Thursday Threads
I know I’ve said this before, but I love these little Petit Four Baskets (ByAnnie Pattern – free). This one was made for me by my sweet friend, Tracie. I love how it works perfect for my mini tailor’s clapper, and my small rulers and other little things.
I’m currently reading this book and enjoying it. It’s the third I’ve read by this author. Her other two books are The Chilbury Ladies Choir and Dragonfly. I highly recommend them all.
A Little Chuckle
Maybe you’ve seen this video, but I had to share it with you today. It makes me laugh each time I see it. The albatross is one of my favorite birds with their graceful flying and not-so-graceful landing. Enjoy! (If the video link doesn’t work, go to YouTube and search “Cornell Lab Bird Cam Albatross Landing Funny”. Watch with sound off, unless you prefer unnecessary disalogue.)
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs likes to check out my sewing table from time to time. I was asking him what he was up to – he wasn’t telling. (For those curious – the Shout bottle contains water).
Thanks for stopping by and reading my Thursday Threads. Enjoy your day, my friends!

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Those little baskets are cute, I’ve made some. Looks like Wilbs might have some secrets he’s keeping.
Cute Wilbs! Cute baskets! Have a great day and a safe week!
laura bruno lilly
Hilarious way to start my day – that bird vid hits the spot! (pun intended)
Good morning, Wendy! Ooh-la-la! Cross stitch DMC threads – we keep ours exactly as you do. I do not have a tailor’s clapper but I really think I need to pick one up. Thanks for the book recommendations – I will check those out! That video!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG – when he gets himself up and all straightened out, like nothing happened. HAHA. Thanks for that giggle this morning. Aww, Wilbs. You are so darn cute – you can peek in there any old time you want. ~smile~ Roseanne
cute basket and good idea on the use of the shout bottle – always good to recycle!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
That video was hillarious! Thanks for that laugh this morning. And Wilbs is like, “Hey what are you doing in that box?” LOL My cross stitch threads are in a box similar…now if I could only find them!!
Nancy Bekedam
Loved the vid! I must put one of those baskets on my to-do list–they’re so cute! I just finished reading The Kitchen Front last week and loved it! Here are two other kitchen/cooking books that are fun: The Enlightenment of Bees, and Becoming the Talbot Sisters.
Judy B
I’m going to check out that basket pattern. I have a similar one, bot I like the top edge binding on yours,
Kudos for recycling the spray bottle. I do that too, much to my DH’s chagrin!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Thursday Threads is a perfect title for your Thursday post! I still have that pattern for the Petit Four basket saved – you’ve reminded me I still need to make one. I’m putting those books on my library list today. Is Wilbur peeking through your sewing machine? Love that!
Cheree Hull
I’m assuming he came in for this graceful landing to show off for the lady–didn’t quite work out! HA! Found both books in digital form at the library just now–put a hold on the Kitchen one and was able to get the Choir right away. No idea if I’ll get them read. I have three others going and never seem to get to them but there is all this rain going on….
Wendy, you come up with such wonderful books to recommend. I loved “The Chilbury Ladies Choir” and believe I will like this one as well. So, I’ve requested it at the library. That video was hilarious. Nothing to do but get up and shake it off like it’s just a normal day. Wilbs always brings a smile. He doesn’t let anything get by him at all. And you do know how to frame a phot. Thank you for putting a smile on my face this morning.
Jocelyn Thurston
Very cute baskets, wish I could get around to making something useful like that. I’ve seen birds have rough landings, the provincial bird of Newfoundland is the Atlantic Puffin and they are known for hard and humorous landings, but I’ve never seen one like that albatross. Such a big bird to be upended. Oh that Wilbs…so cute!
Cocoa Quilts
Great video, sure did make me smile. Just goes to show you, when things don’t go as planned, just get up and move along.
I was just thinking today that I need to make a petit four basket! This is clearly a sign that I need to get a move on!
Kathleen McCormick
Great video….I think his pride was definitely hurt…showing off for the sitting bird didn’t quite work out. Wilbur does have fun doesn’t he! Love that little basket too. I want to make one for my fat quarter collections, which seem to need a space of their own…one day.
Kathleen McCormick
I forgot to ask, are you rename your Thursday posts?
Oh, silly Wilbs!
Love that photo of the colored threads!
So many pretty colors of thread! Any landing you can walk away from is a good one? lol. Wilbur! You’re a cutie!
Not sure which is more amusing, Wilbur peeking round the corner or the albatross that lost its dignity! Thanks for the chuckles and inspiration
I wonder why Albatrosses can’t land very well? Does make you giggle though. Love the header with the floss, it is so pretty. Maybe Wilbs was contemplating evil? Cute little basket
Sue Hoover
Your Petit Fours basket IS adorable! The albatross video cracked me up too. Thanks for the laugh!