Thursday Thoughts
My days just seem to blur together as the week goes by. We had a very quiet weekend, with just the two of us here at home. It got a bit exciting on Sunday afternoon, when we had snow – more than was expected. Our son was traveling home from 20 minutes away, and spun out and ended up in the ditch. Thankfully he and his car are fine, and someone came by and offered to pull him out. So we are welcoming the warmer temps and watching the snow disappear.
I like that I have finished my Round Robin quilt and will be bringing it to Connie tomorrow for her to quilt. I’m so excited to see what she comes up with! Meanwhile I’ve been playing with a bit of improv, and enjoying it quite a bit.
I’ve read two books in the past two weeks. I enjoyed them both.
Of the two, I would say I probably enjoyed Among the Lesser Gods (by Margo Catts) more, but both are worth reading if you are looking for a new read.
The Weekly Wilbs
Even Wilbs was enjoying the warm sunshine. He likes laying right here, where we can’t find him because he blends in. He’s looking a bit cranky because I startled him and then tried to get him to look at me. He just wanted to go back to sleep!
And that’s my short and sweet Thursday Thoughts. I hope you are enjoying warm sunshine and good things this week, too!

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Cindy Pieters
Snow melting is happening here too, Yeah! Wilbs does blend in.
So grateful your son was OK! My husband and I spun out during a snow storm in NE Oklahoma on our way back to college once. We didn’t end up in a ditch, but it was pretty scary. LOL on Wilbs! He looks so sweet to me. Were you watering your yard when the snow hit (hose on the sidewalk)? 😉
glad to see you are melting out we have one tiny patch still melting that is in the shade and that is still there because it is where Mike had shoveled a narrow path to the bird feeders and it was the biggest pile in the yard and happened to be where the shade is the deepest. I will look at the two books and see if they are something I would want – thanks always looking for more books to read.
LOL @Wilbs!!! Can’t wait to see your project! Have a safe and happy day!
May the sun continue to shine for you and the days become more distinct
Sandra Walker
I find it hilarious how expressive cats are; Bella looked at me much the same, and everyone noticed on Instagram, when I took a photo of her on my chest. She was ‘in the zone’ clearly, as Wilbur is, and not amused at having a phone stuck in the face. Yay for spring feels, and thank you for two more book recommendations. I’m off to Libby and then if they aren’t digital or audio, to the library site to put them on hold…because I have no others to read or on hold…bahaha.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Wilbs gave you “the look!!” So glad your son and his car are ok. I’m looking forward to seeing your finish for the SAHRR!!
Vicki in MN
I agree that the days and weeks blend together and go by in a blurr!! So glad the snow was melting away.
Judy B
So glad to hear your son and his car are ok! Snow icy roads are so dangerous! Thanks for the book recommendations. Both look great!
Cheree Hull
Good to see some melting going on and glad your son is okay! Some good reading time sounds great, as does Wilbs’ time in the sun. I think I’m finally ready for some warmth!
Hi Wendy! Oh how exciting that your Round Robin quilt top is complete! I cannot wait to see how Connie quilts it – that always causes me angst. So glad your DS is just fine after the accident and what a relief to see all the sunshine and melting snow. Nice and slow is good so we don’t have flooding, too. You startled Wilbs?!! He does look a bit crabby – it’s nap time. Leave me alone. HAHA! ~smile~ Roseanne
So happy your son is okay…and his car too. New snow. I do love a little snow now and again. What I don’t enjoy so much are the teases of spring in January and February followed by two or three more months of winter. I’ll be looking for those books at the library. I’m sure you will show us the quilting on the round robin when it comes back, even though we will have seen the completed top before. As for Wilbs, I didn’t want to say he looked upset but since you said it first I can say it, too.
Jocelyn Thurston
Margo’s book is on one of my lists to read, Wendy. So glad to hear you liked it. Meanwhile, how fortunate to have snow melt. Though warm today with sun, it will melt roof tops but not ground here. Wow, so happy your son was fine which is the main thing. A bonus that the car was okay and especially nice to hear of the kindness of strangers. AHH, Mr. Wilbs seeking sunny spots just like my Murphy.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Sunshine and melting snow are always a good sight! We got about 3 inches overnight after several days in the 60s. Mother Nature is teasing us! 😉 So glad your don hot home safely! I’ll put those books on my list. Have you read American Dirt? It’s our book club book for March and I just finished it yesterday. Very powerful! Looks like Wilbur was not happy about his sunny nap being interrupted!
angels watched your son… whew… we got about 12″ of snow last night… woke to blinding sunshine ice and covered surfaces. Wilburrrrrr (I always channel Mr. Ed when I hear wilbur) is so cute, Milo would love him
Thank you for your book recommendations! I’ve added them to my list!!
Wilbs obviously loves the sun!! 🙂
laura bruno lilly
What a lovely view from your quilting window…it’s a wonder you can get any quilting done!
Patricia Evans
After two sunny days, one in the 50’s and today in the 30’s, our snow pack is gradually shrinking and the icicles have fallen off the gutters (one with a very loud crash). Looking forward to seeing your Round Robin. And more books to add to my Goodreads list, not that I’ll ever get to all of them. Enjoy your weekend.
Kathy Swallows
That’s a scary way to end a Sunday. Thankfully all was well. The snow was pretty for a couple of days, but now it’s all gone here too. I’m ready for a bit of spring.
I have recently had my weeks start to blend together. It’s so weird. I can see why you enjoy the view – very pretty!
I like the snow melting too. Glad your son was ok after his wee accident. Wilbs is definitely not amused, but laying in the sun is a great pastime, Bobbin thoroughly grees.
Glad you got some sunshine and that your son & his car were ok!
Carol Andrews
so glad your son and the car are all right. Sunshine, melting snow, good books and Wilbs do make the week better.