Harry the Crow
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Sounds like you are settling back into your routine now. The books sound interesting, but I’ve got quite a backlog in our library to work through. Love Harry the crow, he’s coming together beautifully.
Cindy Pieters
Wilbs seems to be saying ‘will you please get your picture I feel a nap coming on’. Harry is looking good!
Soup and fall are meant to be together. Beef stew… Vegetable… Chili… Chicken and noodles… Potato… I like to fancy myself one of the world’s best soup makers.
The Joyful Quilter
Fresh guac, a new friend and a fantastic new travel case, Wendy? Good times!!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Guacamole – yum! That sounds good! I have your first book on my hold list at the library – glad to know you liked it. Harry is looking good! What does Wilbs think of him?
Hi Wendy! Guac?!!!! LOVE it. I am picking up avocados this week whether they’re on sale or not. That looks SO darn good. YUM. Eighty days – who knew?!! I’m going to add that to my library picks – how fascinating. What does Wilbs think about Harry? Aww, Wilbs, buddy. That bag looks good on you! {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne P.S. I am so thrilled I can see your post, including pictures today at work! WOWEE!!! I am a lucky b and truly blessed.
laura bruno lilly
Harry is also developing quite a personality – just look at that stance! Wilbs – beware!
Vicki in MN
I guess Wilbs isn’t claustrophobic if he can sleep in that bag, LOL
Your crow will be so fun to have around the house. He looks great! And, of course, Wilbs looks great, too! Unfortunately, it seems that I have less and less time to read these days. Although, I listen to Audible books daily on my way back and forth to work. I read a vast amount of prophecy books, possibly as a result of the times that we are living in. I love them.
I’m glad you enjoyed the WWII book I posted about it on my blog but I had seen it on someone else’s but I don’t remember where. The book of the two women and the race sounds interesting. I like soup and bread for the evening meal in the winter. One of my favorites is a pasta and bean soup with little meatballs – I believe it is just called Italian Meatball Soup.
Barbara J Stanbro
Cute picture of Wilbur. Typical cat. If I fits, I sits. I have a picture of Smitty that looks almost like that.
Yum guac! My downfall is that I like it with chips. Harry is looking quite real – is Wilbs a fan? Love that pic of him and can imagine him burrowing in the bag. The sci-fi books weren’t the ones above that you mentioned, right?
LA Paylor
betcha wilbur wondered why you took his new nest and not him…. the books look very interesting, pass me a bowl of guac please it looks so pretty in the grinding bowl, and what a pretty scene to sit and watch nature in
Hot soup in fall and winter … cold soup in summer… guess we all love that, because it is one pot cooking… and we are in an age to simply call it soup…
My favorite is chicory soup with chopped little bacon pieces… or typical german … pickled cabbage and mincemeat. I know our nickname is „the krauts“.. because Germans love to eat cabbage… lol
Or as well quickly done and healthy, onion soup, chopped old bread rosted in a pan and getting some parmesan on top and that in the hot onion soup…and a good white wine, music and a lovely thing to handsewing, that means relax time or?
The raven… oh Wilbs, please let him alive, he is your friend! But you will ever be the No. 1 in our hearts.
The posture of the head of the raven is as cheeky as Wilbs can, or?
Today is the little Friday and I am always love to check at this day the blog! Thanks for this Wendy!
Rochelle Summers
Love the photo of your feet on the chair. I was actually thinking you might have sunshine and warmth and was jealous as we had much need snow and teens overnight. Soup is so good to have and also stew (tonight’s dinner). Love the crow and am looking forward to full on post about Harry. And then there is Wilbs. Do you think he knew you were planning a trip? Or is it just his very curious mind that takes him into that bag?
At first glance, I thought you had a real live crow at your machine!!! I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that it was Harry!!!
Thanks for the book recommendations!
Kathleen McCormick
I love soup at this time of year….need to make some next week! Love that you read a book to Big J…was this on your trip? Fun bag and fun kitty playing and sleeping in the bag. Love the way the crow is looking!
Yay for avocados. That crow is awfully cute. and I love Wilbs!
The Morning Latte
I was just telling hubs that we needed to get some apple cider (that may or may not have something to do with spiking it and taking it golfing to keep warm!). What’s fall without it?!? And the guac! Yummy–all year round! Harry is looking fantastic so far and silly, silly Wilbs–what a character!
Jocelyn Thurston
Oh my that Wilbs! How nice to know your bag passed inspection. Thanks for sharing your book list, always neat to see what folks are enjoying. Your avocado dish looks delicious, I just know I would love it. I am a big fan of home made soups too and yes the season is upon us, though staying strangely warm here still. Harry is amazing!
Vicki Welsh
Thanks for the book recommendations!
Sandy Panagos
A really good non-fiction book about the nurses in the Philipines is “We Band of Angels: The Untold Story of American Nurses Trapped on Bataan by the Japanese” by Elizabeth M. Norman. I think you would enjoy it. I’ve read a bit about Nellie Bly, but would love to know more. Thanks for recommending. (Why is the pit in your guac?)
Sue Hoover
Welcome back! Glad you managed to escape for a little while. My October was pretty much spent away too. Wilbs always cracks me up!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
We have been tucking into soups here, too. There’s nothing better when the weather is cooler out! It looks like Harry will be finished soon (or maybe he is already and I’m just too behind on my blog reading to have gotten there, yet!). 🙂
I so enjoy these reports and photographs of your activities. Reading about all that food has made me hungry! Harry the Crow is spectacular!!! I did not realise when I saw bits of him in previous posts that he was going to turn into such a handsome, three dimensional chap. What a feat. Congratulations.