Thursday Thoughts
I have some Thursday Thoughts to share with you today. Thanks to Helen (Wordweaver Art) whose post reminded me that it’s Thursday and I need to join in the I Like Thursday group hosted by Not Afraid of Color. It’s been ages since I’ve written a post for this group, but here I am!

Hubs and I went out to breakfast recently. We rarely do that, so I decided to go all out and have a vanilla latte. If I could do foam art like that (I’ve never tried), I’d have a little art on my coffee every morning! What did I eat along with the coffee? Steelcut oats – this coffee shop has the best, with loads of toppings. Yum!
LeeAnna suggested we write about spices, so here are my answers to her questions.
Most Used Spice(s)

These are three of our go-to spices here at Pieceful Thoughts. The Italian Herb Blend and Back of the Yards are two spices that I will use when the dish needs a little something but I don’t know what. Everything Bagel is used for avocado toast and I also love to put it on my hummus.

Lately we have been using this chimchurri sauce – we are addicted. It goes on our burgers, salmon, eggs, hummus – we find excuses to use it. Haha. In this photo, it has been sitting in our fridge, so the oil has solidified a bit. I didn’t think to take a photo right after I had mixed it up. All of the spices I’ve mentioned are from The Spice House (no affiliation).
Did I grow up with these spices? No, I sure didn’t! One of my favorite memories from growing up was when mom would make Hamburger Stroganoff. It was a special meal for my dad, and she would bring out the garlic. I am pretty sure we had the same garlic in the cupboard throughout my entire life growing up (okay, I exaggerate, but not by much). It came from the store in a little box of two heads (tiny heads) wrapped in cellopane. That was the only time garlic was used, as far as I know. My mom was a good cook, but most of our food was standard fare and lightly spiced.
Do I store spices in the same jars or special holders? As you can see in the photo above, I use leftover jars, either the ones the spices came in, or ones that have been relabeled. Nothing fancy, here. As long as it’s labeled well, I’m good!
Do you grow your own? We usually grow basil, rosemary and oregano in a pot on our deck, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. The rosemary is grown because hubs likes it; I do not, so I ignore that particular herb whenever I can.
Do I use any unusual spices, and how do I use it? Not necessarily unusual, but we have a particular chile spice from New Mexico that I use when I make guacamole. It adds a little bit of heat to the guac and takes it up a notch. The other not unusual spice we use is Smoked Paprika. It’s unusual because a friend brought it from Poland and gave it to us. It has a lovely, deep smoky flavor that gives dishes an extra boost.
Other foods I like? We like to try different foods. Sometimes we enjoy making them at home, experimenting with new recipes. Other times, we like to go to new or favorite restaurants. Hubs would go for anything Italian, while I tend to like spicier dishes, so either Asian or Mexican.
So there’s my spicy life! You might have noticed I have some fall decor up. I particularly like this corner in my kitchen.

The little pig really has nothing to do with fall, I just like him and didn’t want to stick him back in storage! And I will admit that the flowers are fake. As much as I would love real flowers throughout my home, I have a cat who likes to eat them, so I have to be careful about real flowers.
In my last post, I showed you one of my new coffee mugs. Here’s the other, since we are on a fall theme at the moment.

This is my current favorite mug each morning. I like the shape and the handle, and I’m pretty sure coffee tastes better in it. This is the second mug I bought at JoAnns, when I was supposed to be buying buttons. You know how it goes . . . you go in for one little thing and come out with a whole lot more. Haha!
The Weekly(ish) Wilbs
Well, it’s been forever and a day that I’ve posted The Weekly Wilbs. I thought you might enjoy this photo.

If there is an open bag, Wilbs has to check out what’s in it. It might be the purrfect spot for a nap, if he can get in it. This time, he just gave it a good inspection and then moved on to other things.
That’s my Thursday Thoughts for today, thanks for sticking with me! I’m leaving for a weekend quilting retreat today, so I may not respond to your comments until I get home. I do enjoy reading your comments, however, so feel free to leave one!
Happy Thursday, all!

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Barbara J Stanbro
Fun post about your spices. My pig-loving friend Sue would love your pig.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That’s another fun mug – perfect for fall! You have some interesting spice mixes, too. I’m a Mexican food fan, so any of those spices in any kind of combination sound good to me!
Smoked paprika is my favorite spice! I think I originally bought it at Penzees, and Danny and I went crazy for it. I also love Northwoods Fire from Penzees. It’s my go-to spice to give veggies a little kick.
I don’t know when I last found a coffee shop that served the coffee in a ceramic mug and not a paper cup! I do wish I knew where they were!! I love to grow rosemary and put a sprig or two in a roast of any type whether that be a turkey, chicken, pork or beef.
Rochelle Summers
Not fond of Rosemary either. I love Curry and Cumin. Grew up with plain cooking…Meat Tenderizer was considered as seasoning. So I have more variety here at home. Just not too hot. Wilbs is always entertaining. I think when cats quit being curious we know something is wrong.
We also like smoked paprika! Rosemary is the Hubster’s favorite herb! Is that a Hub thing? Ha!
Good thing I live a 2 hours away from JoAnn’s…I am definitely one of those who would come out with lots that wasn’t on her list! 🙂
Angela Grasse
I am sure the coffee tastes better in that lovely mug!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Have a fantastic time at your retreat! Your spices sound delicious. We like to use Slap Ya Mama (original blen) cajun seasoning on our avocado toast. My mother-in-law recommended it, and it makes me giggle and think of her every time I pull it out of the cupboard!
Hi Wendy! Oh, you could do foam art with your eyes closed!! It is SO easy. Try it sometime! That corner of your kitchen is so pretty. The colors!! That has to make you smile as you’re making your avocado toast (YUM), etc. Ahh, Wilbs! And David Baldacci!! I have that book on hold at the library. I’m #2089 or something like that. No rush! Happy Thursday to you, my friend. I’m glad you’re back and posting your likes. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Kathleen McCormick
Coffee and steel oats sounds yum! I love spices but don’t vary alot in what I use. I Back of the Yards one you mix or buy mixed? I, too, like the everything on avocado toast! Wilbur needs to know what is in everything – that is his job. Your fall decorations are so lovely!
Jocelyn Thurston
I enjoyed reading about your journey with spices, Wendy. I grew up with salt and pepper! Your new mug is perfect…I can actually tell what it would feel like to hold. I love using different mugs, something Tony does not understand. Also I used to love shopping at JoAnn’s in the years we’d cross the border. Now it is available to us online. Always wondered why they didn’t come to Canada. And that super snoop Wilbs!
laura bruno lilly
Oh my dear Wendy – that ‘back of the yards’ spice is pure Chicago! And Southside – my Dad’s neighborhood (Mawicke (Ma) was Northside, BTW, I thought you’d be interested)
Didn’t you buy a Mawicke mug years ago? (the artist, she’d be my second cousin age-wise, third generationally)
Why do our cats want to eat flowers!? It’s going to get cold tomorrow night, so I have to bring all of my house plants who’ve spent the summer on the back porch back inside. There are a few that the can just will not leave alone.
Vicki in MN
We don’t use a lot of spices around here except for the common ones. Mom never used anything fancy either. I like this new coffee cup, I looked at some yesterday and thought no I don’t have room for any more! Hope you are having loads of fun at retreat.
That bag must have been too crowded for Wilbs – shame on you. 😉 Didn’t make it to Joann’s the other day, so coffee mugs still await me! You and I have very similar tastes in herbs – I also love smoked paprika and I mix Everything Bagel into my plain hummus. 😀 I buy spices from Spice House too. Is your retreat in a pretty place? I bet you are having a blast!
Judy B
I’m familiar with Italian Herb blend and Everything Bagel! But I had to go look up Back of the Yards. Sounds wonderful! I should place an order! I like new mugs too, but my cupboards are full of mugs. Mr Busy has two he rotates, me , I have many more I like!
Wilbs is a curious cat! As most are. He is so handsome! Enjoy your retreat! I’m off to a quilt show this weekend. Big doings in my neck of the woods! 🙂
What a lovely spicey post. Now I know a bit more about you.
Enjoy your weekend quilting retreat.
The Morning Latte
Ha–a friend just gave me that exact coffee mug.
A fun post! My mom kept things pretty simple so no, I didn’t grow up with herbs and spices really but I never cook without them. And yeah, I do have a few weird ones.
Quilting is in my Blood
Fun post about your spices. I also didn’t grow up with a lot of spice, but my mom did like garlic which I also love. Cute pic of Wilbs.