Thursday Thoughts
Happy to Stay Home
Hubs and some friends went up north to do some ice fishing. I was happy to stay home where it was warm and I had a nice, cozy bed (and Wilbs!) to keep me warm. The guys stayed in a cabin, and the first night they were there, hubs stepped out on the porch to see that a lone wolf had come up nice and close to the cabin, leaving his tracks.
They didn’t see any more of him or others while they were there. They did, however, catch fish. Hubs brought home a few and they are tasty!
Small Gangs Everywhere
I told Sally and Connie that when we get together for our sew days, we each need this shirt.
I’m pretty sure, throughout the quilting universe, there are small gangs everywhere. That brings a smile to my face!
Quilt Studio Renovation Update
I’d like to tell you that my reason for not posting much is because I’m moving into my studio – but not quite yet. However, things are progressing! The lighting and beams are up, the cabinet frame is in and stained, and the floor is done.
The cabinet and drawer fronts (lower) are being completed. Once those are done, the design wall will be installed. Once that is done, I should be able to move in, I think! My furniture won’t be done for a bit, since I need to get drawings to my brother, and I’m still deciding how I want things to look.
What I’m Sewing
I’m currently working on a second one of this pouch, which will be for hubs to keep in his truck. It is in gray and red. Watch for a post soon!
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs hasn’t been very enthused about much lately, either, just happy to “sleep deep” in my lap.
Tundra (our daughter’s dog), on the other hand, is enthused about pretty much everything, except when she is gone. Then he is a little blue and happy to snuggle close until she gets home.
And that, my friends, are my Thursday Thoughts I have to share with you. Thanks for stopping by and reading my post!

Open Up Box Pouch

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Thursday Views
May 20, 2021
Wet Weekend
June 25, 2024
Barbara J Stanbro
Wow…your sewing room looks fantastic. Beautiful flooring.
Katherine Duquette
Your flooring is going to make your sewing cleanup swift. It is so nice not to be looking for pins stuck in carpeting and stubborn thread clippings.
We all are happy to see it’s almost move in time. Happy sewing.
Rochelle Summers
Meant to tell you in your last post how much I like the hubby’s bag design and will enjoy seeing it in gray and red. Are you taking more construction photos this time? Your sewing studio is coming right along. Custom made furniture sounds so nice. And so good to see Wilbs. The calendar may say spring but it seems Wilbs calendar doesn’t agree!!
LA Paylor
so exciting about the new sewing space. Love Wilbur and Tundra… ice fishing… not as much lol
Kathleen McCormick
I love that shirt your husband found….laughing at the concept of quilting gangs! Of course, we do have weapons…rotary cutters at the ready. I can’t wait for you to be in your room. So fun your brother is making your furniture for you. Anything you are stuck on….let me know. Vicarious decorating is almost as much fun as vicarious quilting!
looks like you might be cold with blankets or quilts on you to snuggle under on your chair. I always get too warm to do that and usually just put a sweater on if I am chilled. Fresh fish sounds nice but I don’t like to go catch them – I find fishing boring – do you? your sewing room is coming along nicely – it takes awhile if you do not hire someone to do the work – that floor looks wonderful
The Morning Latte
Love the tee! Perfect! Your renovation is coming along nicely. I bet you’re already planning what goes where on/in those cabinets! Looking forward to the finish! (As I’m sure you are!)
Jocelyn Thurston
Neat tracks! Wonderful feed of fish and if the men are anything like my SIL who loves to stay overnight in an ice fishing shack, they had a great time. Meanwhile, wow the sewing studio is going to be remarkable, Wendy. How nice you get to snuggle with two adored pets like that and they are matching too. LOL PS I missed you!
Sara Fridley
Your sewing studio looks like it will be fabulous with all that cabinet space. Give Wilbs an extra petting!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I would have been all to happy to stay home from an ice fishing trip as well, but it looks like you get to benefit from it anyway! The weather sure is ideal for staying in and cuddling still. We’ve had snow on the ground the past 2 mornings. Such a wet winter and spring for us here in Central CA.
Cozy days at home — nothing better! Your quilt room is looking great!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
That wood floor is so pretty!!!
Vicki in MN
Great catch there Big J! Wendy I think you were so lucky to stay home and be warm and get Wilbur cuddles;) The floor of your new room is awesome! I am sure you are just chomping at the bit to get all your stuff in there. That shirt is a hoot!
Yay for small gangs of quilters!
The progress on your studio one extremely exciting!?
Cocoa Quilts
Nothing beats fresh caught fish for dinner!!! And some for the freezer. I can’t imagine how excited you are for you studio to be done!! It is looking beautiful!
The T-Shirt is great – love the slogan. Wood flor is fantastic – such a great color. And you will love it because of easy cleaning.
The animal was a little bigger cat at hubs cabin than Wilbs…. good that he or they do not want to snuggle.
He did a great hunting… and fresh fish is healthy food. Companionship of your pets is great. The new pouch is a very good inspiration. Great to have this post back!
Quilting is in my Blood
Your quilting studio renovation is looking great. I’d love for it to be transplanted to New Mexico, especially that gorgeous floor!!!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Your hubby’s fishing trip sounds like quite and adventure and I’m very excited for you getting a new bespoke studio 🙂
That wolf got a little too close for me. What kind of fish are those, and how do you prepare them? Your studio is looking fantastic – love the floors! Wilbs and Tundra are livin’ the life aren’t they! 😀
Ooh – lots of good stuff. Lots of fish. The quilting studio looks great!
Angela Grasse
Your studio is looking amazing!