Thursday Thoughts
We recently went to Duluth, and enjoyed walking along the lakewalk. I like the long water views of Lake Superior.
I just finished reading this book, the latest of the Gamache series by Louise Penny. I enjoyed the book very much.
While in Duluth, we sat on the beach late in the evening and looked at the stars. It was a beautiful night!
Fall is in the air here in Minnesota, and my flowers are coming to the end of their summer days. The colors in these coleus leaves would be pretty in a quilt or painting.
We browsed through a local furniture store, and I spied this yellow chair. It was very comfy. I think I need it for my quilt room someday.
The Weekly Wilbs
I couldn’t find Wilbs one morning. I went to the closet to get a can of his cat food, and looked up . . .
and there he was, up on the top shelf, curled up on a duffle bag, and looking pretty smug!
I hope you enjoyed my Thursday Thoughts after all these weeks. Maybe I can get back on schedule now!
What about you – what are your Thursday Thoughts today?

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To Do Tuesday 61
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Cindy Pieters
What pretty coleus leaves, they would make a wonderful colour palette. Oh that Wilbs!
The Joyful Quilter
I have several friends who are Louise Penny fans. I still haven’t read one of her books. That photo of Wilbs is TOO funny! He really like to survey his territory, doesn’t he?!
Very pretty coleus leaves. I have several varieties this year and have so enjoyed them!
Beautiful pics from Duluth! We love it there!
I transplanted a Hibiscus and will see how it does inside over the winter- an experiment for me.
I hate to say good-bye to summer and my flowers but I guess it’s time… The beauty of Fall is something to look forward to. I have warmed up the house with apple crisp in the oven and applesauce on the stove. Although we didn’t harvest as many apples this year as other years.
Wilbs is pretty agile to get to the nooks and crannies he does! Such entertainment! 😃
I always enjoy what I call your “vista” photos with the beautiful skies. I love Wilbs’ expression, so proud of himself! Your coleus leaves are stunning. I love coleus plants for the landscape. We found a variety for our garden this summer that makes a full round bush and doesn’t have the sprouty blooms that I normally have to clip. I looked it up and I think it is Premium Sun Crimson Gold. I think you need that chair!
Vicki in MN
I thought Wilbs might have been hiding in one of the kids’ rooms in hopes they would return. A yellow chair not the orange one????
Katherine Duquette
I could see a fall color themed quilt draped on that yellow chair with Wilbs curled up napping. Happy end of summer.
a walk along a lake sounds perfect. Cats have the weirdest sense of where to get comfy at. If I had room in my sewing for a chair I would get something that had a foot stool to then you can really chill out
You know, Wilbsy would look so good curled up in that yellow chair!
the coleus and orange begonia are SO pretty… love that chair and love wilbur….the intrepid mountain climber
Kathleen McCormick
That chair is lovely….too bad it isn’t citronickle! Wilbur is too funny, he really does like the lofty spots.
Nancy Bekedam
Beautiful photo from the boardwalk in Duluth!!! Fun to sit on the beach until dark, too. Super cute chair! You take the orange one and I’ll take the blue one!!! My Thursday thoughts–I better get going! I’ve got to open the quilt shop this morning, and I know it’s a mess, cuz I worked last night and it was the first night of beginning quiltmaking class!
Rochelle Summers
Beautiful photos. That yellow chair is bright. Even piled with fabric, you could still find it . The trip to Duluth sounds like fun. I’m on the waiting list at the library for the Louise Penney book….long wait!! That Wilbs. Was he giving you a message…no more travelling! Stay home with me!
Your view from the walk in Duluth looks beautiful! We’re just getting ready to go walk along the bay here in Depoe Bay, Oregon, and look for the gray whales. So hooray for getaways! I have the Louise Penny book on my hold list – it’s really popular! Looking forward to reading it!
Hi Wendy! That walkway in Duluth!!! Oh, I want to walk on that. Wasn’t it not too long ago that it was flooded? Maybe two years ago? If so, they rebuilt it nicely. Those coleus leaves are just gorgeous! That would make a lovely quilt – I can’t wait to see your interpretation of it – handing off another squirrel project. I still think the tiles would be a fab tote! LOVE the lines on that yellow chair. It has a very mod mid-60s vibe, and comfy to boot?!! I say definitely get it. It’s cheery – perfect for the upcoming long winter. Well, Sir Wilbs. Did you come out when breakfast was served?!! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
thinking the coleus might be a rex begonia?
Oh! You could be right! I usually put begonias in that planter! (Facepalm)
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I enjoyed your photos. Your leaves have amazing colours and I love the yellow chair. I hope it finds its way into your quilt room 🙂
Haven’t been to Duluth in a long, long time – looks beautiful. I’m two books behind on Gamache. Need to get back to them! What a rough life of a kitty cat!
Patricia Evans
I too, thought the plant was a begonia, not a coleus. It’s pretty no matter what it is. I just started the Louise Penny book last night. I love that series. Funny where cats manage to get themselves to.
Jocelyn Thurston
Yes to everything in this post. High up Wilbs especially cute. I wonder what colour would that chair be called exactly. The Coleus are beautiful too.
Love your autumn flowers photo. Wilbs in the closet cracked me up!!!
Rose Mikulski
Kathleen is right about the chair not being in Citronickle but I could see me sitting in that yellow chair when I come for a visit. Pretty sure I would have to fight Wilbs for it unless he would accept cuddling on my lap. Gorgeous photos, I love Fall colors.
Emily Leachman
Wilbs looks like he is wondering why you are bothering him in his closet perch. I love Duluth and that area; we took a few family vacations there in my high school years.
I have seen your art quilts. I think you would use the colors of that coleus with the begonia and make something fabulous! I want to go to Duluth! Don’t ask me why. Maybe it is all the William Kent Kreuger books I have read. Wilbs, however did you get there?
Carol Andrews
You really do need that chair Wendy. Lovely lakeside walk. You must have enjoyed that both during the day and the night. Your coleus’ are pretty. They would make a beautiful palette of colours for a quilt. Oh Wilbs just keeps me in stitches with the hides holes he finds. He does like to be up high. Makes me wonder how he manages it sometimes. 😉